Earlier in the month there was significant alarm amongst the Deep Ainslicans that they might have to cross Limestone Avenue to get a drink.
The problem was that Edgars was closed and wild rumours were circulating it was being converted into a cocktail bar that would not be as welcoming to the wild spectrum of the Ainslie community.
Fortunately I can report that aside from the bar being lengthened and converted to a black wood finish not too much has changed.
The big news is the menu which is heading upmarket. There are a lot more vegetarian options, which is a good move in Ainslie.
Portions, however, are on the very small side for the money. Having said that execution has always been a strong suit from the Edgars kitchen and they seem to be keeping that up.
Hairy denizens of government housing still adorn the beer garden and pints of Squires are the highlight of the bar.
Long time readers will be thrilled to learn that issues with the toilet door have been remediated: