Today Chief Minister Katy Gallagher announced that $50,000 will be allocated to the construction of a Boundless National Children’s Playground as part of next year’s centenary celebrations.
The playground has been planned to be constructed in the National Triangle, near the Carillion, with the first stage hopefully being opened to the public in Children’s Week, October 2013.
“Once completed, this will be an exciting new space for children and young people where there are no barriers to play or inclusion,” the Chief Minister said.
“With the support of the National Capital Authority, a prominent site has been identified close to the National Carillon in Kings Park.
“The Boundless playground will be a wonderful gift to Canberra in the Centenary year with a view to the first stage being opened during Children’s Week in October 2013,” the Chief Minister said.
The project will be community-driven from grass roots involvement in the design of the playground’s many elements through to a big fundraising effort to finance the playground via workplace giving amongst public servants employed by the Commonwealth and ACT Governments.
UPDATE 27/06/12 14:57: The NCA has a consultation page with which to avail yourselves and a map.