Every year as the holiday season approaches, New Year’s resolutions start to swirl throughout online forums and social media. Whether it’s ‘lose weight’, ‘exercise more’ or ‘eat better’, the most common goal is taken out by fitness ambitions almost every year.
It’s why fitness topics become hottest right around the holiday season.
Local personal trainer Erin Wells says there’s also a reason membership numbers fluctuate once the summer rush is over.
“Some people start to lose sight of the process, the solution and their initial goals, forgetting how they actually felt at the beginning of the year,” she says.
“This is why a great focus on programming structure, training cycles and overall deliverables is so important.
“Combine them with proper nutrition and techniques to encourage accountability, and you have the tools to maintain real, effective consistency.”
Erin promotes these ideas around longevity alongside her peers at Elements4Life (E4L), a local fitness community that connects health, wellbeing and lifestyle. It’s an equation Erin’s team says is key to living a longer, fuller life.
CEO and head coach at E4L, Sebastian Ellis, founded the brand in 2010. He’s ever-present on the gym floor and specialises in lifestyle adjustment, functional strength, full-body transformation, and non-toxic living.
“E4L was built to promote whole-body health as an ecosystem, wherein each element is connected to and affects the next,” Sebastian says.
“We look at physical, spiritual and mental health as a unit, rather than approaching them individually as most do.
“The team is set apart by a genuine commitment to understanding human behaviour and reconnecting our community with what it means to be human.”
E4L provides the physical space its community needs to move, train and connect through gyms in Harrison, Belconnen and Murrumbateman. Each is complemented by the brand’s online training platform, mobile app and extensive lifestyle content.
The team welcomes new members to the community with a conversation on where they are right now and where they’d like to be. But getting from here to there is easier said than done.
E4L teaches five key areas of balance: movement and training, nutrition, mindset and learning, adventure, and recovery.
Sebastian says giving equal attention to each is better than focussing on one at a time, but it’s important to understand what they really entail.
“Movement and training focusses on mobility, functional strength and maintaining good bodily health. Our nutrition teaching is about more than calories counting or carb loading, it also includes things like how to avoid toxins and chemically treated or GMO foods,” he says.
“Mindset and learning is a little more nuanced, but the bottom line is capacity for growth. If you’re unable or unwilling to explore different topics or develop new skills, your experience of life is naturally going to be limited.
“Adventure calls for a step away from the work-errand-sleep cycle, and recovery considers mental and emotional rest, like meditation or massage, to be just as important as physical healing.”
The real ace up E4L’s sleeve is the strength of its community.
Sebastian says it’s far easier for anyone to succeed when they’re surrounded by the right people.
“Sure, there are lots of people who have done it on their own, but why would you want to? A likeminded group of peers lifts you up, cheers you on, holds you accountable and celebrates your work.
“If you’re thinking about your health this summer and are tempted to etch out a shallow resolution for the New Year, I encourage you to think a little deeper, a little longer, and a little further in time.”
You can find out more about E4L’s gyms, philosophy, training and lifestyle content online.