It’s finals time! All the Capital Football State Leagues will wrap up this weekend with finals spread out far and wide! The cream of the crop will battle it out in the Capital League Grand Final on Sunday afternoon when O’Connor Knights meet ANU at Woden Park, in what is sure to be a belter of an encounter.
In the Playstation4 National Premier Leagues, it has come down to a sudden-death Preliminary Final to decide who will meet Belconnnen United in the big dance next weekend. Canberra Olympic and Gungahlin United will clash at Deakin Stadium Saturday afternoon in that match, which you can watch LIVE thanks to BarTV Sports.

Canberra Olympic will be looking to rebound from last weekend’s penalty shootout loss.
Full preview here.
In the Playstation4 National Premier Leagues Women’s, it is also crunch time and we’ve got two MASSIVE semi-finals coming up this weekend. Canberra FC will take on Woden-Weston on Saturday afternoon at Woden Park, and the Wanderers will be looking to cause an upset in their first ever finals appearance.
The next day, reigning Premiers Belconnen United host Gungahlin United as they battle it out for the first spot in the Grand Final in what will be a clash befitting the top two teams in the league.
Full preview here.
If you can, jump out to some local football on the weekend, because you won’t be disappointed!