Canberra Cavalry mascot Sarge will walk 10 km in his full outfit to raise $10,000 for Lifeline. Photo: Thomas Lucraft.
Canberra Cavalry mascot Sarge is known for doing the hard yards for a good cause and he’s about to do it again, donning the full suit to walk 10 km to raise at least $10,000 for Lifeline.
This will be no stroll in the ballpark with Sarge making the trek on what could be a typically hot summer’s day on 30 January.
Sarge will walk from Bentspoke at Braddon to MIT Ballpark at Narrabundah ahead of an ABL game. The Cav’s opponent is still to be announced as much of the competition is being rescheduled due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.
After the success of previous walks, Sarge’s alter ego Josh Williams said more than 20 people will participate this year, including Lifeline ambassadors and Canberra Raiders star player Jack Wighton.

Lifeline ambassadors (L-R) Paralympian Sarah Walsh, the Brave’s Hayden Dawes, the Cav’s Robbie Perkins, Lifeline Canberra CEO Carrie Leeson, mental health advocate Ben Farinazzo and Mariana Tolo from the UC Capitals, with Sarge front and centre. Photo: Cavalry Media.
Lifeline Canberra CEO Carrie Leeson will also be walking every step of the way with Sarge. She said it was heartening to see so many people wanting to be involved this year.
“There are so many incredible people in our community, and despite the year that we’ve had, we’ve also got these incredible people like Josh who are doing remarkable things to bolster our service and remove the stigma around mental health and start a conversation,” Ms Leeson said.
“There’s a lot of distress in the community at so many levels, but it doesn’t need to be COVID that is triggering you or making you feel stressed. It could be a relationship or a work situation, your own personal health or that of a loved one. It could be your children. Those problems haven’t left us, and it’s important to acknowledge and validate your feelings around those things.”
The convoy doing the walk won’t be hard to miss, with the Lifeline semi-trailer from Tony Innaimo Transport creating a buffer (and perhaps some much-needed shade for the walkers).
Josh Williams has already been stepping out to prepare and round up support to make sure they hit the target.
“People can donate via a link on Sarge’s Facebook page and also get along to the game or donate at a couple of the locations we will stop at along the way to the Ballpark at Narrabundah,” Josh said.
“As a Lifeline ambassador, it means a lot to be doing something as simple as walking 10 km, but it’s also great to have such a fantastic community behind the walk, and I have no doubt that we’ll raise at least another $10,000 for Lifeline.”
To get involved, visit Sarge’s 10 k for 10 k via his personal challenge page.