The ABC has the less than reassuring news that Ainslie Village’s Joseph Lawson will be serving weekend detention for burglary and possession of numerous explosives:
The ACT Supreme Court heard Lawson had been keen on explosives since he was young.
At one point he was suspended from his school for taking explosives along.
But Lawson agreed with the judge that his passion for explosives had recently been “re-ignited” by his drug habit.
In March Justice Richard Refshauge offered Lawson a chance for rehabilitation with a deferred 18 month sentence.
On Thursday Lawson’s lawyers successfully argued that he had managed to turn his life around and was thinking about heading to university to study science instead
Three months weekend detention and 15 months suspended from Justice Refshauge.
We look forward to the seeing the bombs he can make with a couple of years of uni science under his belt.