Having never seen a form of middle class welfare he didn’t like the Liberals’ Steve Dozspot has bestirred himself to call for more autism support in the ACT:
ACT Shadow Minister for Education and Training Steve Doszpot is calling on ACT Labor to provide more support for families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Mr Doszpot will move a motion in the ACT Legislative Assembly today highlighting Autism Awareness Month and will call on the ACT Government to provide much needed financial support to Autism Asperger ACT to enable them to continue their work with the ASD community.
“Canberra families with ASD diagnosed children are being denied services that are critical to their children’s future educational development, and it is time the ACT Government addressed these issues,” Mr Doszpot said today.
“There is a clear lack of easily accessible and centralised diagnostic services and appropriate early intervention education services available to families affected by ASD.
“The Canberra Liberals went to the 2012 election with a fully costed Autism school, based on best practice models in other states. The school would have provided intensive education for up to 40 young Canberrans, delivered in a dedicated facility and staffed by qualified specialist teachers.
“ACT Labor has an opportunity in the coming budget to demonstrate their commitment to those affected by ASD, and today I call on them to do so,” Mr Doszpot concluded.
Steve calling for it probably doesn’t do much to help their chances.