Not more then 15 minutes ago I left my office to buy something from the newsagents near the Casino.
As I left my building I passed a man talking to himself, I though “no biggie it’s civic plenty of weirdos” but this guys was dressed Nice, casually but nice, next I thought “Must be on a mobile phone” but I didn’t see a headset thought nothing more of it and continued on my way.
As I walked in front of the Casino another bloke neatly and casually dressed sitting on the bench but as I passed him, he was relaying details about a woman crossing the road, again no mobile phone, things were starting to get weird.
then as I approached the newsagents another man, dressed neatly but casually talking to him self, no headset or ear piece but a black clip on the back of his collar….
Now I’m pretty sure they were all talking with Australian accent, so they could be AISO or Australia’s Answer to Home Security, but they were pretty easy to spot so maybe Federal Police, who knows but if you don’t see me on Friday you will know that who ever they are they have gotten me, remember guys the Truth is Out Where???
**** Disclaimer This is an actual account the last paragraph has been added for entertainment purposes ***