Have you come home from the holidays to find your internet is down? We did, and spent much of the first morning back at work for 2017 getting it sorted. The recorded message that answered calls to internet service provider iiNet this morning immediately alerted the listener to the fact that there were iiNet NBN outages in Canberra and that technicians were working to get everyone back online, but with no end in sight, that information doesn’t help much when you have work to do.
Dozens of Canberrans have taken to Twitter and Facebook to complain about the service being down and about frustrations in their dealings with tech support staff. Others have pointed out that iiNet’s Twitter account appears to be unmanned. The account has not tweeted since January 3. Why not tweet the same message that is recorded on the answering service? Communication is preferable to silence, even when the news is not good.

Back to our phone call to tech support … as we’re not on NBN, we held on to speak to an operator and immediately explained the situation i.e. that the service was required in order for our business to continue to operate. Jason in Cape Town managed to solve the problem within 45 minutes. After ruling out a fault in our area, with Telstra, with the modem or the line, he ran some tests at iiNet’s end and managed to find the issue and fix it.
Having switched to iiNet from Telstra late last year we’ve been very happy with our service, which provides more than six times the download speed and four times the upload speed we’d had with the Bigpond ADSL service. However, there have been a couple of dropouts in the past week, and we’ll be watching closely in coming weeks.

IT specialist media has reported widely on iiNet issues in Sydney, blaming technical and support issues on the fallout from the acquisition in 2015 of the ISP by TPG as well as teething problems for the NBN generally. Perth-based iiNet had an excellent reputation for customer service prior to the takeover, Lifehacker reports in this in-depth examination of the business, but has since laid off hundreds of staff and closed its Sydney office.
Have you been affected by iiNet outages today or in recent days? How have you found customer service?