On 2 August we sent out our candidate questionnaire to those seeking elected office in the Commonwealth Parliament representing the people of this Territory.
The questions were drawn from those asked by our readers.
With three sleeps to go it is a little disappointing that our 5,000+ readers a day (stats above courtesy of Google) are held in such contempt that only Darren Churchill and Anthony David (Democrats) for the Senate, and Quintin Phillips-Hedges (Secular Party) for Fraser are able to answer your reasonable questions.
If you would like reasonable questions from citizens to have answers before votes are cast, then please send an email to the candidates who have not yet responded, expressing that desire:
- gjones@canberraliberals.org.au,
Or you can endorse small-target campaigning on irrelevance, and a moribund democracy. Your call.
UPDATE: Indra Esguerra (Greens for Fraser) has now also returned a questionnaire, appearing as fast as I can format it.
Futher Update: Sue Ellerman, Lin Hatfield Dodds and Hannah Parris have also now responded.
YAU: We now welcome Gai Brodtmann to the party.