Renowned British author AC Grayling and recent Stella Prize winner Charlotte Wood are amongst an exciting first line up for the inaugural Canberra Writers Festival, set to sweep the National Capital from Friday 26 to Sunday 28 August 2016.
Held across three precincts, with venues including the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House, the ANU, the National Portrait Gallery and many more – the first round of authors to appear at the Festival also features: Isobelle Carmody, Nick Earls, Richard Glover, and Steve Lewis and Chris Uhlmann.
Festival Director Vickii Cotter says there will be more artists to be announced in early June before the full program is revealed in July. “Our first round of authors includes prize-winning, best-selling and widely-acclaimed writers from Australia and overseas – all of whom will ensure the Festival lives up to its theme of Power, Politics and Passion,” Ms Cotter said.
The first round of announced authors includes:
- British philosopher AC Grayling, who has written and edited over thirty books on philosophy and is a frequent contributor to the Literary Review, Observer and the Times on Sunday. His latest book The Age of Genius has just been released and has already received excellent feedback;
- Highly acclaimed Australian fantasy author Isobelle Carmody, who is best known for her Obernewtyn Chronicles and has received a number of awards for her outstanding work;
- Charlotte Wood, who has already won a number of awards including the Stella Prize, the 2016 Indie Book of the Year and the Indie Fiction Book of the Year in 2016 for her work The Natural Way of Things;
- Award-winning Australian author Nick Earls, whose novels have won awards in Australia and the United Kingdom as well as appearing on the bestseller lists in both countries;
- Local leading lights of the political thriller genre Steve Lewis and Chris Uhlmann, whose racy and action-packed books The Marmalade Files and The Mandarin Code have been made into the six-part mini-series Secret City set for international release by Foxtel in June this year; and
- Richard Glover, who has written 13 books including his autobiography Flesh Wounds – described by The Australian as “A new classic … a breathtaking accomplishment in style and empathy”
“We are thrilled to bring audiences the first glimpse of the program on offer for the inaugural Canberra Writers Festival. Many more artists are coming to Canberra to share their work across an action-packed 3 days in August which will include workshops, panel sessions, keynote addresses, and intimate literary lunches and dinners,” Ms Cotter said.
A range of early bird ticket options are now available, including season passes and day tickets. Tickets can be booked online: http://canberrawritersfestival.com.au/ or by calling ticketek: 132 849. For further information including artist submissions visit the festival’s website: http://canberrawritersfestival.com.au/