The Parliamentary Library has put out this report on the Bogong moth. So next time you see a white wall turned brown or get freaked out when a big furry moth attacks you in the shower you can be enlightened as to why they are visiting our lovely city.
If Katy's an 'underdog', Albo's really in trouble
Katy is an underdog because Pocock has done a good job highlighting that Canberra will only get… View
Crackdown on SMS scams is placing greater onus on telcos
It's not about the "problem" it's about the proposal to fix it which you dismissed purely on… View
Thanks for proving my point Ken. It's not about the "actual problem" it's about the proposal you… View
Where in the document does it say that every single text message sent to an Australian number will… View
Will Canberra bashing work for Dutton where it didn't for Morrison?
Lol what precisely did Zed do to 'stand by Canberra'. Please do tell - the rest of us would be keen… View
@Incidental Tourist "Zed Seselja ... a strong voice in the Morrison’s cabinet standing by… View
If Canberra public servants will always vote Labor then surely Canberra has no value neither to… View
Rushing to install an EV charger? You might be in for a shock
I wouldn't suggest at all Norway is hugely more densely populated. Yes its about 4 times for densely… View
If an ICE vehicle catches fire in an apartment block basement car park the chances are the fire will… View
The research is very clear. The chances of an EV catching fire versus an ICE is about 1/10th per… View