Everybody loves a bit of brit-pop indie-rock and on first listen to Waterford’s new album ‘Say OK’, it seems some love it more than others. Waterford have found a genre which works particularly well for them and have decided to stick with it for 45 merry old minutes.
Fortunately, they pull off the genre well and with confidence. The songs, though all similar in sound, are consistently pleasing and polished.
These band members work together well with no one striving for the spot light, and as a result the songs are cohesive and the album flows naturally. This made me zone out a little bit and found that I wasn’t paying as much attention as I wanted to.
The production element is flawless. The instruments and vocals are well mixed and everything can be heard clearly.
The packaging references Canberra, so I like it even though I don’t think it does justice to the audio. It would have been nice to have a booklet instead of a folded piece of paper, but local musos gotta save money where they can.
All in all, Waterford have produced a good album which is ultimately listenable and enjoyable – even if a little bland.
[ED – Those who like listening to lyrics will probably like it a lot more. I’d rate it as an album to listen to with the lights down and a bottle of red.
If you’re interested the band are launching the CD on 18 November at the Polish Club with the Ellis Collective:
The album can be bought from Landspeed Records in Garema Place.]