9 January 2025

Hills will be a challenge for the design of the new Molonglo suburb

| Ian Bushnell
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map of location of new suburb

Where the new suburb of Bandler will sit in Molonglo. The future suburb of Sulman will be developed to the east. Images: ACT Government.

A consultant is being sought to design a master plan for the new Molonglo suburb of Bandler, which will eventually deliver 6000 to 7000 new homes when fully developed.

Bandler — named after human rights activist, social justice advocate and author Faith Bandler — is located on hilly land in the north of the Molonglo Valley, just 6.5 km from the city centre. It is bordered on the west by John Gorton Drive and to the east by the National Arboretum Canberra.

The Molonglo Town Centre will be to the south across the Molonglo River.

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Sitting between Whitlam and the future suburb of Sulman, Bandler will be a mixed-density suburb of multiunit, terrace, townhouse and detached dwellings with land set aside for a primary and high school, group centre, community facilities and open space, according to the tender documents.

The first land releases are expected from 2027-2028 and will extend over several years.

The Suburban Land Agency envisages Bandler as a self-sufficient suburb of the future, capable of meeting the challenges of climate change and incorporating a range of sustainability standards.

This includes energy efficiency as an all-electric community incorporating renewable energy technologies such as batteries and passive solar design through block orientation.

It wants Bandler to be an “exemplar of best practice urban design and urban water management in the ACT”.

Bandler Locality Plan

The Bandler Locality Plan shows proposed housing and services for the new suburb.

The successful consultant will have to deal with several site challenges, particularly its topography, which includes some steep areas. Many hilltops have south-facing slopes, making it difficult to achieve good solar orientation.

But there is the possibility for demonstration housing with new typologies on steep slopes.

The project requirements say that developing a suburb layout with accessible grades that encourage walking and cycling will be critical, with paths linking to bus stops.

An intertown public transport route must also be incorporated into the layout. Initially a rapid transit bus route, it should have the potential for light rail in the future.

Bandler’s design will need to integrate with that of Sulman, keeping in mind a connection to Bindubi Street and Belconnen.

The master plan will need to accommodate a staged development that considers land release requirements, infrastructure needs, and the provision of local services such as a café and/or supermarket for early residents.

Community spaces to be considered include a skatepark, dog park and community garden, as well as a secondary entrance to the Arboretum.

Heritage areas will also need to be considered, including the potential reuse of structures on the site and safe access to the Molonglo River Reserve.

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First Nations influences will be incorporated into the design, and the already developed Connecting with Country Framework, specifically commissioned for Bandler, will be fed into the master plan.

The consultant is expected to engage with First Nations people, particularly on the identified culturally significant areas and open spaces.

The tender documents say the new suburb should exploit the natural features of the surrounding environment from the river corridor to the National Arboretum Canberra as its neighbour.

“This is an opportunity to create an estate that will not only have a thriving community but also thriving environmental outcomes,” they say.

The tender closes on 4 February.

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“Passive solar design”. That made me laugh. All they will build are McMansions that face the street and go from one edge of the block to the other – with the rest of it covered in either concrete or plastic grass. The government is full of bright ideas, but basically they just let the developers build whatever they want because they don’t actually care about anything except the sale of the land and the rates.

Hills is code for cookie cutter home designs won’t work.

wildturkeycanoe6:08 pm 09 Jan 25

“Oh no, how do we build an energy efficient house on a south facing slope?”
Well, how about just not building there? Simple solution for what must be a ridiculously difficult problem….sheesh!

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