5 January 2025

Diversity planned for 2025 Australia Day events

| Chris Johnson
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Community events across the nation for Australia Day 2025 will have a focus on diversity. Photo: File.

As Australia Day 2025 fast approaches, the Federal Government is providing more than $10 million in financial support for hundreds of Australia Day community events in every state and territory.

A focus on inclusiveness and accessibility will be highlighted at these Australia Day events across the country.

Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister and for the Public Service, Patrick Gorman said Australia Day was a day to celebrate the freedoms we share and the values and beliefs we hold as Australians – and gave us time to connect with family, friends and community.

It is a day to reflect on our complete and complex history, he said, to acknowledge the past, and respect and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ history and continuing culture.

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“Australia Day is a time for all Australians to reflect on and celebrate the rich tapestry of our ancient, diverse, and multicultural nation,” Mr Gorman said.

“Australia Day 2025 will be no exception. The program promises a diverse lineup of inclusive events across the nation.

“It is a day to acknowledge the past and pay respect to First Nations peoples’ survival, resilience and enduring culture.

“It is also an opportunity to embrace the many cultures and backgrounds that make up the Australian story.”

While Canberra will stage the national Australia Day ceremony, the Assistant Minister was keen to point out that diverse events will be taking place right around the country.

In capital cities, he said, funding was supporting more than 20 iconic events bringing people together to reflect, respect and celebrate the common bonds shared as Australians.

In suburbs, regional centres and rural, regional and remote communities across the country more than 730 inclusive events will take place – a 15 per cent increase on last year.

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These events are being organised by 400 local councils, government entities and not-for-profit organisations, all delivered through the Community Events Grant Program, run by the National Australia Day Council.

Under the program, eligible applicants were able to apply for a fixed grant of $10,000 to deliver inclusive events on our national day.

To encourage more inclusive and respectful engagement, an additional $5000 was made available for events that include significant Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander elements.

Mr Gorman said grant-funded events by local councils and community groups were vital to representing the true diversity of Australia and to providing communities the opportunity to reflect, respect and celebrate their way.

Funding eligibility has been expanded for 2025 to ensure the national day is inclusive of the stories and histories of all Australians, including those from regional, rural and remote communities.

Assistant Minister to the PM and for the Public Service Patrick Gorman. Photo: File.

“Bunbury and Busselton in Western Australia are hosting tens of thousands of people for family-friendly activities,” the Assistant Minister said.

“Blacktown in Western Sydney is featuring a citizenship ceremony and huge fireworks display.

“And the Northern Territory will be putting on its famous Australia Day Ute Run attracting thousands of spectators.

“I encourage communities to come together this Australia Day to celebrate our many achievements, reflect on our complex history and look forward to our future with hope.”

More about Australia Day events taking place locally and across the country can be found on the Australia Day website.

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I always enjoy reading the bickering of us disempowered plebs who see minorities as the threat to cohesion in our society while the decision-makers who apparently represent the majority keep getting off scott free! Give me the ol days of Aussie anti-establishment any day than this current brand of yobbishness.

Here I was thinking that diversity was 40 different brands of bread in the supermarket isle

Inclusiveness doesn’t include white Christians …….. or so it seems.

So really it appears “inclusiveness” is just lip service , and “tolerance” is for everything except the people who actually built the country, that the minority interest groups are enjoying tearing down.

Weird thing is, generally I advocate live and let live, but its hard when you see the level of what appears to be organized left wing hate for the country, and anyone who opposes tearing down a perfectly good nation and want a pile of dysfunctional public-funded stupidity in its place.

Guess once its all trashed, the adults will have to step in and fix it all, again…..


Correct! “Diversity” also doesn’t seem to include white, heterosexual and Christian. Just everyone else.

Capital Retro2:10 pm 08 Jan 25

I’m happy to keep the sameness my white male privilege gives me.

Tempus Viator11:02 am 07 Jan 25

Wasn’t there a saying that said ‘Love the place you live in or live in the place you love’.

Capital Retro11:57 am 07 Jan 25

There was a great song in the 70s written by Stephen Stills with the words “if you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you are with”.
Those actual words are attributes to Billy Preston.
That’s diversity in action.

Roger, Tracy1:28 pm 07 Jan 25

Capital Retro, I do not think those words imply what you think they do. Still, if you were into free love back then good on you, provided you always affirmed consent.

Capital Retro3:20 pm 07 Jan 25

The problem with all you PC people is that you can’t think outside the PC bubble.
I didn’t imply anything.
II gave an opinion that having a black (coloured) person’s words included in a white person’s song was diversity in action.
The fact that I wrote “attribute” instead of “attributed” by mistake may have confused you.

Roger, Tracy4:09 pm 07 Jan 25

What is ‘PC’ Capital Retro? Define it in a meanigful way.

You wrote ‘attributes’ which I took to mean ‘attributed’ given it is. Now you say you have caught up with diversity as it existed only 55 years ago. Keep going.

Capital Retro5:33 pm 07 Jan 25

Mate, you are all over the place like a dead squid. You will have to do better than that.

Roger, Tracy9:13 am 08 Jan 25

Capital Retro admits he has no meaningful definition of terms he bandies about, and understanding diversity is still in his future, if he has another 55 years available.

Capital Retro2:11 pm 08 Jan 25

Now you are a 100 miles offshore and still drifting, Roger with comma.

Gregg Heldon6:45 am 07 Jan 25

I thought that Diversity was a successful English dance troupe, discovered on Britain’s Got Talent. Not sure why they’d be participating in Australia Day celebrations. Expensive airfares and accommodation for 10 dancers for one day…….

wildturkeycanoe4:43 pm 06 Jan 25

The problem with the terms “inclusiveness” and “diversity” is that some cultures are so different and intolerant of others that trying to put them all in one room will eventually break out into chaos. Be it religious or spiritual views, or just personal opinions of people, we simply cannot get along as a human species. Inevitably someone will want to become the dominant point of view and no matter how hard we try with “multicultural” events, it will not end. Sadly that is the truth. It has happened for thousands of years and will continue till we obliterate ourselves.

Roger, Tracy10:33 am 07 Jan 25

It is good to know yourself.

Capital Retro12:03 pm 07 Jan 25

There was a great song in the 70s written by Stephen Stills with the words “if you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you are with”.
Those actual words are attributes to Billy Preston.
That’s diversity in action.

Capital Retro12:09 pm 07 Jan 25

It is said history repeats itself.
Well, the reasons for and consequences of the Crusades about 1200AD are in the mix again.
Diversity and multiculturalism are alien concepts in Islamic countries.

Roger, Tracy1:23 pm 07 Jan 25

The reasons for the Crusades??

Those arabic people, provocatively having their own homes and towns right in the way of invading armies from countries far away. Being slaughtered in the name of christian peace was all their own fault. Suggests Capital Retro.

Capital Retro3:52 pm 07 Jan 25

Welcome to the “Bring Down CR pile-on team”, Roger, Tracy.
Please, first tell me where you were educated because I will ensure my grandchildren don’t go there.
The only other thing to say is you need to read history from books, not Google. If you did you would find that the Crusades were a Christian response to wars between the Arab and Turkish Islamic states in which dedicate Christian pilgrims headed for the Holy Land were slaughtered by Turkish tribes in retaliation after the Arabs seized large tracts of Turkish territory.
Pope Urban II then mobilised his followers to defend their faith and the repeated ill-treatment of Christians generally. The spin you are putting on what happened is really over the top.
If you were doing an essay on the subject, the examiner would give you a smiley stamp for critical thinking though.

Roger, Tracy5:25 pm 07 Jan 25

I am not sure what you mean by “pile-on team” unless you mean you are often egregiously wrong.

Do try again on history. You failed to mention threat to the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Catholic) or calming European conflict by finding a common enemy, an ‘other’.

It was an invasion to conquer territory. Just look it up in any worthwhile historical source. You agree it was dominantly religious in basis yet accuse other religions of intolerance. No wonder you see yourself as victim of ‘pile-ons’.

The unintended benefit which arose from the Crusaders’ defeats were taking back to Europe writings (plus foods and trade opportunities) from the intellectually and culturally more advanced Islamic empire as it was at that time. Those writings from Greece, Rome, India and the muslims themselves were translated by monks, the clerical workers of the day, and thus advanced science over fantasy during the Renaissance and the Enlightenment.

Capital Retro11:02 am 09 Jan 25

I never see myself as a victim. I enjoy the “pile-on”.
You subscribe to welcome to country- I offered you a welcome to the CR pile-on.
“worthwhile history source”, give me a break!

Capital Retro4:06 pm 06 Jan 25

Australia Day is for those who love this place.
People with other agendas need not participate.

The wallet is open. Expect an election

Seems that every Government announcement has to include the word “diversity” at least 15 times.

I bet that unless you include various identity groups in your proposal you will not be successful.

Sounds like they are more interested in dividing the community than bringing it together.

How is making events more inclusive dividing the community?

Because if you hold an event for everyone you will be denied funding but if you say you will focus on Indigenous, LGBTQ, women, south Asians or any other minority you will succeed.

Their version of inclusive means ignoring most preferences and harping on about how bad we are as a nation rather than celebrating.

None of that is true Henry. There are no events with government funding “harping on about how bad we are as a nation”.

Be honest, you’re against inclusion and it’s easy to guess why.

I too am worried about dividing the community but can you remind me, since when did the diverse groups that make up Australia become “united”?

Trevor Willis5:16 pm 06 Jan 25

Us going towards an Apartheid run country with be a major item in the next election with all this “them” and “us” commentary

So you can’t explain how including people divides the country frank. Instead, you make up some absolute nonsense about funding.

“Apartheid”….that’s quite the alternative universe you live in.

well said Franky22 where is my strait Mardi Gra

Roger, Tracy9:16 am 08 Jan 25

clarkea, there is a strait between Victoria and Tasmania, Mardi is French for Tuesday, and Gra is of your own devising. Quite the diversity in your thinking, a little too much to make sense of it.

Capital Retro2:14 pm 08 Jan 25

I object to 26th May being used because that is my wedding anniversary. One
“sorry” is enough.

“well said Franky22 where is my strait Mardi Gra”

No one is stopping you from organising one champion.

Geez how precious are you that you feel threatened by a party you’d be quite welcome to attend even as a “strait”,

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