11 September 2008

CAP Hacked!

| johnboy
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As you can see from the screen shot the Community Alliance Party website was hacked tonight.

I’d advise against visiting a hacked site unless you are extremely confident in your computer’s security. But for the brave the link is http://www.cap.org.au/.

CAP people have been in contact with us making dire imprecations against other political parties but without evidence we won’t be the ones making those claims.

More on this as it develops…

(and for god’s sake guys restore from your backups eh?)

[ED – after an outage from 7pm to sometime around midnight the site appears to be back]

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tom-tom, I was quite proud of the James Kirk thread actually (I still think it was some sad sack in PALM who was responsible). I notice Mike’s been silent today about this, and the other.

a star trek joke? right, thats it! i’m going to write that one down; stew on it for 6 months then quote it out of context next time you disagree with me! πŸ˜‰

Tom-Tom, If it wasn’t me, maybe it was Captain Kirk? πŸ™‚

aurelius; did you do this to take revenge on mike crowther after he dredged up your 6 month old star trek joke yesterday?

LG, hardly surprising that the established parties would have a go at the fringe-dwelling whingepots, but when the Greens are telling you you’ve got no policies, things are pretty bad πŸ™‚

Aurelius said :

Hey JB, I wanna hear what the CAP’s allegations were.
Who were they claiming had done what?
That might be worth a giggle.

According the the ABC news last night, the Greens were having a go at CAP at their official launch.

Something about people running for the ACT Election with the approach of “Vote for me, I’m a nice person. Sure I don’t have any policies but I have a bit of an idea where I’d head” (not direct quote)

Conspiracy? Perhaps not πŸ˜‰

Jeez, the Free Range Party will ‘stoop’ to anything.

Hey JB, I wanna hear what the CAP’s allegations were.
Who were they claiming had done what?
That might be worth a giggle.

Aww, bless ’em. That’s so 90’s, getting your website pwnd.

Who’s their webmaster?

Is this the beginning of a move against Tasmania?
Maybe they’ll revive a long-cherished territorial claim to Norfolk Island, and there’ll be no Maggie Thatcher to raise a fleet and defend us?

Bit of a shame they went to that trouble and didn’t even put up a funny pic.

Obviously a party ‘hack’ (haha) ….

It’s almost certain that the hackers had nothing to do with the causes they professed.

Red herrings for breakfast.

What a slimy, sucky thing to do! A very insecure individual with a Latin complex.

Well, it’s already back to it’s ‘former glory’.

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