Canberra film-maker and author, Scott Baker, will deliverer the exciting final workshop for the ACT Writers Centre’s 2016 program tomorrow (Sunday 11 December), guaranteed to have a ‘Hollywood’ edge.
Scott will invite participants to immerse themselves in plot techniques he learned working on one of the largest film productions of all time, The Hobbit, and applied when writing own best selling book, The Rule of Knowledge.
Fans of Scott’s first book might even get a preview glimpse into the next book set for release in 2017, Blue World Order, which has recently been produced as a full-length feature film, set for release in early 2017.
With a mostly Canberra based production crew, Scott also recently produced the science-fiction feature film, Blue World Order (BWO). The preview screening of BWO won the audience award in November for the Canberra International Film Festival.
For writers or screenwriters, this is an ideal time to hone the craft of plotting by immersing in a practical workshop which explores practical techniques to engage audiences from the first to the last page.
The workshop will be held at the Gorman Arts Centre, tomorrow Sunday 11 December, from 10am to 4pm. All participants receive a signed copy of Scott Baker’s book, The Rule of Knowledge.
More information and bookings: