9 May 2013

Fewer kids in Bimberi

| johnboy
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Joy Burch is celebrating a reduction in youth incarceration:

Recent youth justice initiatives have helped achieve a significant reduction in youth detention rates in the ACT over the past two years, according to population data from the Bimberi Youth Justice Centre.

ACT Minister for Children and Young People Joy Burch today released figures which show that since 2011, when the average population in Bimberi was 23.3 young people, the average population has fallen by almost 20 per cent.

“Our data shows that since the implementation of youth justice initiatives implemented to divert young people away from detention, the average Bimberi population declined to 21.8 in 2012, and this year is trending below 18,” Ms Burch said.

“This trend is in large part due to two programs – the After-Hours Bail Support Service and the Bendora Transition Unit at Bimberi – funded in the 2011-12 ACT Budget as part of significant youth justice reforms that focused on early intervention and diversion from detention.”

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IrishPete said :

bundah said :

Ironically the AMC will be putting up the ‘no vacancy’ signs soon and they’re even considering extensions!

Not sure where that info came from (in a CT article yesterday) as I don’t think it’s true. The population fell dramatically late last year. http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/DetailsPage/4512.0December%20Quarter%202012?OpenDocument


Yep that’s right IP it was a CT article which seemed genuine enough?


bundah said :

Ironically the AMC will be putting up the ‘no vacancy’ signs soon and they’re even considering extensions!

Not sure where that info came from (in a CT article yesterday) as I don’t think it’s true. The population fell dramatically late last year. http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/DetailsPage/4512.0December%20Quarter%202012?OpenDocument


Ironically the AMC will be putting up the ‘no vacancy’ signs soon and they’re even considering extensions!

“This trend is in large part due to three programs – the After-Hours Bail Support Service and the Bendora Transition Unit at Bimberi – funded in the 2011-12 ACT Budget as part of significant youth justice reforms that focused on early intervention and diversion from detention – and ACT magistrates continually frustrating the public by letting crims off – funded in perpetuity by the ACT Taxpayer.

Wow. Someone used ‘fewer’ in the right place! There is hope for the English language yet!

I put it in there ironically

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