Know about anything good happening this weekend?
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Know about anything good happening this weekend?
Why not share it in the comments section below?
The car park is a public car park. The government in its wisdom decided to keep it as is despite the… View
But does this mean the current board is gone? View
Bruce Hunt um ok but the push to renewables is happening right and power prices are going up why not… View
Nuclear needs constant expensive maintenance and has an on going huge waste issue (an issue largely… View
Guess I better go an get more PV on the roof, and take up the Albo cheap battery offer when it is… View
Yuri Shukost yes, Belconnen. View
What triggers me most is having to pay for the groceries. View
Phill Martin here in Canberra? View
Does Canberra still work, though? I agreed with everything the author said, up to that point. I… View
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