“In The Can” is a new show on 2xx, dedicated to local music. Its pretty much a bunch of people sitting in a studio talking shit…i mean, having hard hitting debates on the state of music in Canberra.
Each week, we have special guests who come in with guitars and sing to all of Canberra – How romantic!
We endevour to play all the music that you muso’s drop into the studio (On Bunda st in the city), plug all the gigs that you tell us about ( inthecan2xx@gmail.com ) and read all the reviews that you write for us, or if you want, you can come in and say what you think about stuff yourself.
It’s jolly good fun and I invite you all to become a part of something that will hopefully spread the love, fun and musicality to the rest of the world…well, to the rest of Canberra anyway.
Also, i’d like to thank IN BLUE, who are a lovely bunch of people to work with. -Contact In Blue for all your gigging needs!
And thanks to everybody who came to the launch (I realise that many of you didnt know it was a launch) and helped make the evening rockin and rad!
Keep an ear out for the next In The Can gig when we take over In Blue once more! . . . fri, aug 19.
IN THE CAN (berra’s local music show) 2xx 98.3 sat 5-7
inthecan2xx@gmail.com – Dear everybody, We need all of your information!!!