Why doesn’t the Sunday Canberra Times’ Andree Stephens (the editor) tell readers today (31/8) in her page 1 splash about the GG, spilling to a double page spread inside, that up until a few months ago, she was the long-serving speech writer for H.E. Governor-General Michael Jeffrey? This is a highly relevant piece of information given Andree’s piece is a huge spray at the “major national/metrop” media (and News Ltd inparticular for some unspecific sin) short-changing the GG and accusing him of being pompous and out of touch. Instead, Andree devotes pages and pages (of a largely unread newspaper in the nation’s capital) over to Jeffrey to attack the media, defend his years of tea, scones and country fairs — never once telling readers “and oh…I should tell you…I was his speechwriter up until recently”. What a disingenuous, unethical load of nonsense. Sycophantic crap is what it is.
This is Rural Press, don’t forget. This is dumb-downed, simplistic and awfully provincial journalism at its best.
Leslie Martin, Canberra
[ED – Personally I thought the article made some valid points but agree some disclosure would have been nice]