4 December 2024

Castley secures inquiry to probe MyWay+ procurement, testing and delivery

| Ian Bushnell
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Chris Steel with MyWay+ card

Transport Minister Chris Steel welcomed the inquiry, which he said would boost confidence in the new ticketing system. Photo: Ian Bushnell.

The procurement and troubled rollout of ACT’s new public transport ticketing system will be investigated by a Legislative Assembly committee after Greens support ensured the success of Opposition Leader Leanne Castley’s motion in the chamber today (4 December).

Ms Castley said the inquiry will consider the procurement and delivery of the MyWay+ system and opportunities to improve the quality and transparency of government procurement more generally.

“It is clear that there are serious issues with the MyWay+ system, and it is falling short of expectations,” Ms Castley said.

“This inquiry is an opportunity for us to understand what has gone wrong and ensure we learn the right lessons for future projects.”

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Ms Castley told the Assembly that with new products and systems, some challenges were outside of our control, “but what we can control is what we take from those setbacks, what we can learn and how we can improve because this won’t be the last major project the ACT Government delivers”.

“And if we can learn some lessons now, if we can improve how we communicate or test the rollout of major changes, we can support a better and a smoother experience for Canberrans.”

With the Greens providing the numbers to secure Assembly support for the motion, the government also backed the call for an inquiry.

Transport Minister Chris Steel said the government supported scrutiny of the implementation of MyWay+ as a way to build confidence in the system.

“We want to make sure that MyWay+ is a good ticketing solution for the community over the next decade,” he said.

But the priority at the moment was ironing out any remaining issues with the system.

“There are still some issues that are being resolved, and I look forward to the inquiry taking place and the opportunity for the government to outline what occurred prior to the launch in relation to the testing,” Mr Steel said.

“And it is disappointing, and I will put it on record, that despite that testing, there were some issues on launch day.”

An amendment from Independents for Canberra’s Thomas Emerson means the inquiry will also look at the timing of the transition period and rollout, coming during an election campaign and soon after the election, and the adequacy of the public information campaign.

It will also consider the data security of the MyWay+ system to ensure people’s private information is protected.

Outside the chamber, Mr Steel said the project schedule was dictated by the switching off of the 3G system the old MyWay system relied on.

He said it was disappointing that despite the level of testing NEC did, and the feedback from testers, that some of those issues weren’t addressed properly.

“That will obviously be a focus for the inquiry, and we welcome the scrutiny of that, which will obviously help us to improve how we undertake that user testing for all projects,” Mr Steel said.

Mr Steel said the system was functional and Canberrans were using it as it was intended to be used, but there were still issues that needed to be resolved.

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Transport Canberra deputy director-general Ben McHugh said a large percentage of the travelling population was taking advantage of the new ways to pay.

“We’re working at the edges now to make sure that that experience is great for everyone,” he said.

Mr McHugh said more significant problems were not expected, but if they arose, Transport Canberra would respond as quickly as it could.

The new Environment, Planning, Transport and City Services committee will conduct the inquiry and is expected to report in June 2025.

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What will an enquiry do; confirm Chris Steels office ignored warning from those who knew better and pushed a head for the photo opportunity.
For as long as 40% of the Territory are stupid enough to vote for Labor these untouchable Ministers will continue to get away with murder.

Leon Arundell7:55 pm 05 Dec 24

Why would any Transport Minister in his right mind announce free public transport, without an end date, for a polluting public transport system that was already being subsidised by $10 per passenger trip, unless (a) there was about to be an election, and (b) he wanted to distract us from noticing that, after committing to “increasing the public transport share of all work trips to 10.5% by 2016 and 16% by 2026,” by 2021 the government had achieved only 7%?

ChrisinTurner1:05 pm 05 Dec 24

“Testing takes too long” is the usual reaction of senior managers who are not IT trained.

GrumpyGrandpa12:36 pm 05 Dec 24

The government overthought MyWay+. It’s too complicated and has too many options.
Eg You can pay by debit or credit card, but need to link those cards to your MyWay+ account to get the cheapest fare. Your can pay by virtual card too, but you can’t alternate between a physical and digital card because the system won’t recognise they are the same card.
Our son has been waiting for a bus and been caught trying out when the bus arrived because it took him some time to log on to MyWay+ to use the QR code. I use the ACT digital account, which you would think should be straight forward, but it adds an extra layer of log ins.
I saw a scammer yesterday. The bus driver had to go through all of the additional options for payment, and you guessed it, the person didn’t have a MyWay+ card, had a smartphone, but hadn’t installed the App. Probably wouldn’t have had any data anyway….had a debit card, but apparently there was no money in her bank account. You can give people more payment options, but it doesn’t mean they will pay.
Eventually, most of us will work out which option works best for us and use that option. For me, it’ll still be a physical card.
Why we had to build a new system, rather than adopting Opal, I have no idea?
It may have been a lot smarter to bring in MyWay+ exactly like MyWay was, then progressively add features.

With the Greens joining the Liberals and Independents to start to hold the ACT government to account for the endless bungles and blown millions of taxpayer dollars, I think it will be a good thing for Andrew Barr long term.

Senior Ministers and Department Executives have operated in the knowledge that they won’t be properly scrutinised, but hopefully this is the wake up call they need to pick up their act and start properly managing projects.

Having a cross-bench independent from Labor/Liberal will benefit Canberra in the long term. It’s good to see the two party system breaking down.

I have taken four bus trips this week. I didn’t pay for the first two on Monday because I couldn’t. I don’t know what happened today. I tapped on just fine, but the QR code had expired before I could tap off, and it was still ‘expired’ for my return trip. The app reports that I’m still on the bus …

AFAIK the second tap is only for data gathering for route planning etc. So hopefully you should be fine.

This sort of error seems like it should have been picked up in the testing phase. Be interested know why it wasn’t.

“Mr Steel said the project schedule was dictated by the switching off of the 3G system the old MyWay system relied on.”

What a load of malarky.

A new integrated ticket system for bus and rail was announced in 2016 to be ready for the start of light rail in 2019. Then re-announced in 2020 to be operating in 2022.

John Koundouzis5:47 pm 04 Dec 24

He, Chris Steel, must be the most incompetent individual to ever hold office. He lies to the public and constantly blames everyone else whilst staying in his position. I see a future Chief Minister here.

John Koundouzis9:17 pm 04 Dec 24

Chris Steel. An absolute contemptuous and disrespectful politician that will not take responsibility for anything.

So he is actually telling the truth…..they ran it right down to the wire because they delivered 5 years late and had no other choice but to transition before 3G disappeared.

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