Martin Fisk, CEO of Menslink
Now in its 10th year, the Menslink Business Breakfast has become one of Canberra’s premier fundraising and networking events.
This year’s breakfast will be held on September 19 from 7am to 9am, with all 520 tickets already sold out to a diverse collection of business, community, education and political leaders keen to show their support for Menslink.
Menslink, which turned 15 this year, provides free counselling and mentoring to young Canberra men who are going through a tough time, or need a positive male role model in their lives.
Martin Fisk, CEO of Menslink, says “Money raised from the breakfast will help us to provide over 2500 free counselling and mentoring sessions to troubled or isolated young men, with demand growing more than 25% every year. It will also help us deliver our critical Silence is Deadly message (which encourages young men to seek help or help a mate in need) to over 10,000 young men right across the Canberra region in schools, universities and sporting clubs.
“The breakfast has been running for 10 years, and our first breakfast was attended by just 30 people. Having 520 guests this year is a testament to the importance of the work that Menslink does and the support we provide young men and their predominantly single Mum families.
“In fact, this year one of our mums will be talking about her journey; how she escaped a challenging family situation, and how Menslink have helped her sons deal with the trauma and turn their lives around. She says she could not have wished for a more positive outcome for her boys.”
Alan Tongue, ACT nominee for Australian of the Year, is another keynote speaker and will talk about domestic violence and the importance of working with young men to prevent future incidences.
“I will also be speaking about the work Menslink does in our community and the results we achieve,” says Martin. “We remind all of our sponsors that they’re not just making a donation, they’re investing in their community’s future by supporting young men who may be their next employee, customer or neighbour.”

Major partner of Menslink, Canberra Community Bank® Group (which owns four Bendigo Community Bank branches: Curtin, Calwell, Jerrabomberra and Wanniassa) will be there to show their support, after recently increasing and extending their contribution to Menslink for another three years.
“As a major partner of Menslink, the Canberra Community Bank Group offers us significant financial support throughout the entire year which goes directly towards running our major programs,” says Martin.
The Breakfast will be supported by more than 45 different organisations across almost every industry in Canberra, including banking (represented by the Canberra Community Bank Group), financial services, building, real estate, legal, marketing, utilities, ACT government directorates, car dealerships, chemists, ACT police and ADFA.
To learn more about Canberra Community Bank® Group, pop in to any one of their branches in Calwell, Curtin, Jerrabomberra or Wanniassa.
For more information about Menslink, the Business Breakfast, or counselling and mentoring programs (including becoming a mentor of a young man in need), visit Menslink.org.au.
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