1 November 2012

Is it Idiot Week on the roads?

| aevans
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Is there some sort of driving Idiots convention going on in Canberra at the moment?

I’ve seen 8 P-Plate morons (all different ones) speeding around at about 20 km/h above traffic flow (way above the speed limit); two of them were red plates and three either almost rear-ended someone or swerved across traffic in a dangerous way.

The icing on the cake was some drugged-out tradie in a van that couldn’t keep his lane, stalled the van at some traffic lights, and generally shouldn’t have been on the road.

When I watch this I really wonder what good those stationary white vans do for the community when there are all these morons ripe for the picking.

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Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd6:43 am 21 Dec 12

The Traineediplomat said :

Is Comic and Gamer Nerd = Ken Olsen? If so + a million!!!

IDK who that even is!!!

The Traineediplomat11:33 pm 20 Dec 12

Is Comic and Gamer Nerd = Ken Olsen? If so + a million!!!

BimboGeek said :

“You went too slow and I had to tailgate you!
“You tailgated me so I had to go slower!”
“Drivers are too slow, I’m always overtaking the dangerous idiots!”
“Drivers are too fast, they are always overtaking me in a dangerous way!”

Why can’t you idiots mind your own business and focus on what you can do to make the roads safer?

Sent from my iphone.

Indeed. Focus on what you’re doing and leave the righteous indignation out of it and we’ll all have a safer and easier time on the roads.

RiotFrog said :

KB1971 said :

No can do, ADR13/00 says the stop lamps must be applied with the brakes or some other retardation device.

Interestingly, the ADR (49/00) actually says “”Stop-lamp” means the lamp used to indicate to other road-users to the rear of the vehicle that its driver is applying the service brake; the stop-lamps may be activated by the application of a retarder or a similar device;”

Wonder if there’s a distinction between “may” and “must”? Hmmm….

If we are playing semantics, here are the exact words for ADR 13/00:

6.7.7. Electrical connections

Must light up when the service brake is applied. The stop lamps need not function if the device which starts and/or stops the engine is in a position which makes it impossible for the engine to operate.

The stop lamps may be activated by the application of a retarder or a similar device.

It does say ‘may’, that is why I said ‘or’.

ADR49 though is a test on the lights performance, not the operational requirements. That is the job of ADR13.

Just remember the the ACT Legislature (all parties – not just the incumbant) itself helps keep the idiots on the road.

The CTP insurance is the same for everyone; whether you have the maximum number of speeding points on your licence with a couple of drink-driving convictions or a 100% clean license and 20 years experience. The lower risk drivers who keep to speed limits and are careful on the roads are subsidising the accident-waiting-to-happen idiots we see everyday.

Here is a quote from ACT Treasury Directorate’s Director of Legal and Insurance Policy, Tom McDonald; ‘…risk based pricing would simply result in a substantial increase in the premiums payable by high risk groups…’. If that wasn’t such a damning admission that the current CTP is subsidising the idiots who kill and mame then it would be hilarious.

“You went too slow and I had to tailgate you!
“You tailgated me so I had to go slower!”
“Drivers are too slow, I’m always overtaking the dangerous idiots!”
“Drivers are too fast, they are always overtaking me in a dangerous way!”

Why can’t you idiots mind your own business and focus on what you can do to make the roads safer?

Sent from my iphone.

One I have noticed recently is that lots of people seem to be doing 10-20 under the speed limit everywhere.

That or my speedometer is broken, but I don’t think because people still regularly overtake me when I am doing the speed limit.

Madam Cholet12:13 pm 14 Dec 12

rhino said :

Madam Cholet said :

Sadly their subsequent poor lane choice hampered their efforts and they remained back with the pack.

A rookie mistake

Sadly no. This common error also extends to driver of flash Holden or Ford Utes.

Madam Cholet said :

Sadly their subsequent poor lane choice hampered their efforts and they remained back with the pack.

A rookie mistake

wildturkeycanoe said :

If you are tailgated in the left hand lane there is only one course of action – slow down to find your phone, turn around and take a photo of the offending vehicle, then make a call to the police to report the offense.

I’m sure they’ll put their best officer on the case.


Madam Cholet said :

After my drive in this morning, I am wondering why parents and/or driving schools teach P platers to speed. Do parents get in the car and advise on the merits of speeding as opposed to not counselling against this? I certainly remember these lectures from my parents, and I only had a couple of lessons from them – the rest from an instructor.

Because teenagers are known for following their parents’ advice to the letter. Especially if it is delivered in the form of a lecture.

What I don’t understand is the amount of people who wear headphones while driving. Not handsfree iPod headphones for talking on the phone, but actual giant bits of headgear.

Madam Cholet9:34 am 14 Dec 12

After my drive in this morning, I am wondering why parents and/or driving schools teach P platers to speed. Do parents get in the car and advise on the merits of speeding as opposed to not counselling against this? I certainly remember these lectures from my parents, and I only had a couple of lessons from them – the rest from an instructor.

Two P platers this morning who I could see would just not be happy unless they were in front of everyone else. Sadly their subsequent poor lane choice hampered their efforts and they remained back with the pack. And numerous young women on their way to work who obviously must have left the house 10 minutes late judging by their speed.

gooterz said :

Its a very common thing, yet there are no cop cars around because all the government cares about is speeding.

This is the root of the problem.

wildturkeycanoe10:37 pm 13 Dec 12

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Solidarity said :

If you’d move into the correct lane then there would be no tailgater, and you wouldn’t be an asshole.

Can you tell me what the correct lane I should be in when I need to turn right?

What about if I get tailgated in the left lane? What’s the correct lane then?

If you need to turn right, the left lane is sufficient until 50m before the turn, then indicate as you swerve right, assume the driver to your right rear quarter is going slow because they are being tailgated and you are safe to go.

If you are tailgated in the left hand lane there is only one course of action – slow down to find your phone, turn around and take a photo of the offending vehicle, then make a call to the police to report the offense.

P.S. This information is not based on any legal or moral basis, simply my observations witnessed on a frequent basis by Canberra drivers.

P.S.S – Is this thing still going…..Mully award??

How to stop a tailgater? Start washing your windows…….slows them right down and they back off…..for some reason, they hate water getting water on their car. Some young kids told me that’s what they did and I tried it and it works….

And to the NSW plated car who just missed me this evening while overtaking on a bend in a very small suburban street in Macgregor (yes, I am sure you read Riot Act) – karma mate!!!!!

KB1971 said :

No can do, ADR13/00 says the stop lamps must be applied with the brakes or some other retardation device.

Interestingly, the ADR (49/00) actually says “”Stop-lamp” means the lamp used to indicate to other road-users to the rear of the vehicle that its driver is applying the service brake; the stop-lamps may be activated by the application of a retarder or a similar device;”

Wonder if there’s a distinction between “may” and “must”? Hmmm….

The worst part is being tailgated while your OVERTAKING someone traviling at slightly above the speed limit. Todays arsehole wanted to do at least 140. Tailgating at 100+ isnt safe at 1 foot, worse still the wanker already had a beat up car. No doubt had been in several accidents and just drove off likely didnt even have a licence (Friend of Mully perhaps).

If you don’t care about your own life then i’d rather you not have one than risk mine. Theres a breed of drivers that have absolutely no respect for anyone else, on or off the road.

Its a very common thing, yet there are no cop cars around because all the government cares about is speeding. Would absolutely love a tailgate camera, or at least some cops on the road. Seems as if the cops are only where they need to be by accident.

Those who oppose slowing down when being tailgated may like to note it is suggested as the best approach during the Stay Uprightt motorcycle training.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd6:57 pm 13 Dec 12

Solidarity said :

If you’d move into the correct lane then there would be no tailgater, and you wouldn’t be an asshole.

Can you tell me what the correct lane I should be in when I need to turn right?

What about if I get tailgated in the left lane? What’s the correct lane then?

Interesting reading in the link above, mostly common sense really. However could somone riddle me this. Ginninderra Drive is an 80km/h zone BUT heading west there is a keep left unless overtaking sign going up the hill from Moat street and heading the other way there is a sign between Kingsford Smith Drive and Copland drive.

Now reading the rules the sign takes precedence over the fact the road is 80km/h so the keep left rule applies. Also reading the rules it applies from the sign until either an end sign is seen or the road ends in a T intersection. So heading east that means at Moat street and west I gather Kerrigan street. The problem of course is the two signs I mentioned are the only ones on the road, so how on earth would someone say coming off Gungahlin Drive heading west know that keep left unless overtaking applies to the road, as there are no ‘repeater signs?

As for idiot of the week. That would be the blue 4WD with NSW plates on Northborne Ave just before Barry Drive that decided that because the bus in front of them stopped, the traffic in the middle lane (read me) had to stop so that she could use half of my lane to overtake said bus. Will admit she used an indicator, but really love if I am already beside you, you should be waiting until I am not in the lane before using it. Also what did you achieve? Yep you got in front of the bus but got caught at the next set of lights with the bus behind, but your actions risked an accident with me and because of the suddent stop I had to make to avoid hitting you any inattention behind me may well have lead to a car running up my arse. Although maybe I should have done what you did and swerved to the right hoping of course the car on my right did the right thing (not) and swerved up onto the gutter.

If you’d move into the correct lane then there would be no tailgater, and you wouldn’t be an asshole.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd4:41 pm 13 Dec 12

Lardman said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

What part of doing the speed limit do you not understand?
Also can you show me any actual documentation referring to fast lanes?
And by your definition, turning right off the roads you mentioned is illegal. :/

Covered in the Australian Road Rules. See also: http://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/125l1l/nsw_mp_says_police_should_crack_down_on_slow/c6sinfx

Anyway, if you are slowing down because somebody is tailgating, stop kidding yourself, you’re not encouraging any safer behavior, you’re slowing down traffic, and you are being an asshole.

Actually tailgating is putting peeps at risk therefore tailgater = asshole.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

What part of doing the speed limit do you not understand?
Also can you show me any actual documentation referring to fast lanes?
And by your definition, turning right off the roads you mentioned is illegal. :/

Covered in the Australian Road Rules. See also: http://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/125l1l/nsw_mp_says_police_should_crack_down_on_slow/c6sinfx

Anyway, if you are slowing down because somebody is tailgating, stop kidding yourself, you’re not encouraging any safer behavior, you’re slowing down traffic, and you are being an asshole.

PBO said :

Saw a pair of overalls wearing cops in a white “QLD plated” 4wd, complete with spotlights and a siren doing 70 in a 90 zone during rush hour not letting anyone pass them. One guy in a silver 4wd tried to pass and they put the siren on. Couldnt understand why they were doing 70kph and if it is legal for them to put on the siren in the ACT.

“Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop. Your normal speeder will panic and immediately pull over to the side. This is wrong. It arouses contempt in the cop-heart. Make the bastard chase you. He will follow.” – HST.

screaming banshee7:03 pm 01 Dec 12

KB1971 said :

…or some other retardation device.

Does the tailgater count, surely they are slowing down the advancement of mankind

MyDee said :

Failing this the 1950’s Aston Martins which competed at Le Mans were fitted with a dashboard switch for the which turned the brake lights on when they weren’t applied. Ah Le Anglais perfide

No can do, ADR13/00 says the stop lamps must be applied with the brakes or some other retardation device.

MyDee said :

How to stop a tailgater

If tailgaters limited their activities to dual lane highways the might even be some excuse for this form of bastardry. However they don’t they tailgate anywhere inluding single lane roads where motorists are driving at or below the speed limit.

But there are ways of dealing with them with varying degrees of success turning your lights off and on often has the desired effect.

Failing this the 1950’s Aston Martins which competed at Le Mans were fitted with a dashboard switch for the which turned the brake lights on when they weren’t applied. Ah Le Anglais perfide

I find that pretending to drive like I’m drunk gets them to back right off.

How to stop a tailgater

If tailgaters limited their activities to dual lane highways the might even be some excuse for this form of bastardry. However they don’t they tailgate anywhere inluding single lane roads where motorists are driving at or below the speed limit.

But there are ways of dealing with them with varying degrees of success turning your lights off and on often has the desired effect.

Failing this the 1950’s Aston Martins which competed at Le Mans were fitted with a dashboard switch for the which turned the brake lights on when they weren’t applied. Ah Le Anglais perfide

I bet CGN is the kind of person that drives a caravan (or horse float) over the Clyde at 30kph and never pulls over to let everyone pass 🙂

KB1971 said :

stillflying said :

Not throwing my weight behind any particular opinion because depending on how much of a douche the guy behind me is I’ve been known to slow down purposefully if it’s a one lane and I’m going right on the speed limit and someone is up my ass. I slow down 10-15kms and then take off back up to 80 and that generally either imprints my point or pisses them off and either way is generally ok for me. If I’m in a double lane I’ve moved over to let the jackass go so I don’t have to deal with him.

But to those saying 10% speed limit wont make a difference it does sometimes. I’ve taken Yamba Drive to work so many times with people sitting at 50 instead of 60 and 60-70 instead of 80 in front of me and been unable to get around. If you miss a traffic light green because of someone depending on the light you’re at it can take an extra 5 minutes to your journey. More if the same old granny is sitting in front of you and you *just* miss out on that traffic light more than once.

Secondly can someone correct me if I’m wrong as I did my LtD course years and years ago but I recall them teaching us that going too far below the speed limit is either illegal or can warrant a police officer pulling you over to ask what’s going on.

In the rest of the section I could not find anything that says there is a minimum speed you can go in a particular speed zone.

‘Part 3 Speed-limits

20 Obeying the speed-limit
A driver must not drive at a speed over the speed-limit
applying to the driver for the length of road where the driver
is driving. ‘

Interestingly, many drivers fail at this one, particularly on highways:

“Division 3 Overtaking
140 No overtaking unless safe to do so
A driver must not overtake a vehicle unless:
(a) the driver has a clear view of any approaching traffic;
(b) the driver can safely overtake the vehicle.
Offence provision.
Note 1

Approaching, overtake and traffic are defined in the dictionary.
Note 2

A driver is not permitted to overtake another vehicle by
crossing a single continuous dividing line only, a single continuous
dividing line to the left of a broken dividing line or 2 parallel continuous
dividing lines — see rules 134 (2) and 132 (2). “

The rule of the subject:

“126 Keeping a safe distance behind vehicles
A driver must drive a sufficient distance behind a vehicle
travelling in front of the driver so the driver can, if
necessary, stop safely to avoid a collision with the vehicle. “

It doesn’t say if the vehicle is doing the speed limit or not.

What you’re looking for is rule 125. There are no examples, it is subjective (there are examples in case law) how slow is too slow when you start obstructing traffic.

125 Unreasonably obstructing drivers or pedestrians
A driver must not unreasonably obstruct the path of another driver or a pedestrian.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd3:05 pm 30 Nov 12

Mr Gillespie said :

Comic & Gamer Nerd (#156), when you say “slow down until they back off”, maybe it sounds (to some) that you are pissing them off? Might I suggest that (if you are in the left lane) you instead pull over to the side of the road and let the person behind you pass?


Mr Gillespie2:55 pm 30 Nov 12

Comic & Gamer Nerd (#156), when you say “slow down until they back off”, maybe it sounds (to some) that you are pissing them off? Might I suggest that (if you are in the left lane) you instead pull over to the side of the road and let the person behind you pass?

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd2:02 pm 30 Nov 12

Can someone post a screen shot of where I said I get pissed off at peeps who tailgate me? I guess the only time I would be pissed off is if my kids were in the car.

Can someone also post a screen shot of where I said I drive slowly in the right hand lane to try piss off everyone?

Here is the facts, I always am in the left or middle lane unless I need to go right. I always travel at the posted limit, unless of course some bell end decides they want to tailgate me. Then I slowly slow down until they back off. It’s purely for safety reasons.
What if some tea bag is tailgating me and for whatever many reasons there are I need to hit the skids?

As I said, it has worked 100% of the time, it just takes longer for some half wits than others to realise what’s happening.

Hmm well perhaps it was just that a policeman might be likely to pull you over and tell you what you’re doing isn’t right, because I definitely remember them saying that driving 20km below the speed limit is dangerous as well.

Regardless someone sitting on your ass is annoying especially on single lane roads, and even though it’s not your fault and they have to pay up if they hit you from behind you never get compensated enough for the hassle of dealing with insurance and if it’s an older car they’re more likely to just get you the worth of your car and not another car, which then goes into the hassle of finding and buying another car to get you going around. So I see nothing wrong with slowing down momentarily then speeding back up to get them off your ass.

stillflying said :

Not throwing my weight behind any particular opinion because depending on how much of a douche the guy behind me is I’ve been known to slow down purposefully if it’s a one lane and I’m going right on the speed limit and someone is up my ass. I slow down 10-15kms and then take off back up to 80 and that generally either imprints my point or pisses them off and either way is generally ok for me. If I’m in a double lane I’ve moved over to let the jackass go so I don’t have to deal with him.

But to those saying 10% speed limit wont make a difference it does sometimes. I’ve taken Yamba Drive to work so many times with people sitting at 50 instead of 60 and 60-70 instead of 80 in front of me and been unable to get around. If you miss a traffic light green because of someone depending on the light you’re at it can take an extra 5 minutes to your journey. More if the same old granny is sitting in front of you and you *just* miss out on that traffic light more than once.

Secondly can someone correct me if I’m wrong as I did my LtD course years and years ago but I recall them teaching us that going too far below the speed limit is either illegal or can warrant a police officer pulling you over to ask what’s going on.

In the rest of the section I could not find anything that says there is a minimum speed you can go in a particular speed zone.

‘Part 3 Speed-limits

20 Obeying the speed-limit
A driver must not drive at a speed over the speed-limit
applying to the driver for the length of road where the driver
is driving. ‘

Interestingly, many drivers fail at this one, particularly on highways:

“Division 3 Overtaking
140 No overtaking unless safe to do so
A driver must not overtake a vehicle unless:
(a) the driver has a clear view of any approaching traffic;
(b) the driver can safely overtake the vehicle.
Offence provision.
Note 1 Approaching, overtake and traffic are defined in the dictionary.
Note 2 A driver is not permitted to overtake another vehicle by
crossing a single continuous dividing line only, a single continuous
dividing line to the left of a broken dividing line or 2 parallel continuous
dividing lines — see rules 134 (2) and 132 (2). “

The rule of the subject:

“126 Keeping a safe distance behind vehicles
A driver must drive a sufficient distance behind a vehicle
travelling in front of the driver so the driver can, if
necessary, stop safely to avoid a collision with the vehicle. “

It doesn’t say if the vehicle is doing the speed limit or not.

Not throwing my weight behind any particular opinion because depending on how much of a douche the guy behind me is I’ve been known to slow down purposefully if it’s a one lane and I’m going right on the speed limit and someone is up my ass. I slow down 10-15kms and then take off back up to 80 and that generally either imprints my point or pisses them off and either way is generally ok for me. If I’m in a double lane I’ve moved over to let the jackass go so I don’t have to deal with him.

But to those saying 10% speed limit wont make a difference it does sometimes. I’ve taken Yamba Drive to work so many times with people sitting at 50 instead of 60 and 60-70 instead of 80 in front of me and been unable to get around. If you miss a traffic light green because of someone depending on the light you’re at it can take an extra 5 minutes to your journey. More if the same old granny is sitting in front of you and you *just* miss out on that traffic light more than once.

Secondly can someone correct me if I’m wrong as I did my LtD course years and years ago but I recall them teaching us that going too far below the speed limit is either illegal or can warrant a police officer pulling you over to ask what’s going on.

what_the said :

CGN has a choice whether he’s pissed off by the actions of another road user or not. If he was truly intending for the car to be gone then he would just move over. But everyone here know that’s not the aim of his slowing down, it’s to get back at the other driver for pissing him off. Lets not beat around the bush here. He’s just justifying his dickhead actions because he believes the other actions of a tailgater trumps his dickhead actions. Now we have two dickheads on the road being a danger to other drivers around them and one is claiming its for safety reasons! At least the tailgater would be honest enough to say yeah i’m pissed off because this dickhead wont get out of my way!

Everyone should have to spend one year riding a motorcycle. It would soon wake people up to the implications of their actions and drill it into their heads that avoiding incidents in the first place is better to attributing blame after the accident.

One negative action is creating a negative reaction.

The tailgater has the choice too, instead of being cranky because CGN is going slower than him in the right lane he could just relax, back off a bit & wait to see what happens. You never know the slower driver might just be turning off, be having car trouble, unable to merge left….anything.

On your last paragraph, to me he is saying just that. I don’t like you tailgating me so I will slow down a bit in case you hit me. If you get pissed off, I don’t care, just like you don’t care about being too close to me.

Some of the methodology might be skewed but its the same principle.

I think what people don’t realize is, the car behind is actually quite dangerous in this situation, regardless of how good a driver you are. CGNs veiw is, if he is going slower & there is an impact he will be better off, which is true. If this action has caused the accident then it is wrong, it obviously has not as he would have stopped doing it.

The thing is, every driver behind another car should be leaving a safe distance behind them for the vehicle in front, whether the slowing down is intentional or not.

With these comments I am not saying people should not be courteous on the roads or advocating CGNs actions, just seeing his point.

It seems there a lot of tailgaters out there willing to quote Jim Jones “Outa my way, I am a motorist!”

farq said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

When peeps tailgate me, it inconveinences me as I have to slow down for my own safety. By your own logic I’m doing the right thing then you say it’s the wrong thing.
Also when have I ever said I cut anyone off???

CGN, you trolling is of poor quality. Either that or you are quite stupid. Nothing you said is logical.

It may be poor quality, but it sure seems to be working!

Alderney said :

what_the said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

Acting as a rolling road block by intentionally slowing down is not safe.

Are you arguing over degrees of safe?

I’d have thought the first person performing the unsafe action (i.e. the person travelling too close to the vehicle in front) should be the one to yield.

Sounds like a situation where, every action has a reaction, to me.

The point is they’re both being unsafe and everyone else has to deal with it.

KB1971 said :

what_the said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

How do you gather it is helping your safety? They will get even closer if you slow down. And then you become a dangerous obstacle for others.

You could just steer left and all well be well in both people’s worlds. No need to be pissing them off. Even if you pretend you aren’t doing it deliberately, you must be aware that that is what you are doing. If not, you have now been informed.

It’s way safer to be hit from behind at a lower speed than a faster speed.

How about not being hit in the first place by putting yourself in danger of getting hit in the first place? Acting as a rolling road block by intentionally slowing down is not safe. You’re doing it to piss the person behind you off which in turn pisses the people off behind them and has a domino effect of slowing traffic behind. So lets not pretend its about safety and just be honest about it.

Hang on, what about the tailgater pissing CGN off?

He has a point, the slower the speeds lessen the impact, I would rather be speared off the road at 30km/h than 80 ( I have seen the consequences of this).

A lot of you are doing 2+2=46.

From what I have read in this thread, CGN has not said that he is going around intentionally in the RH lane at 30km/h to piss people off.

What he has said is that he slows down to make tailgaters pass rather than risk being hit at higher speeds & that one time he has done 30km/h to do that. OK, may not be strictly a rational action but if the tailgater was still behind him 30cm off his bumper all that time it took to slow down then CGN is not the problem, the tailgater is.

The law implies that the car in front has right of way, the law does not say you must do the speed limit either so really just because you want to faster because you have overbooked your kids afternoon activities, the car in front is not breaking the law, even at 30km/h.

Yep, its a PITA when someone just sits in the RH lane but as my wife keeps telling me….relax!! (it is starting to sink in after 15 years….. 😛 )

People seem to measure their life in milliseconds when they are driving, 10% reduction in speed from Tuggeranong to Gungahlin is going to coat you 1 minute, two tops.

CGN has a choice whether he’s pissed off by the actions of another road user or not. If he was truly intending for the car to be gone then he would just move over. But everyone here know that’s not the aim of his slowing down, it’s to get back at the other driver for pissing him off. Lets not beat around the bush here. He’s just justifying his dickhead actions because he believes the other actions of a tailgater trumps his dickhead actions. Now we have two dickheads on the road being a danger to other drivers around them and one is claiming its for safety reasons! At least the tailgater would be honest enough to say yeah i’m pissed off because this dickhead wont get out of my way!

Everyone should have to spend one year riding a motorcycle. It would soon wake people up to the implications of their actions and drill it into their heads that avoiding incidents in the first place is better to attributing blame after the accident.

The Traineediplomat10:23 am 30 Nov 12

Bring back Ratetheplate.com.au

Here’s a question that some of you can have fun with. If you’re on a dual lane road say coming from Newcastle/ Hindmarsh and want to turn right into Jerra Ave at what point does someone who drives like a granny get in the right hand lane to make that turn? One,two kms or just before the turn off which is what a capable,considerate driver would do 🙂

what_the said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

Acting as a rolling road block by intentionally slowing down is not safe.

Are you arguing over degrees of safe?

I’d have thought the first person performing the unsafe action (i.e. the person travelling too close to the vehicle in front) should be the one to yield.

Sounds like a situation where, every action has a reaction, to me.

KB1971 said :

what_the said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

How do you gather it is helping your safety? They will get even closer if you slow down. And then you become a dangerous obstacle for others.

You could just steer left and all well be well in both people’s worlds. No need to be pissing them off. Even if you pretend you aren’t doing it deliberately, you must be aware that that is what you are doing. If not, you have now been informed.

It’s way safer to be hit from behind at a lower speed than a faster speed.

How about not being hit in the first place by putting yourself in danger of getting hit in the first place? Acting as a rolling road block by intentionally slowing down is not safe. You’re doing it to piss the person behind you off which in turn pisses the people off behind them and has a domino effect of slowing traffic behind. So lets not pretend its about safety and just be honest about it.

Hang on, what about the tailgater pissing CGN off?

He has a point, the slower the speeds lessen the impact, I would rather be speared off the road at 30km/h than 80 ( I have seen the consequences of this).

A lot of you are doing 2+2=46.

From what I have read in this thread, CGN has not said that he is going around intentionally in the RH lane at 30km/h to piss people off.

What he has said is that he slows down to make tailgaters pass rather than risk being hit at higher speeds & that one time he has done 30km/h to do that. OK, may not be strictly a rational action but if the tailgater was still behind him 30cm off his bumper all that time it took to slow down then CGN is not the problem, the tailgater is.

The law implies that the car in front has right of way, the law does not say you must do the speed limit either so really just because you want to faster because you have overbooked your kids afternoon activities, the car in front is not breaking the law, even at 30km/h.
CGN is doing it wrong…left lane is for slower vehicles, right lane for overtaking. Isn’t it against road rules to under take i.e. lefthand lane overtaking? CGN’s argument about safety is invalid if he’s trying to slow down in the right lane.

CGN – seriously, just go into the left lane. This trolling is getting tiresome.

Yep, its a PITA when someone just sits in the RH lane but as my wife keeps telling me….relax!! (it is starting to sink in after 15 years….. 😛 )

People seem to measure their life in milliseconds when they are driving, 10% reduction in speed from Tuggeranong to Gungahlin is going to coat you 1 minute, two tops.

what_the said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

How do you gather it is helping your safety? They will get even closer if you slow down. And then you become a dangerous obstacle for others.

You could just steer left and all well be well in both people’s worlds. No need to be pissing them off. Even if you pretend you aren’t doing it deliberately, you must be aware that that is what you are doing. If not, you have now been informed.

It’s way safer to be hit from behind at a lower speed than a faster speed.

How about not being hit in the first place by putting yourself in danger of getting hit in the first place? Acting as a rolling road block by intentionally slowing down is not safe. You’re doing it to piss the person behind you off which in turn pisses the people off behind them and has a domino effect of slowing traffic behind. So lets not pretend its about safety and just be honest about it.

Hang on, what about the tailgater pissing CGN off?

He has a point, the slower the speeds lessen the impact, I would rather be speared off the road at 30km/h than 80 ( I have seen the consequences of this).

A lot of you are doing 2+2=46.

From what I have read in this thread, CGN has not said that he is going around intentionally in the RH lane at 30km/h to piss people off.

What he has said is that he slows down to make tailgaters pass rather than risk being hit at higher speeds & that one time he has done 30km/h to do that. OK, may not be strictly a rational action but if the tailgater was still behind him 30cm off his bumper all that time it took to slow down then CGN is not the problem, the tailgater is.

The law implies that the car in front has right of way, the law does not say you must do the speed limit either so really just because you want to faster because you have overbooked your kids afternoon activities, the car in front is not breaking the law, even at 30km/h.

Yep, its a PITA when someone just sits in the RH lane but as my wife keeps telling me….relax!! (it is starting to sink in after 15 years….. 😛 )

People seem to measure their life in milliseconds when they are driving, 10% reduction in speed from Tuggeranong to Gungahlin is going to coat you 1 minute, two tops.

rhino said :

Pitchka said :

Solidarity said :

I’ve never been tail-gated.

Nobody else can keep up….

Till now bro, lets meet up bro, tell me a time and place bro, nothing can out run my worked RB26DETT!

What mods u got?

Forget that bro, ive changed my mind, and will instead be driving the Honda!!!


Solidarity said :

Pitchka said :

Solidarity said :

I’ve never been tail-gated.

Nobody else can keep up….

Till now bro, lets meet up bro, tell me a time and place bro, nothing can out run my worked RB26DETT!

More than you can afford pal,


OMG Bro, seriously…. Im pushing 22psi through both snails mate, Ferrari Sherrari!!!

Meh, I’m with the nerd. If someone is driving like a farktard, it’s your duty to do everything in your power to piss them off.

Apart from turning them into enraged slobbering self-righteous balls of impotent fury, it’s really fun!

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

How do you gather it is helping your safety? They will get even closer if you slow down. And then you become a dangerous obstacle for others.

You could just steer left and all well be well in both people’s worlds. No need to be pissing them off. Even if you pretend you aren’t doing it deliberately, you must be aware that that is what you are doing. If not, you have now been informed.

It’s way safer to be hit from behind at a lower speed than a faster speed.

How about not being hit in the first place by putting yourself in danger of getting hit in the first place? Acting as a rolling road block by intentionally slowing down is not safe. You’re doing it to piss the person behind you off which in turn pisses the people off behind them and has a domino effect of slowing traffic behind. So lets not pretend its about safety and just be honest about it.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

When peeps tailgate me, it inconveinences me as I have to slow down for my own safety. By your own logic I’m doing the right thing then you say it’s the wrong thing.
Also when have I ever said I cut anyone off???

CGN, you trolling is of poor quality. Either that or you are quite stupid. Nothing you said is logical.

MonarchRepublic9:05 pm 29 Nov 12

Solidarity said :

Pitchka said :

Solidarity said :

I’ve never been tail-gated.

Nobody else can keep up….

Till now bro, lets meet up bro, tell me a time and place bro, nothing can out run my worked RB26DETT!

More than you can afford pal,


‘smoke him’

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd8:44 pm 29 Nov 12

milkman said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

JC said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

farq said :

I work with somebody who like CGN, likes to be an ass and block the overtaking lane (A Divine Righter). Last year he did it to wrong person and ended up being dragged out of his car at the lights and getting a fat lip and black eye for his troubles.

I’m not suprised. If you go around pissing people off on purpose, one day you will encounter someone who likes to solves things with violence.

I dont believe that anyone is going to get violent with me just for being safe.

Its not about pissing peeps of either, its about safety.

Being safe is one thing, but going out of your way to piss others off to make a point is another. Take for example my post above where I was overtaking a car before a merge. At the speeds we were going what I was doing would have been 100% safe and I would have made it through the merge without effecting the other vehicle in any way shape or form. But Mr Safe doing 70km/h in the right hand lane decided that speeding up to piss me off was a good way to teach me a lesson.

Exactly. Some people get all self righteous and forget that the world works better with being considerate and thinking about what inconveniences others. That’s the main thing that matters, above anything else. Laws change, consideration and common sense doesn’t. I’m sure CGN probably would have cut someone off on the GDE going 82 last year in the right hand lane when the speed limit was 80 and he was going 78 and he would have felt self righteous and justified by the number on the sign. Shortly later, even the government decided that 90kph was perfectly safe on that road. So that would make his idea of himself as a high and mighty upholder of safety fairly invalid.

When peeps tailgate me, it inconveinences me as I have to slow down for my own safety. By your own logic I’m doing the right thing then you say it’s the wrong thing.
Also when have I ever said I cut anyone off???

My arse your slowing down for safety, you’re doing it to get back at the person behind you. If it was about safety you’d move oveer into the left lane.

No I probably need to turn right at some point. That’s the only time I’m in the right lane.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd8:42 pm 29 Nov 12

rhino said :

How do you gather it is helping your safety? They will get even closer if you slow down. And then you become a dangerous obstacle for others.

You could just steer left and all well be well in both people’s worlds. No need to be pissing them off. Even if you pretend you aren’t doing it deliberately, you must be aware that that is what you are doing. If not, you have now been informed.

It’s way safer to be hit from behind at a lower speed than a faster speed.

milkman said :

My arse your slowing down for safety, you’re doing it to get back at the person behind you. If it was about safety you’d move oveer into the left lane.

Very true and if the left lane is indeed free then than law or no law that is the safest and most courtesy place to be driving.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

JC said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

farq said :

I work with somebody who like CGN, likes to be an ass and block the overtaking lane (A Divine Righter). Last year he did it to wrong person and ended up being dragged out of his car at the lights and getting a fat lip and black eye for his troubles.

I’m not suprised. If you go around pissing people off on purpose, one day you will encounter someone who likes to solves things with violence.

I dont believe that anyone is going to get violent with me just for being safe.

Its not about pissing peeps of either, its about safety.

Being safe is one thing, but going out of your way to piss others off to make a point is another. Take for example my post above where I was overtaking a car before a merge. At the speeds we were going what I was doing would have been 100% safe and I would have made it through the merge without effecting the other vehicle in any way shape or form. But Mr Safe doing 70km/h in the right hand lane decided that speeding up to piss me off was a good way to teach me a lesson.

Exactly. Some people get all self righteous and forget that the world works better with being considerate and thinking about what inconveniences others. That’s the main thing that matters, above anything else. Laws change, consideration and common sense doesn’t. I’m sure CGN probably would have cut someone off on the GDE going 82 last year in the right hand lane when the speed limit was 80 and he was going 78 and he would have felt self righteous and justified by the number on the sign. Shortly later, even the government decided that 90kph was perfectly safe on that road. So that would make his idea of himself as a high and mighty upholder of safety fairly invalid.

When peeps tailgate me, it inconveinences me as I have to slow down for my own safety. By your own logic I’m doing the right thing then you say it’s the wrong thing.
Also when have I ever said I cut anyone off???

My arse your slowing down for safety, you’re doing it to get back at the person behind you. If it was about safety you’d move oveer into the left lane.

@ Comic Nerd

We’ve got plenty of Autobarns here but bugger all autobahns

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd5:41 pm 29 Nov 12

rhino said :

JC said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

farq said :

I work with somebody who like CGN, likes to be an ass and block the overtaking lane (A Divine Righter). Last year he did it to wrong person and ended up being dragged out of his car at the lights and getting a fat lip and black eye for his troubles.

I’m not suprised. If you go around pissing people off on purpose, one day you will encounter someone who likes to solves things with violence.

I dont believe that anyone is going to get violent with me just for being safe.

Its not about pissing peeps of either, its about safety.

Being safe is one thing, but going out of your way to piss others off to make a point is another. Take for example my post above where I was overtaking a car before a merge. At the speeds we were going what I was doing would have been 100% safe and I would have made it through the merge without effecting the other vehicle in any way shape or form. But Mr Safe doing 70km/h in the right hand lane decided that speeding up to piss me off was a good way to teach me a lesson.

Exactly. Some people get all self righteous and forget that the world works better with being considerate and thinking about what inconveniences others. That’s the main thing that matters, above anything else. Laws change, consideration and common sense doesn’t. I’m sure CGN probably would have cut someone off on the GDE going 82 last year in the right hand lane when the speed limit was 80 and he was going 78 and he would have felt self righteous and justified by the number on the sign. Shortly later, even the government decided that 90kph was perfectly safe on that road. So that would make his idea of himself as a high and mighty upholder of safety fairly invalid.

When peeps tailgate me, it inconveinences me as I have to slow down for my own safety. By your own logic I’m doing the right thing then you say it’s the wrong thing.
Also when have I ever said I cut anyone off???

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd5:35 pm 29 Nov 12

rhino said :

Slowing down to stop a tailgater tailgating is far less dangerous than tailgating.

Slowing down to 30kph in the right hand lane to stop a tailgater? Has that ever worked? Never would a tailgater stop tailgating because you slowed down, you would simply antagonise them further and they will tailgate even more. And going down to 30kph in the right lane is incredibly dangerous. If you had to brake and the tailgater was behind you, in the worst case he might run into the back of you if you suddenly hit the brakes. In this circumstance, you would be going the same speed and the collision would just have the velocity of the difference between your braking deceleration, which wouldn’t be that much compared to someone going possibly up to 70kph faster than you and you your tailgater suddenly appearing in his windscreen very quickly. I know which accident I’d rather have. So I don’t see how you can say this is “far less dangerous” when it seems easily as dangerous from any reasonable point of view and I’d say far more dangerous really, due to the speed difference between yourself and others. That is why on the autobahn they have different speeds in different lanes, because having someone go slow in the right lane and quickly come up behind someone going slow is dangerous. When you think about it, the difference in speed is equivalent to someone jumping out in front of a car standing still at some normal road greater than suburban road speeds.

Firstly, we do not have auto barns.

Second, only once have I gone down to 30 kms. They would not stop tailgating so I kept going slower. Most times I only have to go like 10 or 15 kms slower and they get the idea.
Thirdly, no, it’s always stopped them from tailgating. Not once have they not backed off. If they get angry because I don’t allow them to break the law, then it’s there problem, not mine .

How do you gather it is helping your safety? They will get even closer if you slow down. And then you become a dangerous obstacle for others.

You could just steer left and all well be well in both people’s worlds. No need to be pissing them off. Even if you pretend you aren’t doing it deliberately, you must be aware that that is what you are doing. If not, you have now been informed.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd5:09 pm 29 Nov 12

JC said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

farq said :

I work with somebody who like CGN, likes to be an ass and block the overtaking lane (A Divine Righter). Last year he did it to wrong person and ended up being dragged out of his car at the lights and getting a fat lip and black eye for his troubles.

I’m not suprised. If you go around pissing people off on purpose, one day you will encounter someone who likes to solves things with violence.

I dont believe that anyone is going to get violent with me just for being safe.

Its not about pissing peeps of either, its about safety.

Being safe is one thing, but going out of your way to piss others off to make a point is another. Take for example my post above where I was overtaking a car before a merge. At the speeds we were going what I was doing would have been 100% safe and I would have made it through the merge without effecting the other vehicle in any way shape or form. But Mr Safe doing 70km/h in the right hand lane decided that speeding up to piss me off was a good way to teach me a lesson.

When did I ever say I do it to piss peeps off? I do it for my own safety.

Mr Gillespie4:52 pm 29 Nov 12

Pitchka said :

Madam Cholet said :

…….Finally, where do I get a bumber for my car?

Buts its okay to drive like a moron if you have another adult (say 18 years and over) in the car, because there life is not important?

Here is your bumper sticker.. http://www.allthingsdemocrat.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Im-Stupid1.jpg

How does a bumper sticker meant to say “Hotlinking is bad, please save this on your blog”? Is this some sort of trick some website somewhere is pulling on you?

Spiral said :

Jim Jones said :

Spiral said :

I’m not justifying speeding or rude driving

Yes you are.

You’ve overbooked your daughter with activities, that’s a sh1thouse reason for frantic driving.

And where did I say I was driving frantically?

Just because I’m not speeding and not tailgating doesn’t mean that I’m not in a hurry and not pissed off with someone driving 10kph below the limit on a good bit of road in reasonable traffic conditions in a modern car.

Yes I’m in a hurry, but I’m not driving frantically.

I’m with you Spiral. Now get up #108 as well.

devils_advocate3:41 pm 29 Nov 12

Pitchka said :

Till now bro, lets meet up bro, tell me a time and place bro, nothing can out run my worked RB26DETT!

Weaksauce. Nobody rocks a 2.6 bottom end any more. RB31dett FTW.

Pitchka said :

Solidarity said :

I’ve never been tail-gated.

Nobody else can keep up….

Till now bro, lets meet up bro, tell me a time and place bro, nothing can out run my worked RB26DETT!

What mods u got?

Pitchka said :

Madam Cholet said :

Nothing sh1ts me more though than seeing people with children in their cars and driving like complete morons. If you get pulled over for moronic driving (I think that’s the official charge), and you have a minor in the car with you then the penalty should automatically increase for being a double moron for passing on your bad habits, and of course endangering a minor.

Finally, where do I get a bumber for my car?

Buts its okay to drive like a moron if you have another adult (say 18 years and over) in the car, because there life is not important?

Here is your bumper sticker.. http://www.allthingsdemocrat.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Im-Stupid1.jpg

Adults have the option of not getting on the car in the first place. An option that is generally not available to children.

That’s why “endangering a minor” is a separate criminal offence.

Jim Jones said :

Spiral said :

Yes I’m in a hurry, but I’m not driving frantically.

That’s nice! My apologies.

I suppose I interpreted otherwise because of the ‘I’m late for stuff and people are driving slightly under the speed limit’ thing.

To be honest, slowing down 10kph isn’t going to make jack difference to amount of time it takes to get anywhere in Canberra.

It does. 90 instead of 100kph will be 10% slower, which could make several minutes difference. For some, this may not matter, for others this could be crucial. So it’s fair to keep left to alleviate the stress of others, it won’t be any inconvenience to do so if you aren’t in a hurry.

Pitchka said :

Solidarity said :

I’ve never been tail-gated.

Nobody else can keep up….

Till now bro, lets meet up bro, tell me a time and place bro, nothing can out run my worked RB26DETT!

More than you can afford pal,


What i think he;s trying to say is if the sign says 80km/h be considerate and do the speed limit. (not just for speeders, but for people who like driving way under it.

This type of action causes more problems (imo) than speeding (85 in an 80 zones etc). people doing 20km/h less than the posted limit are an accident waiting to happen.. as they are the type of people to say / write all those tail gaters in Canberra… no, we’re not tail gating, we’re hopnig you actually speed up to the speed limit.

Rather than tail gate, I have found a sure way of getting serial under-speeders to speed up to the limit. flash them a few times and they get the message (if they’re paying attention whilst talking on the phone that is).

sorry, rant over.

Jim Jones said :

Spiral said :

I’m not justifying speeding or rude driving

Yes you are.

You’ve overbooked your daughter with activities, that’s a sh1thouse reason for frantic driving.

Pitchka said :

Solidarity said :

I’ve never been tail-gated.

Nobody else can keep up….

Till now bro, lets meet up bro, tell me a time and place bro, nothing can out run my worked RB26DETT!

Posti’s rex or xy perhaps?

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

DoityBoid said :

I just don’t understand the mentality of impatient drivers.
On a rush to get to work? Unless you’re running late, don’t hurry.

On a rush to get home? To relax? It’s a bit ironic stressing yourself out, driving like an idiot, getting maybe 2 cars in front, in the peak hour traffic, so you can get home and relax.

Its even more funny when you see people driving like total penises, speeding, forcing themselves into other lanes etc etc and then you pull up next to them at evey set of traffic lights.

Its the most lol when you see the same penises pulled over by a police 😀

The mental image of seeing so many penises pulled over by police has left me scarred for life.Could you be a little more circum-spect in future?

Solidarity said :

I’ve never been tail-gated.

Nobody else can keep up….

Till now bro, lets meet up bro, tell me a time and place bro, nothing can out run my worked RB26DETT!

Madam Cholet said :

Nothing sh1ts me more though than seeing people with children in their cars and driving like complete morons. If you get pulled over for moronic driving (I think that’s the official charge), and you have a minor in the car with you then the penalty should automatically increase for being a double moron for passing on your bad habits, and of course endangering a minor.

Finally, where do I get a bumber for my car?

Buts its okay to drive like a moron if you have another adult (say 18 years and over) in the car, because there life is not important?

Here is your bumper sticker.. http://www.allthingsdemocrat.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Im-Stupid1.jpg

Spiral said :

Yes I’m in a hurry, but I’m not driving frantically.

That’s nice! My apologies.

I suppose I interpreted otherwise because of the ‘I’m late for stuff and people are driving slightly under the speed limit’ thing.

To be honest, slowing down 10kph isn’t going to make jack difference to amount of time it takes to get anywhere in Canberra.

I’ve never been tail-gated.

Nobody else can keep up….

Madam Cholet2:06 pm 29 Nov 12

I’m not in favour of slowing down for tailgaters even though it’s so very tempting. I generally get out of their way but make sure that a) I indicate that I am going to move left, b) leave a few seconds between indicating and moving so they realise my intentions and don’t decide to overtake me on the left instead and then cause a god awful accident & c) make the move across the centre line so slowly that I get to see their frustration boil over one last time.

Nothing sh1ts me more though than seeing people with children in their cars and driving like complete morons. If you get pulled over for moronic driving (I think that’s the official charge), and you have a minor in the car with you then the penalty should automatically increase for being a double moron for passing on your bad habits, and of course endangering a minor.

Finally, where do I get a bumber for my car?

Jim Jones said :

Spiral said :

I’m not justifying speeding or rude driving

Yes you are.

You’ve overbooked your daughter with activities, that’s a sh1thouse reason for frantic driving.

And where did I say I was driving frantically?

Just because I’m not speeding and not tailgating doesn’t mean that I’m not in a hurry and not pissed off with someone driving 10kph below the limit on a good bit of road in reasonable traffic conditions in a modern car.

Yes I’m in a hurry, but I’m not driving frantically.

JC said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

farq said :

I work with somebody who like CGN, likes to be an ass and block the overtaking lane (A Divine Righter). Last year he did it to wrong person and ended up being dragged out of his car at the lights and getting a fat lip and black eye for his troubles.

I’m not suprised. If you go around pissing people off on purpose, one day you will encounter someone who likes to solves things with violence.

I dont believe that anyone is going to get violent with me just for being safe.

Its not about pissing peeps of either, its about safety.

Being safe is one thing, but going out of your way to piss others off to make a point is another. Take for example my post above where I was overtaking a car before a merge. At the speeds we were going what I was doing would have been 100% safe and I would have made it through the merge without effecting the other vehicle in any way shape or form. But Mr Safe doing 70km/h in the right hand lane decided that speeding up to piss me off was a good way to teach me a lesson.

Exactly. Some people get all self righteous and forget that the world works better with being considerate and thinking about what inconveniences others. That’s the main thing that matters, above anything else. Laws change, consideration and common sense doesn’t. I’m sure CGN probably would have cut someone off on the GDE going 82 last year in the right hand lane when the speed limit was 80 and he was going 78 and he would have felt self righteous and justified by the number on the sign. Shortly later, even the government decided that 90kph was perfectly safe on that road. So that would make his idea of himself as a high and mighty upholder of safety fairly invalid.

Every morning, whilst driving along past Bonython towards the city, people pull onto Drakeford drive via the slip lane. what they dont understand is that, if you are in a slip lane, indicating right to merge with traffic already on the main arterial (i.e. Drakeford Drive) and traffic is bumber to bumber, people are not required to slam their breaks in order to let you in as your stupidly pull out.

If you are in a slip lane, and it is bumber to bumber, and it is not safe to pull out of the slip lane, onto the main road, then you must slow down, or even stop, until it is safe to pull out.

Canberran’s do not know how to use slip lanes.

Spiral said :

I’m not justifying speeding or rude driving

Yes you are.

You’ve overbooked your daughter with activities, that’s a sh1thouse reason for frantic driving.

MightyJoe said :

Thanks to the Passat V6E driver this morning who dawdled in the slip lane off the GDE onto the Barton highway (at 60km/h) and then got all toey when I decided to over take after the full line – cut in front of me, slammed his brakes on and then proceeded to block my left hand overtake by swerving in front of my car…
Next time you do that to someone, I hope its to the guy that likes giving fat lips and black eyes (as read above).. you sure deserved it this morning – ya douche.

There’s no excuse for that, that guy should get a fine and a punch in the mouth frankly.

Spiral said :

DoityBoid said :

I just don’t understand the mentality of impatient drivers.
On a rush to get to work? Unless you’re running late, don’t hurry.

On a rush to get home? To relax? It’s a bit ironic stressing yourself out, driving like an idiot, getting maybe 2 cars in front, in the peak hour traffic, so you can get home and relax.

Some people have hectic lives that require them to get from point A to point B in a short period of time.

For example: I have a daughter who finished ballet at 4:45 (in theory but usually the class runs late) and then attends Girl Guides at 5. She has been doing ballet for 7 years and Guides for 2 years. Each year her ballet classes have been at different times. This year it happens to be at an awkward time.

Having some moron dawdle along at a consistent 10kph below the speed limit does not help.

I’m not justifying speeding or rude driving, just pointing out that some people do have a valid reason for being in a hurry and consider people who just dawdle along for no good reason as being self centred, inconsiderate wankers.

That’s not a valid reason for endangering yourself, your daughter and others. If you have to do that, perhaps she shouldn’t be doing both?

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

farq said :

I work with somebody who like CGN, likes to be an ass and block the overtaking lane (A Divine Righter). Last year he did it to wrong person and ended up being dragged out of his car at the lights and getting a fat lip and black eye for his troubles.

I’m not suprised. If you go around pissing people off on purpose, one day you will encounter someone who likes to solves things with violence.

I dont believe that anyone is going to get violent with me just for being safe.

Its not about pissing peeps of either, its about safety.

How is slowing down to 30kph in the right hand lane safer than pulling into the left hand lane?

Slowing down to stop a tailgater tailgating is far less dangerous than tailgating.

Slowing down to 30kph in the right hand lane to stop a tailgater? Has that ever worked? Never would a tailgater stop tailgating because you slowed down, you would simply antagonise them further and they will tailgate even more. And going down to 30kph in the right lane is incredibly dangerous. If you had to brake and the tailgater was behind you, in the worst case he might run into the back of you if you suddenly hit the brakes. In this circumstance, you would be going the same speed and the collision would just have the velocity of the difference between your braking deceleration, which wouldn’t be that much compared to someone going possibly up to 70kph faster than you and you your tailgater suddenly appearing in his windscreen very quickly. I know which accident I’d rather have. So I don’t see how you can say this is “far less dangerous” when it seems easily as dangerous from any reasonable point of view and I’d say far more dangerous really, due to the speed difference between yourself and others. That is why on the autobahn they have different speeds in different lanes, because having someone go slow in the right lane and quickly come up behind someone going slow is dangerous. When you think about it, the difference in speed is equivalent to someone jumping out in front of a car standing still at some normal road greater than suburban road speeds.

Thanks to the Passat V6E driver this morning who dawdled in the slip lane off the GDE onto the Barton highway (at 60km/h) and then got all toey when I decided to over take after the full line – cut in front of me, slammed his brakes on and then proceeded to block my left hand overtake by swerving in front of my car…
Next time you do that to someone, I hope its to the guy that likes giving fat lips and black eyes (as read above).. you sure deserved it this morning – ya douche.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

farq said :

I work with somebody who like CGN, likes to be an ass and block the overtaking lane (A Divine Righter). Last year he did it to wrong person and ended up being dragged out of his car at the lights and getting a fat lip and black eye for his troubles.

I’m not suprised. If you go around pissing people off on purpose, one day you will encounter someone who likes to solves things with violence.

I dont believe that anyone is going to get violent with me just for being safe.

Its not about pissing peeps of either, its about safety.

Being safe is one thing, but going out of your way to piss others off to make a point is another. Take for example my post above where I was overtaking a car before a merge. At the speeds we were going what I was doing would have been 100% safe and I would have made it through the merge without effecting the other vehicle in any way shape or form. But Mr Safe doing 70km/h in the right hand lane decided that speeding up to piss me off was a good way to teach me a lesson.

DoityBoid said :

I just don’t understand the mentality of impatient drivers.
On a rush to get to work? Unless you’re running late, don’t hurry.

On a rush to get home? To relax? It’s a bit ironic stressing yourself out, driving like an idiot, getting maybe 2 cars in front, in the peak hour traffic, so you can get home and relax.

Some people have hectic lives that require them to get from point A to point B in a short period of time.

For example: I have a daughter who finished ballet at 4:45 (in theory but usually the class runs late) and then attends Girl Guides at 5. She has been doing ballet for 7 years and Guides for 2 years. Each year her ballet classes have been at different times. This year it happens to be at an awkward time.

Having some moron dawdle along at a consistent 10kph below the speed limit does not help.

I’m not justifying speeding or rude driving, just pointing out that some people do have a valid reason for being in a hurry and consider people who just dawdle along for no good reason as being self centred, inconsiderate wankers.

rhino said :

I frankly don’t see the point. You are allowed to go through an orange if it’s that close, and more importantly it’s safe to do so. That’s why they have the orange instead of just the red. I’m not going to slam on the brakes and possibly force others to do the same when I’m likely to be 500 away by the time the other people have their lights turn green. That’s hardly more safe and just costs brakes, and time and fuel and slows down the flow of traffic. It’s dangerous if two people are driving near eachother at the same time though but there’s line. Generally if you can make it through the orange without risking it going red, then you are not going to collide with or slow down people going the other way when they get a green.

I didn’t say slam the brakes on, but clearly if you need to accelerate to get through on an amber, which is what YOU said then clearly you were not THAT close and you should be able to stop (without slaming the brakes on).

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd12:54 pm 29 Nov 12

DoityBoid said :

I just don’t understand the mentality of impatient drivers.
On a rush to get to work? Unless you’re running late, don’t hurry.

On a rush to get home? To relax? It’s a bit ironic stressing yourself out, driving like an idiot, getting maybe 2 cars in front, in the peak hour traffic, so you can get home and relax.

Its even more funny when you see people driving like total penises, speeding, forcing themselves into other lanes etc etc and then you pull up next to them at evey set of traffic lights.

Its the most lol when you see the same penises pulled over by a police 😀

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd12:43 pm 29 Nov 12

farq said :

I work with somebody who like CGN, likes to be an ass and block the overtaking lane (A Divine Righter). Last year he did it to wrong person and ended up being dragged out of his car at the lights and getting a fat lip and black eye for his troubles.

I’m not suprised. If you go around pissing people off on purpose, one day you will encounter someone who likes to solves things with violence.

I dont believe that anyone is going to get violent with me just for being safe.

Its not about pissing peeps of either, its about safety.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd12:42 pm 29 Nov 12

rhino said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

460cixy said :


Reminds me of almost everyday that I get tailgated and I just keep on slowing down until they stop doing it. Slowest I have got to is 30 in a 80 zone(hindmarsh stretch up the hill). Peeps soon learn not to tail gate this way.

And again you prove your an a grade dick


Easy to explain. You are being an A-grade dick by slowing down to 30kph in an 80kph zone to be spiteful of someone who wanted to go fast in the fast lane while you were going slow in the fast lane. That is down right dangerous. It’s common for people to be going 20 over in the fast lane and you are going 50kph under. That’s a 70kph difference mostly attribuatable to your own arrogance and very likely to cause a collision if there is not a decent line of sight ahead on the road for some reason.

No Einstein, doing the speed limit in the right lane is not going slow. In fact it’s being safe to slow down if someone is tailgating you. It’s going to lessen the impact of any collision the tailgater may cause.

Btw, there is no such thing as a *fast lane* in this town.

If you read my comment or your own before that, you would know that we are talking about going 30kph in the right lane which is clearly one of the most dangerous things done in this thread. And as I said “That’s a 70kph difference mostly attributable to your own arrogance and very likely to cause a collision if there is not a decent line of sight ahead on the road for some reason”

Slowing down to stop a tailgater tailgating is far less dangerous than tailgating.

I just don’t understand the mentality of impatient drivers.
On a rush to get to work? Unless you’re running late, don’t hurry.

On a rush to get home? To relax? It’s a bit ironic stressing yourself out, driving like an idiot, getting maybe 2 cars in front, in the peak hour traffic, so you can get home and relax.

rhino said :

I think this is the reason we have a lot of roundabouts though, because you don’t have to wait and have everyone stopped dead and then wait their turn to start accelerating off the line again. There’s just a constant flow of traffic narrowly missing eachother really but in a controlled way.

If only roundabouts actually worked like this…

JC said :

rhino said :

I will accelerate up to the speed limit to get through an orange but not if it’s been orange for a while and I’m risking it going red while I’m even close to the line. Generally if you can make it to the other side of the intersection without it going red, you’re fine, I’d say. Everyone freaks out with the red light cameras though and it can be a little dangerous sometimes. They might be a few car lengths away and it just ticks over to orange and they slam on the brakes because nobody really understands what the legal line is for these and nobody wants to risk it.

Ummm if you can accelerate up to the speed limit to get through a light on amber, surely you should be able to do what your meant to do and slow the hell down and stop?

I frankly don’t see the point. You are allowed to go through an orange if it’s that close, and more importantly it’s safe to do so. That’s why they have the orange instead of just the red. I’m not going to slam on the brakes and possibly force others to do the same when I’m likely to be 500 away by the time the other people have their lights turn green. That’s hardly more safe and just costs brakes, and time and fuel and slows down the flow of traffic. It’s dangerous if two people are driving near eachother at the same time though but there’s line. Generally if you can make it through the orange without risking it going red, then you are not going to collide with or slow down people going the other way when they get a green.

I think this is the reason we have a lot of roundabouts though, because you don’t have to wait and have everyone stopped dead and then wait their turn to start accelerating off the line again. There’s just a constant flow of traffic narrowly missing eachother really but in a controlled way. It just becomes an issue if there’s a massive flow in one direction and someone going the other way can’t find a gap to get through. Also, it means everyoen has to slow down a bit to make it around the roundabout, whereas if you have a green light you don’t have to obviously. Still, I wonder how roundabouts would go on northborne instead of traffic lights for a few of the intersections.

Deref said :

Pork Hunt said :

I have entertained the idea of buying one of those aerosol type air horns and pointing that out the window at texting tools.

Rocket propelled grenade launchers are the preferred weapon of choice for use against texters,

So, the Hamas leader was texting while he was driving?

Pork Hunt said :

I have entertained the idea of buying one of those aerosol type air horns and pointing that out the window at texting tools.

Rocket propelled grenade launchers are the preferred weapon of choice for use against texters,

rhino said :

I will accelerate up to the speed limit to get through an orange but not if it’s been orange for a while and I’m risking it going red while I’m even close to the line. Generally if you can make it to the other side of the intersection without it going red, you’re fine, I’d say. Everyone freaks out with the red light cameras though and it can be a little dangerous sometimes. They might be a few car lengths away and it just ticks over to orange and they slam on the brakes because nobody really understands what the legal line is for these and nobody wants to risk it.

Ummm if you can accelerate up to the speed limit to get through a light on amber, surely you should be able to do what your meant to do and slow the hell down and stop?

As for the comments above about lights there are some and the Belconnen Way and Caswell Drive intersection (incorrectly refered to as the GDE by many) is one such example of where the intersection is so large that the timings between orange and red, and red and green need to be made a few seconds longer. Instead they seem to be the standard 3 seconds. The end result of course is what the poster above said which is even though you are looking at a green yourself there are often cars still coming through. One of the worst intersections I see for this is Northborne turning right onto Cooyong Street. Every day I see at least 2 cars continue through despite the lights having changed to green for the through traffic. Even more ironic when this intersection and in that direction has a red light camera, but clearly for the through traffic not turning.

As for idiot of the day, well I reckon that goes to the driver of the white Falcon on Ginninderra Drive this morning at around 7:45 approaching Coulter Drive. The guy was sitting in the right hand lane doing around 65km (clearly he, like many don’t notice the keep left unless overtaking sign on this road which, despite it being an 80km/h zone overrides the normal 90km/h rule). I went to the left lane to overtake him and would have made it to and through the merge before the lake with plenty of room to spare, but oh no he decides it is now time to speed up to stop me doing it. Suffice to say I won out, only to hear him toot and give me the bird. After the merge he then slowed back down.

Now if your reading, really you were in the RH lane doing significantly less than the speed limit and as proved by the fact I could go left so could you. In no way shape of form did I menace you, I just changed lanes and was driving at the speed limit and would have been well past you and would not have inconvenienced you in any way shape of form. So why speed up like that?

And before anyone shoots me down in flames for being in the right hand lane myself, the reason I was there is because I overtook a dick head who turned left out of Copland Drive right in front of me, not realising that when you turn left you really need to give way to cars on the road you are turning onto, especially when it is an 80 zone and you are doing umm about 30-40 as you come around the corner. So 2nd idiot of the day award to you and a warning, be careful doing that, fortunately there was nothing directly in the RH lane so I could change otherwise I would have come close to hitting you.

I’d like to thank the woman in the small white sedan who held up one lane at the Park way road works and then when she got to the tunnel at the ANU took to the right lane and held people up even more by dawdling. The next right turn is at Duntroon ffs.

Jim Jones said :

rhino said :

I don’t know if it’s just a specific intersection thing but I haven’t seen anyone run red lights in a long time. Other than speeding up to make it through an orange light that is very orange and goes red very shortly after they cross the line sort of thing. Are you talking about that, or are people going through red lights long after they have gone fully red? Is this at 4am in the morning or something? Generally it’s not possible to go through a red light because the other cars are going through their green and are in the way.

I see a stack – at least one a day. Belconnen Way turning onto the GDE is a real doozy (it’s not uncommon to have a green light, but have to wait for someone who has gunned a very late orange and is coming through a very very very red light), but they’re all over the shop.

It’s always people who see an orange light and fang it to make it through, but end up going through red lights. A three-year-old could tell you that an orange light means ‘slow down there’s a red light coming, stop unless it’s dangerous to do otherwise’, but the current thinking on the road seems to be “Orange = drive as fast as you possibly can to get through.

It’s not ‘the light turned red after I’d passed it’, it’s very much people driving really farking fast through red lights after the orange has run out.

Ah ok. I see what you mean. I think I have had issues merging onto the GDE from belconnen way in the past but I barely ever go that way. I generally don’t mind if it’s just like they gun it (obviously not to ridiculous speeds) and get through the light after it’s been orange for a while if they are long gone by the time the other people get a green. If it is so late that they are actually in the way of the other people with green then it becomes unsafe. This varies by intersection I guess.

Another thing I’ve noticed is that certain intersections of traffic lights have horrible timing. This isn’t anything to do with running the lights really, but I find certain intersections (I can’t recall which ones right now but some on northbourne are bad at times) are pretty shocking at timing. Often it’s peak hour and it’s busy with cars going in all directions but there’s a long long time where everyoen just sits there staring at eachother between each change of the lights. It seems to go on forever and it feels really unproductive. I guess those intersections are extra safe from people running red lights though, because everyone seems to simultaneously have red for many seconds.

I will accelerate up to the speed limit to get through an orange but not if it’s been orange for a while and I’m risking it going red while I’m even close to the line. Generally if you can make it to the other side of the intersection without it going red, you’re fine, I’d say. Everyone freaks out with the red light cameras though and it can be a little dangerous sometimes. They might be a few car lengths away and it just ticks over to orange and they slam on the brakes because nobody really understands what the legal line is for these and nobody wants to risk it.

rhino said :

I don’t know if it’s just a specific intersection thing but I haven’t seen anyone run red lights in a long time. Other than speeding up to make it through an orange light that is very orange and goes red very shortly after they cross the line sort of thing. Are you talking about that, or are people going through red lights long after they have gone fully red? Is this at 4am in the morning or something? Generally it’s not possible to go through a red light because the other cars are going through their green and are in the way.

I regularly witness farktards who blatantly accelerate to beat the red light.The problem is that their judgement is atrocious and many of them are playing russian roulette.Depending on the intersection there is usually a 2-3 second delay between the lights turning red in one direction and getting the green in the other direction.So what i am referring to is getting a green light and then having a farktard tearing through the intersection just as i’m about to accelerate throught the green light.I witness this farktardary daily from cars,heavy vehicles and even the odd bus.It’s bloody dangerous and these farktards deserve a flogging!

Jim Jones said :

rhino said :


It’s always people who see an orange light and fang it to make it through, but end up going through red lights. A three-year-old could tell you that an orange light means ‘slow down there’s a red light coming, stop unless it’s dangerous to do otherwise’, but the current thinking on the road seems to be “Orange = drive as fast as you possibly can to get through.

‘Current thinking’?????- How long have you been driving in this town?

rhino said :

I don’t know if it’s just a specific intersection thing but I haven’t seen anyone run red lights in a long time. Other than speeding up to make it through an orange light that is very orange and goes red very shortly after they cross the line sort of thing. Are you talking about that, or are people going through red lights long after they have gone fully red? Is this at 4am in the morning or something? Generally it’s not possible to go through a red light because the other cars are going through their green and are in the way.

I see a stack – at least one a day. Belconnen Way turning onto the GDE is a real doozy (it’s not uncommon to have a green light, but have to wait for someone who has gunned a very late orange and is coming through a very very very red light), but they’re all over the shop.

It’s always people who see an orange light and fang it to make it through, but end up going through red lights. A three-year-old could tell you that an orange light means ‘slow down there’s a red light coming, stop unless it’s dangerous to do otherwise’, but the current thinking on the road seems to be “Orange = drive as fast as you possibly can to get through.

It’s not ‘the light turned red after I’d passed it’, it’s very much people driving really farking fast through red lights after the orange has run out.

rhino said :

I don’t know if it’s just a specific intersection thing but I haven’t seen anyone run red lights in a long time. Other than speeding up to make it through an orange light that is very orange and goes red very shortly after they cross the line sort of thing. Are you talking about that, or are people going through red lights long after they have gone fully red? Is this at 4am in the morning or something? Generally it’s not possible to go through a red light because the other cars are going through their green and are in the way.

I am mainly talking about just after or on the line. I have seen a few people just drive off from reg lights but that is rare, same as cyclists (& I ride quite a bit), if a cyclist pulls up in the cycle lane at the red light, it is rare that they move on, what is more common is the footpath going cyclists to do whatever they want because they think they are pedestrians.

Having said that, pedestrians ignore everything too, riding into work, it is amazing the amount of pedestrians who just walk off the gutter when you are riding towards them & just look at you when you have a go at them. Nortbourne ave is a classic, so many people walk against the red light.

I don’t know if it’s just a specific intersection thing but I haven’t seen anyone run red lights in a long time. Other than speeding up to make it through an orange light that is very orange and goes red very shortly after they cross the line sort of thing. Are you talking about that, or are people going through red lights long after they have gone fully red? Is this at 4am in the morning or something? Generally it’s not possible to go through a red light because the other cars are going through their green and are in the way.

Jim Jones said :

bundah said :

Jim Jones said :

Running red lights seems to be a lot more common than it was back in the day.

Saw 4 people run reds this morning alone.

In my experience it’s become commonplace and there’s rarely cops around to act as a deterrent. Disgusting

Cops as deterrents is a pretty inefficient way to deal with the problem. There are a few key intersections (where Belconnen Way meets GDE, for example) where red light cameras would do a world of good.

Yep totally agree,as i’ve said in previous posts, that we need a lot more red light/speed cameras(i can think of six locations just in the old south where they would be useful).Of course there is the other issue of attitudinal change in order to reduce the number of idiots running blatant red lights and driving through suburbs at excessive speed. No question that high visibility policing would be an additional burden on the taxpayer but it would go some way to modifying many peoples current attitude of i don’t give a fark.

I work with somebody who like CGN, likes to be an ass and block the overtaking lane (A Divine Righter). Last year he did it to wrong person and ended up being dragged out of his car at the lights and getting a fat lip and black eye for his troubles.

I’m not suprised. If you go around pissing people off on purpose, one day you will encounter someone who likes to solves things with violence.

Madam Cholet said :

Madam Cholet said :

Jeez I prefer to ride or take the bus…………….

In my experience bus drivers are the worst red light runners.

Actually, been thinking about the common misdemeanors that I see on the roads lately and wondering what the police could do to be more ‘pro-active’ about road safety and responsible driving.May be another discussion, but seeing as this one is popular again I’ll put it here.

My personal opinion is that they should ditch the dumb roadside ‘txt messages’ and perhaps actively police the roads a bit more in person. Failing that, how could they enact other education campaigns? Could cover anything from STAYING IN THE LEFT HAND LANE FOR GODS SAKE, or indicating before you commit to changing lanes – you know, some standard easy concept things that the majority of us would get.

TV, radio? Social Media? What works these days apart from a regular police presence which we would have to admit by now we are not going to get.

This. Staying in the appropriate lane at the time, indicating properly and being aware of all of the vehicles around you and the road ahead at all times. These things are probably the most key important things.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

460cixy said :


Reminds me of almost everyday that I get tailgated and I just keep on slowing down until they stop doing it. Slowest I have got to is 30 in a 80 zone(hindmarsh stretch up the hill). Peeps soon learn not to tail gate this way.

And again you prove your an a grade dick


Easy to explain. You are being an A-grade dick by slowing down to 30kph in an 80kph zone to be spiteful of someone who wanted to go fast in the fast lane while you were going slow in the fast lane. That is down right dangerous. It’s common for people to be going 20 over in the fast lane and you are going 50kph under. That’s a 70kph difference mostly attribuatable to your own arrogance and very likely to cause a collision if there is not a decent line of sight ahead on the road for some reason.

No Einstein, doing the speed limit in the right lane is not going slow. In fact it’s being safe to slow down if someone is tailgating you. It’s going to lessen the impact of any collision the tailgater may cause.

Btw, there is no such thing as a *fast lane* in this town.

If you read my comment or your own before that, you would know that we are talking about going 30kph in the right lane which is clearly one of the most dangerous things done in this thread. And as I said “That’s a 70kph difference mostly attributable to your own arrogance and very likely to cause a collision if there is not a decent line of sight ahead on the road for some reason”

Felix the Cat1:25 pm 27 Nov 12

Jim Jones said :

Running red lights seems to be a lot more common than it was back in the day.

Saw 4 people run reds this morning alone.

Got to agree with this.

I’m quite amazed at the number of people who do it. And no just sneaking across on an orange, but blatently driving through a red.

Were they wearing lycra and riding unregistered bicycles? Must of been because as we all know car drivers are all fine upstanding citizens and would never contemplate doing such a thing…

Madam Cholet1:02 pm 27 Nov 12

Madam Cholet said :

Jeez I prefer to ride or take the bus…………….

In my experience bus drivers are the worst red light runners.

Actually, been thinking about the common misdemeanors that I see on the roads lately and wondering what the police could do to be more ‘pro-active’ about road safety and responsible driving.May be another discussion, but seeing as this one is popular again I’ll put it here.

My personal opinion is that they should ditch the dumb roadside ‘txt messages’ and perhaps actively police the roads a bit more in person. Failing that, how could they enact other education campaigns? Could cover anything from STAYING IN THE LEFT HAND LANE FOR GODS SAKE, or indicating before you commit to changing lanes – you know, some standard easy concept things that the majority of us would get.

TV, radio? Social Media? What works these days apart from a regular police presence which we would have to admit by now we are not going to get.

Jim Jones said :

Running red lights seems to be a lot more common than it was back in the day.

Back in the day, all red light were equally important.. Now, some have cameras and the others get treated as optional.

OpenYourMind10:38 am 27 Nov 12

Oh, and spend time in any city and you’ll hear the inhabitants of that city complaining about how terrible the drivers are in their city. What these people are really saying is that everyone else who drives is crap…but they are above average.

OpenYourMind10:35 am 27 Nov 12

Everyone calling each other Einstein! Einstein didn’t drive, he rode a bicycle!

bundah said :

Jim Jones said :

Running red lights seems to be a lot more common than it was back in the day.

Saw 4 people run reds this morning alone.

In my experience it’s become commonplace and there’s rarely cops around to act as a deterrent. Disgusting

Cops as deterrents is a pretty inefficient way to deal with the problem. There are a few key intersections (where Belconnen Way meets GDE, for example) where red light cameras would do a world of good.

cynical_rendering10:11 am 27 Nov 12

Are P-plate drivers really that bad?

For every one P-plater driving like a yob there are dozens who drive sensibly and don’t bring attention to themselves.

Tennis balls (people wearing Hi-Vis) on the other hand….

Jim Jones said :

Running red lights seems to be a lot more common than it was back in the day.

Saw 4 people run reds this morning alone.

In my experience it’s become commonplace and there’s rarely cops around to act as a deterrent. Disgusting

Running red lights seems to be a lot more common than it was back in the day.

Saw 4 people run reds this morning alone.

Madam Cholet said :

I don’t know if it’s the time of year, but everyone on the roads seems to have gone a bit nutty. People tailgating to get one car in front of you, jumping into the left or right lane so they can peel off onto a slip road at the last second because they didn’t feel that they should go slightly slower in the correct line of traffic and wait their turn.

I had two tailgaters this morning, let them both passed when the lanes split into two, I ended up in front of both of them at the end of my journey………….yes I mean you the blonde lady in the white Fairlane with Brumbies rego plates, you are supposed to indicate when you use an intersection, the only time I saw it on was when you wanted to cut across to my lane while I was beside you on Canberra ave……..

Jeez I prefer to ride or take the bus…………….

Madam Cholet8:39 am 27 Nov 12

I don’t know if it’s the time of year, but everyone on the roads seems to have gone a bit nutty. People tailgating to get one car in front of you, jumping into the left or right lane so they can peel off onto a slip road at the last second because they didn’t feel that they should go slightly slower in the correct line of traffic and wait their turn.

On the way to pick up my son yesterday I got to the roundabout at the bottom of Anzac parade – the one with all the traffic cones around it at the moment, and a ute came hurtling around from the other side, and you could see the driver could barely control the car. This was in a roadworks zone, where quite clearly there was work going on.

I’m not sure if anyone who drives like that has yet come up with a justification. Is everyone hurrying a wife who is about to give birth to the hospital? Actually, I’ve been in that situation and we still maintained the speed limit….much to my disappointment!

Every week is Idiot Week.

My moment today was on the Monaro Hwy. There was an accident between two trucks on the southbound lanes just up the hill from Isabella Dve roundabout. Ambos, fireies & cops were in attendance.

Looked like the bloke was in a pretty bad way.

So we all get down to the roundabout and I noticed an extraordinary amount of cars going straight through the roundabout, WTF?

Turns out, there was a copper blocking off the lanes and directing traffic to the roundabout but instead of people turning right they were going straight through. Don’t people think that maybe, just maybe they didn’t want you heading up the hill???? (the accident could be clearly seen from the roundabout).

The copper was wandering up to block the lane up but man people are stupid.

Five minutes later at the Tharwa Dve intersection heading to Quangers, there is a truck in the left lane, two cars in the right lane. Both cars ran the orange (it changed to red as the second car hit the line) despite not being able to see to the left because of the truck. I get there 2 seconds later and here is an ambulance trying to get through the intersection. Just as well he didn’t tear through as he would have collected the second car.

Extreme farktardary.

I drove the Majura Road in peak hour this morning, fortunately heading north, and travelling at 80-90 K’s.

About the AFP site, I was amazed to see some joker in a new, high end, 4wd, travelling at about 40k’s southward.

He had about a half k gap between himself and the car in front, with traffic built up behind. By the time we got to the wineries, this traffic was built up and stop/start.

This motorist was a total stressraiser. Perhaps AFP could take him aside and reducate him. So glad I wasn’t behind him.

knuckles said :

As explained to me when I did my advanced driver training (work required), we should keep scanning through the 9 scanning points (not in any particular order)
3 in front – 1 immediately, 1 further up the road, 1 checking in the distance up ahead
2 side mirrors
2 side windows
1 rear vision mirror
1 dashboard
Continually scanning through these points allows you to be aware of what is happening around you while on the road.
Also, maintain a crash avoidance space from the vehicle in front. e.g. leave enough space so you can safely manage any surprises that the vehicle in front may spring on you.

Do they teach any of that for standard driving in ACT?
I mean, it seems pretty normal to be constantly aware of your surroundings where i come from because there are lots more cars and generally more things happening (but i also rode a motorbike so I constantly check my blindspots having been knocked off once).
The driving over here seems pretty good with fabulous roads….but the bad drivers are absolutely horrendous though, not due to general skills but due to unbelievable ignorance.
People talking about slowing down to 30 in an 80 to stop tailgaters is just moronic, cops will take your license away in other countries for doing that just to get you off the roads for your own and everybody else’s safety, then make you attend a safety course which you must pass before you’re allowed to drive again?
There’s surely an expectation that drivers drive in the left lane and only use the overtaking lane to overtake…even if a good few Canberra drivers seem to be completely oblivious of the fact.
I can’t understand why they have so many divvy initiatives when the biggest problem (driver ignorance and lack of awareness) is staring everybody in the face on a daily basis.
Just get out of the way and if other people want to speed, let the cops and cameras deal with them.

Sunday afternoon heading south down the Parkway I saw a tray back ute tailgating and lane changing like a complete nutcase. Of course, he gets caught in traffic and the rest of us cruise up next to him. He then swerves to the right lane to get around a car in the middle, then cuts back across 3 lanes, barely making the left hand turn which was the reason for it.

Mr ac dc fuel saving – I’m talking to you!

Thank goodness we will all soon be on the light rail and there will be no cars on the road.

Genie said :

What I don’t understand at the moment is how blind Canberra drivers are… either that or extremely ignorant / selfish….

How many more signs do they need to say this lane closes ! Esp on Barry Dr at the Uni and around on Parkes Way. You have about 100+ metres after the signage saying your lane will end yet they alway wait until the last second and usually swing across into the only lane without indicating… they are of course driving well above the 40km posted limit too, so they almost rear end the car in front of them.

I will admit I took great pleasure in laughing my arse off the other week at the car that drive straight into those tall “witches hats” on Parkes Way exiting the tunnel during evening peak hour. Clearly they didn’t see the lane closed sign coz they got super excited when the “slow” car pulled into the active lane – they then sped up and then slammed on their brakes when they hit the witches hats. Pretty sure those things usually have poles in them. I giggled the whole way home over seeing that !!!!

‘tall witches hats’ as in delineator posts? Just plastic no sneaky surprises there.

What I don’t understand at the moment is how blind Canberra drivers are… either that or extremely ignorant / selfish….

How many more signs do they need to say this lane closes ! Esp on Barry Dr at the Uni and around on Parkes Way. You have about 100+ metres after the signage saying your lane will end yet they alway wait until the last second and usually swing across into the only lane without indicating… they are of course driving well above the 40km posted limit too, so they almost rear end the car in front of them.

I will admit I took great pleasure in laughing my arse off the other week at the car that drive straight into those tall “witches hats” on Parkes Way exiting the tunnel during evening peak hour. Clearly they didn’t see the lane closed sign coz they got super excited when the “slow” car pulled into the active lane – they then sped up and then slammed on their brakes when they hit the witches hats. Pretty sure those things usually have poles in them. I giggled the whole way home over seeing that !!!!

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd11:45 pm 03 Nov 12

EvanJames said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Hey know, don’t you know that’s not only dangerous but also illegal? You are not allowed in the right hand lane unless its to speed or tailgate.

Winning comment!

Ever noticed how tailgaters indicate constantly? It’s weird but true.

Maybe they think the magic indicator fairy will force the person in front to change OUT OF THEIR FUCKEN LANE

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Hey know, don’t you know that’s not only dangerous but also illegal? You are not allowed in the right hand lane unless its to speed or tailgate.

Winning comment!

Ever noticed how tailgaters indicate constantly? It’s weird but true.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd10:02 pm 03 Nov 12

Felix the Cat said :

I like the mental midgets that commute to Civic on Belconnen Way/Barry Dr and stay in the left lane until ANU Exchange before they try push their way into the right lane to turn into Marcus Clarke St. How about using some brain power and move to the right lane earlier (maybe before you get to Clunies Ross St CSIRO/ANU intersection) when the traffic isn’t all banked up because of the roadworks.

Hey know, don’t you know that’s not only dangerous but also illegal? You are not allowed in the right hand lane unless its to speed or tailgate.

Felix the Cat6:50 pm 03 Nov 12

I like the mental midgets that commute to Civic on Belconnen Way/Barry Dr and stay in the left lane until ANU Exchange before they try push their way into the right lane to turn into Marcus Clarke St. How about using some brain power and move to the right lane earlier (maybe before you get to Clunies Ross St CSIRO/ANU intersection) when the traffic isn’t all banked up because of the roadworks.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd5:38 pm 03 Nov 12

milkman said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

What does everyone think seems to be the bigger and more dangerous issue here:

Legally doing the speed limit in the left/middle/right lane


Illegally speeding in the left/middle/right lane and illegally tailgating peeps

Pretty basic stuff. One option is the safe, legal and correct thing to do, the other option is dangerous, illegal and dumb thing to do.

Choose but choose wisely or forever out yourself as small brain, small donger and total self important cretin that thinks other people’s safety and the law do not apply to them.

Keep left unless overtaking (as is the law on most parts of the Monaro) and it will never be an issue.

Again, where did I say this is exclusively a right hand lane problem?

Also are you saying its justifiable to tail gate someone just because they are in the right hand lane?

Does it magically become safe to tailgate if its right hand lane only?

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

What does everyone think seems to be the bigger and more dangerous issue here:

Legally doing the speed limit in the left/middle/right lane


Illegally speeding in the left/middle/right lane and illegally tailgating peeps

Pretty basic stuff. One option is the safe, legal and correct thing to do, the other option is dangerous, illegal and dumb thing to do.

Choose but choose wisely or forever out yourself as small brain, small donger and total self important cretin that thinks other people’s safety and the law do not apply to them.

Keep left unless overtaking (as is the law on most parts of the Monaro) and it will never be an issue.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd1:34 pm 03 Nov 12

DrKoresh said :

Why is everyone who is ripping into CGN forgetting that tailgating is also illegal?

Also, a lot of these same people who insist you should almost never be in the right lane seem to be trying to get other people to keep left so they can power on through in the right lane. I should make the point that speeding in the right lane isn’t the same as overtaking and that the right-lane isn’t there for people to drive as fast as they damn well please, which some of you folk seem to think. Bloody hypocrites.

I think it’s jim jones who phrases it best in threads like these.


Why is everyone who is ripping into CGN forgetting that tailgating is also illegal? Also, a lot of these same people who insist you should almost never be in the right lane seem to be trying to get other people to keep left so they can power on through in the right lane. I should make the point that speeding in the right lane isn’t the same as overtaking and that the right-lane isn’t there for people to drive as fast as they damn well please, which some of you folk seem to think. Bloody hypocrites.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

What does everyone think seems to be the bigger and more dangerous issue here:

Legally doing the speed limit in the left/middle/right lane


Illegally speeding in the left/middle/right lane and illegally tailgating peeps

Pretty basic stuff. One option is the safe, legal and correct thing to do, the other option is dangerous, illegal and dumb thing to do.

Choose but choose wisely or forever out yourself as small brain, small donger and total self important cretin that thinks other people’s safety and the law do not apply to them.

I’d like to out myself but don’t have a small brain or donger. Can we haggle?

‘Keep Left Unless Overtaking’ applies in every state and territory, however the level of enforcement varies considerably between jurisdictions, leading to a little bit of confusion and a lot of privilege taking.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd10:56 am 03 Nov 12

What does everyone think seems to be the bigger and more dangerous issue here:

Legally doing the speed limit in the left/middle/right lane


Illegally speeding in the left/middle/right lane and illegally tailgating peeps

Pretty basic stuff. One option is the safe, legal and correct thing to do, the other option is dangerous, illegal and dumb thing to do.

Choose but choose wisely or forever out yourself as small brain, small donger and total self important cretin that thinks other people’s safety and the law do not apply to them.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd8:14 am 03 Nov 12

KB1971 said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

As quoted in the ACT Road Rules handbook (Road Rules 2011 Part D1 – Road Craft)

Keeping to the left on a multi-lane road

This rule applies on a multi-lane road where:
• the speed-limit is over 80 km/h; OR
• a keep left unless overtaking sign applies.

I don’t see the term fast lane there :/

Nor do I see the term you are a dick for doing the speed limit there :/

I actually don’t remember you saying you did it in the right hand lane?

Good point! I don’t think I did. But I do it in whatever lane I am currently in that some halfwit decides its a good idea to tail gate me.

And yeah, the dicks that don’t let people into there lanes are almost as bad as tailgaters. What difference is it going to make tolet someone in front of you who will more than likely be getting off the road soon? Depending on time of day, I will happily sit in the right lane for the entire trip if I need to eventually turn right. Then I don’t have to fight morons to let me in so I can exit.

Aeek said :

KB1971 said :

I actually don’t remember you saying you did it in the right hand lane?

Tailgaters getting aggro rather than legally(just be careful) overtaking in the left hand lane should be worth bonus points.

Plus, it’s a great addition to Canberra driving bingo.
* White commodore going sideways.
* Hyundai hatchback with frangipani stickers.
* Guy slowing, slowing, slowing in the right hand lane shouting That’ll learn ya all!”

It’s interesting that at a couple of places on the Monaro Hwy (where Lanyon Drive merges in, and where the Newcastle St traffic merges in) people are surprisingly sensible and move over to let the traffic merge in smoothly, yet at the form one lane at the airport end of the Monaro Hwy heading south everyone rushes up to merge point and jostles to get ahead.

Does it really matter if someeone merges in front of you? Put some music on and calm down a bit.

wildturkeycanoe7:05 am 03 Nov 12

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

460cixy said :


Reminds me of almost everyday that I get tailgated and I just keep on slowing down until they stop doing it. Slowest I have got to is 30 in a 80 zone(hindmarsh stretch up the hill). Peeps soon learn not to tail gate this way.

And again you prove your an a grade dick


Easy to explain. You are being an A-grade dick by slowing down to 30kph in an 80kph zone to be spiteful of someone who wanted to go fast in the fast lane while you were going slow in the fast lane. That is down right dangerous. It’s common for people to be going 20 over in the fast lane and you are going 50kph under. That’s a 70kph difference mostly attribuatable to your own arrogance and very likely to cause a collision if there is not a decent line of sight ahead on the road for some reason.

No Einstein, doing the speed limit in the right lane is not going slow. In fact it’s being safe to slow down if someone is tailgating you. It’s going to lessen the impact of any collision the tailgater may cause.

Btw, there is no such thing as a *fast lane* in this town.

KEEP LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING – Don’t you read the signs, big ones, black and white. If your speedo indicates 80 but is out by 5%, you might only be doing 76, the car tailgating you may have larger radius tyres making their speedo indicate that they are only traveling at 70km/h. Whilst you defiantly slow down, not obeying the road signs, they out of pure righteousness keep at you for being a tool. Then the dozen cars behind them get frustrated at the blocked right hand lane, merge left into a stream of 80km/h traffic, slowing down that lane as well. All of a sudden, the whole roadway is in chaos thanks to the dimwit that can’t read or is too egotistical to follow the rules.

yet another idiot driver thread.

love these

sadly nothing’s going to change until driver education changes – not simply having a test of your ability to parallel park and do a hill start as is the case at the moment.

also, nothing will change until a government rejects the passive approach to road safety, and takes a more active approach – more visible police presence on the roads and enforcement of real bad driver behaviour. of course this will never happen as government’s are addicted to the revenue from passive road safety enforcement.

bottom line, we will have to put up with idiots on the road for the rest of our lives because that’s what the government has forced upon us.

Reminds me of this time when this idiot in a grey ute (with the southern cross tattooed on his left arm), going north on the GDE,who purposely moved into the right hand lane in front of me when I was going to overtake and then just sat there next to the person in the left lane – for a while till the person in the left lane slowed down after realising what the d#*k was doing next to her!

Never encountered such a blatant act of arseholism!!

KB1971 said :

I actually don’t remember you saying you did it in the right hand lane?

Tailgaters getting aggro rather than legally(just be careful) overtaking in the left hand lane should be worth bonus points.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

As quoted in the ACT Road Rules handbook (Road Rules 2011 Part D1 – Road Craft)

Keeping to the left on a multi-lane road

This rule applies on a multi-lane road where:
• the speed-limit is over 80 km/h; OR
• a keep left unless overtaking sign applies.

I don’t see the term fast lane there :/

Nor do I see the term you are a dick for doing the speed limit there :/

I actually don’t remember you saying you did it in the right hand lane?

To the bloke in the blue VW Golf.

If you see someone in front of you that want to cross lanes, has his indicator on and has the room to do it, you are supposed to give way.

Not speed up, dive into the far right lane to speed past & nearly cause an accident.

You are lucky I was not in my older Nissan Patrol as I probably would not have yielded left as you pushed past me to be in the same place at the lights on London Circuit if you had just stayed behind.

I have to say it was the farktard act of the week in a motor vehicle apart from the P plater speeding past a cop car on Dairy Flat 15 minutes beforehand.

Friday farkwits?

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd10:36 pm 02 Nov 12

steele_blade said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

steele_blade said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

460cixy said :


Reminds me of almost everyday that I get tailgated and I just keep on slowing down until they stop doing it. Slowest I have got to is 30 in a 80 zone(hindmarsh stretch up the hill). Peeps soon learn not to tail gate this way.

And again you prove your an a grade dick


Easy to explain. You are being an A-grade dick by slowing down to 30kph in an 80kph zone to be spiteful of someone who wanted to go fast in the fast lane while you were going slow in the fast lane. That is down right dangerous. It’s common for people to be going 20 over in the fast lane and you are going 50kph under. That’s a 70kph difference mostly attribuatable to your own arrogance and very likely to cause a collision if there is not a decent line of sight ahead on the road for some reason.

No Einstein, doing the speed limit in the right lane is not going slow. In fact it’s being safe to slow down if someone is tailgating you. It’s going to lessen the impact of any collision the tailgater may cause.

Btw, there is no such thing as a *fast lane* in this town.

“fast lane” – Yes there is. If the speed limit is over 80, everybody should be in the left lane unless overtaking. That covers GDE, Parkway, Monaro Hwy. And I agree with the others about you being an A grade dick. Only I won’t fall for your trolling and explain why.

steele_blade said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

460cixy said :


Reminds me of almost everyday that I get tailgated and I just keep on slowing down until they stop doing it. Slowest I have got to is 30 in a 80 zone(hindmarsh stretch up the hill). Peeps soon learn not to tail gate this way.

And again you prove your an a grade dick


Easy to explain. You are being an A-grade dick by slowing down to 30kph in an 80kph zone to be spiteful of someone who wanted to go fast in the fast lane while you were going slow in the fast lane. That is down right dangerous. It’s common for people to be going 20 over in the fast lane and you are going 50kph under. That’s a 70kph difference mostly attribuatable to your own arrogance and very likely to cause a collision if there is not a decent line of sight ahead on the road for some reason.

No Einstein, doing the speed limit in the right lane is not going slow. In fact it’s being safe to slow down if someone is tailgating you. It’s going to lessen the impact of any collision the tailgater may cause.

Btw, there is no such thing as a *fast lane* in this town.

“fast lane” – Yes there is. If the speed limit is over 80, everybody should be in the left lane unless overtaking. That covers GDE, Parkway, Monaro Hwy. And I agree with the others about you being an A grade dick. Only I won’t fall for your trolling and explain why.

What part of doing the speed limit do you not understand?
Also can you show me any actual documentation referring to fast lanes?
And by your definition, turning right off the roads you mentioned is illegal. :/

As quoted in the ACT Road Rules handbook (Road Rules 2011 Part D1 – Road Craft)

Keeping to the left on a multi-lane road

This rule applies on a multi-lane road where:
• the speed-limit is over 80 km/h; OR
• a keep left unless overtaking sign applies.

I don’t see the term fast lane there :/

Nor do I see the term you are a dick for doing the speed limit there :/

steele_blade10:11 pm 02 Nov 12

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

steele_blade said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

460cixy said :


Reminds me of almost everyday that I get tailgated and I just keep on slowing down until they stop doing it. Slowest I have got to is 30 in a 80 zone(hindmarsh stretch up the hill). Peeps soon learn not to tail gate this way.

And again you prove your an a grade dick


Easy to explain. You are being an A-grade dick by slowing down to 30kph in an 80kph zone to be spiteful of someone who wanted to go fast in the fast lane while you were going slow in the fast lane. That is down right dangerous. It’s common for people to be going 20 over in the fast lane and you are going 50kph under. That’s a 70kph difference mostly attribuatable to your own arrogance and very likely to cause a collision if there is not a decent line of sight ahead on the road for some reason.

No Einstein, doing the speed limit in the right lane is not going slow. In fact it’s being safe to slow down if someone is tailgating you. It’s going to lessen the impact of any collision the tailgater may cause.

Btw, there is no such thing as a *fast lane* in this town.

“fast lane” – Yes there is. If the speed limit is over 80, everybody should be in the left lane unless overtaking. That covers GDE, Parkway, Monaro Hwy. And I agree with the others about you being an A grade dick. Only I won’t fall for your trolling and explain why.

steele_blade said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

460cixy said :


Reminds me of almost everyday that I get tailgated and I just keep on slowing down until they stop doing it. Slowest I have got to is 30 in a 80 zone(hindmarsh stretch up the hill). Peeps soon learn not to tail gate this way.

And again you prove your an a grade dick


Easy to explain. You are being an A-grade dick by slowing down to 30kph in an 80kph zone to be spiteful of someone who wanted to go fast in the fast lane while you were going slow in the fast lane. That is down right dangerous. It’s common for people to be going 20 over in the fast lane and you are going 50kph under. That’s a 70kph difference mostly attribuatable to your own arrogance and very likely to cause a collision if there is not a decent line of sight ahead on the road for some reason.

No Einstein, doing the speed limit in the right lane is not going slow. In fact it’s being safe to slow down if someone is tailgating you. It’s going to lessen the impact of any collision the tailgater may cause.

Btw, there is no such thing as a *fast lane* in this town.

“fast lane” – Yes there is. If the speed limit is over 80, everybody should be in the left lane unless overtaking. That covers GDE, Parkway, Monaro Hwy. And I agree with the others about you being an A grade dick. Only I won’t fall for your trolling and explain why.

What part of doing the speed limit do you not understand?
Also can you show me any actual documentation referring to fast lanes?
And by your definition, turning right off the roads you mentioned is illegal. :/

As quoted in the ACT Road Rules handbook (Road Rules 2011 Part D1 – Road Craft)

Keeping to the left on a multi-lane road

This rule applies on a multi-lane road where:
• the speed-limit is over 80 km/h; OR
• a keep left unless overtaking sign applies.

As explained to me when I did my advanced driver training (work required), we should keep scanning through the 9 scanning points (not in any particular order)
3 in front – 1 immediately, 1 further up the road, 1 checking in the distance up ahead
2 side mirrors
2 side windows
1 rear vision mirror
1 dashboard
Continually scanning through these points allows you to be aware of what is happening around you while on the road.
Also, maintain a crash avoidance space from the vehicle in front. e.g. leave enough space so you can safely manage any surprises that the vehicle in front may spring on you.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd8:39 pm 02 Nov 12

steele_blade said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

460cixy said :


Reminds me of almost everyday that I get tailgated and I just keep on slowing down until they stop doing it. Slowest I have got to is 30 in a 80 zone(hindmarsh stretch up the hill). Peeps soon learn not to tail gate this way.

And again you prove your an a grade dick


Easy to explain. You are being an A-grade dick by slowing down to 30kph in an 80kph zone to be spiteful of someone who wanted to go fast in the fast lane while you were going slow in the fast lane. That is down right dangerous. It’s common for people to be going 20 over in the fast lane and you are going 50kph under. That’s a 70kph difference mostly attribuatable to your own arrogance and very likely to cause a collision if there is not a decent line of sight ahead on the road for some reason.

No Einstein, doing the speed limit in the right lane is not going slow. In fact it’s being safe to slow down if someone is tailgating you. It’s going to lessen the impact of any collision the tailgater may cause.

Btw, there is no such thing as a *fast lane* in this town.

“fast lane” – Yes there is. If the speed limit is over 80, everybody should be in the left lane unless overtaking. That covers GDE, Parkway, Monaro Hwy. And I agree with the others about you being an A grade dick. Only I won’t fall for your trolling and explain why.

steele_blade said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

460cixy said :


Reminds me of almost everyday that I get tailgated and I just keep on slowing down until they stop doing it. Slowest I have got to is 30 in a 80 zone(hindmarsh stretch up the hill). Peeps soon learn not to tail gate this way.

And again you prove your an a grade dick


Easy to explain. You are being an A-grade dick by slowing down to 30kph in an 80kph zone to be spiteful of someone who wanted to go fast in the fast lane while you were going slow in the fast lane. That is down right dangerous. It’s common for people to be going 20 over in the fast lane and you are going 50kph under. That’s a 70kph difference mostly attribuatable to your own arrogance and very likely to cause a collision if there is not a decent line of sight ahead on the road for some reason.

No Einstein, doing the speed limit in the right lane is not going slow. In fact it’s being safe to slow down if someone is tailgating you. It’s going to lessen the impact of any collision the tailgater may cause.

Btw, there is no such thing as a *fast lane* in this town.

“fast lane” – Yes there is. If the speed limit is over 80, everybody should be in the left lane unless overtaking. That covers GDE, Parkway, Monaro Hwy. And I agree with the others about you being an A grade dick. Only I won’t fall for your trolling and explain why.

What part of doing the speed limit do you not understand?
Also can you show me any actual documentation referring to fast lanes?
And by your definition, turning right off the roads you mentioned is illegal. :/

PBO said :

bundah said :

PBO said :

Saw a pair of overalls wearing cops in a white “QLD plated” 4wd, complete with spotlights and a siren doing 70 in a 90 zone during rush hour not letting anyone pass them. One guy in a silver 4wd tried to pass and they put the siren on. Couldnt understand why they were doing 70kph and if it is legal for them to put on the siren in the ACT.

Where exactly did this happen?

It was on William Hovell drive after that shocker of an interchange.

I had a similar thing a few months back a bit further along from there, at Parkes Way near civic… two 4wd marked police cars with lights (no sirens) holding up traffic behind them… was stuck behind them for a while and they seemed to be the rear escort for a couple of flash looking Z plate cars… perhaps moving some high level dignitary?

steele_blade7:36 pm 02 Nov 12

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

rhino said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

460cixy said :


Reminds me of almost everyday that I get tailgated and I just keep on slowing down until they stop doing it. Slowest I have got to is 30 in a 80 zone(hindmarsh stretch up the hill). Peeps soon learn not to tail gate this way.

And again you prove your an a grade dick


Easy to explain. You are being an A-grade dick by slowing down to 30kph in an 80kph zone to be spiteful of someone who wanted to go fast in the fast lane while you were going slow in the fast lane. That is down right dangerous. It’s common for people to be going 20 over in the fast lane and you are going 50kph under. That’s a 70kph difference mostly attribuatable to your own arrogance and very likely to cause a collision if there is not a decent line of sight ahead on the road for some reason.

No Einstein, doing the speed limit in the right lane is not going slow. In fact it’s being safe to slow down if someone is tailgating you. It’s going to lessen the impact of any collision the tailgater may cause.

Btw, there is no such thing as a *fast lane* in this town.

“fast lane” – Yes there is. If the speed limit is over 80, everybody should be in the left lane unless overtaking. That covers GDE, Parkway, Monaro Hwy. And I agree with the others about you being an A grade dick. Only I won’t fall for your trolling and explain why.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd6:56 pm 02 Nov 12

rhino said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

460cixy said :


Reminds me of almost everyday that I get tailgated and I just keep on slowing down until they stop doing it. Slowest I have got to is 30 in a 80 zone(hindmarsh stretch up the hill). Peeps soon learn not to tail gate this way.

And again you prove your an a grade dick


Easy to explain. You are being an A-grade dick by slowing down to 30kph in an 80kph zone to be spiteful of someone who wanted to go fast in the fast lane while you were going slow in the fast lane. That is down right dangerous. It’s common for people to be going 20 over in the fast lane and you are going 50kph under. That’s a 70kph difference mostly attribuatable to your own arrogance and very likely to cause a collision if there is not a decent line of sight ahead on the road for some reason.

No Einstein, doing the speed limit in the right lane is not going slow. In fact it’s being safe to slow down if someone is tailgating you. It’s going to lessen the impact of any collision the tailgater may cause.

Btw, there is no such thing as a *fast lane* in this town.

rhino said :

Pork Hunt said :

Where is it written that a police car must be registered in the state/territory of its use?

I don’t know about police cars, but I was fairly sure that you legally had to register any vehicle in the state that you and it reside. People do tend to register cars across the border to avoid restrictive laws or expensive registration costs though but I thought this was dodgey and technically illegal.
Maybe they have an exemption for police cars if they are using them to sneakily catch people who think an interstate car can’t be a police car.

Has it occurred to you that the police officer is not driving their own car but rather, a taxpayer funded one?
He/she does not have to rego the vehicle interstate in order to save three bucks…

Pork Hunt said :

Where is it written that a police car must be registered in the state/territory of its use?

I don’t know about police cars, but I was fairly sure that you legally had to register any vehicle in the state that you and it reside. People do tend to register cars across the border to avoid restrictive laws or expensive registration costs though but I thought this was dodgey and technically illegal.
Maybe they have an exemption for police cars if they are using them to sneakily catch people who think an interstate car can’t be a police car.

bundah said :

Of course there is the other end of the spectrum ie. the blinkered retards that are entirely oblivious and or inconsiderate of anything around them and drive well below the speed limit in the right hand lane on divided roads.I’ll take the p-platers over the retards anytime.


Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

460cixy said :


Reminds me of almost everyday that I get tailgated and I just keep on slowing down until they stop doing it. Slowest I have got to is 30 in a 80 zone(hindmarsh stretch up the hill). Peeps soon learn not to tail gate this way.

And again you prove your an a grade dick


Easy to explain. You are being an A-grade dick by slowing down to 30kph in an 80kph zone to be spiteful of someone who wanted to go fast in the fast lane while you were going slow in the fast lane. That is down right dangerous. It’s common for people to be going 20 over in the fast lane and you are going 50kph under. That’s a 70kph difference mostly attribuatable to your own arrogance and very likely to cause a collision if there is not a decent line of sight ahead on the road for some reason.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd1:47 pm 02 Nov 12

460cixy said :


Reminds me of almost everyday that I get tailgated and I just keep on slowing down until they stop doing it. Slowest I have got to is 30 in a 80 zone(hindmarsh stretch up the hill). Peeps soon learn not to tail gate this way.

And again you prove your an a grade dick


Vegemite said :

Pretty sure u-turns at traffic lights are illegal unless it is signposted.

Unless you’re a cop. Saw cops on Pialligo Ave during arvo rush hour… they were parked travelling west at the big lights, lights turned green and around they went, back towards the airport. No lights on or anything.

Today was a new and special one… right turn from Fairbairn Ave onto Majura Rd, you need a green arrow and the cars/trucks do bank up at it. So I’m turning right, pleased that the arrow hasn’t gone yellow after 5 cars with 15 still to turn, and notice that on my left, is a car next to me, also turning. Trouble is, it’s a one-lane turn.
I guess she/he thought they’d dispense with being 20 cars back, and turn from the middle straight lane.

I saw a P-Plater planning to do this last week, when the bank-up was back to Pialligo Ave, and parked itself in that middle lane. Trouble is, it’s a through lane and several cars came flying up behind it, and then started up with their horns so the P-plater dwadled off along Fairbairn, reluctantly.

I saw a shocker that could have ended pretty tragically on Gungahlin Drive on Monday or Tuesday morning around 8.20am (can’t remember which day it was). A car travelling south on Gungahlin Drive decides that they would do a u-turn at the lights at Sanford Street (the one that turns in to Mitchell near the cemetery) to head back north on Gungahlin Drive. There was a car travelling north on Gungahlin Drive (going probably the posted limit of 80kms) that had to brake hard and swerve into the other lane to avoid this turkey. Stupidest piece of driving I have seen in a long time that could have ended very very badly had they collided. Pretty sure u-turns at traffic lights are illegal unless it is signposted.

Mothy said :

bundah said :

Of course there is the other end of the spectrum ie. the blinkered retards that are entirely oblivious and or inconsiderate of anything around them and drive well below the speed limit in the right hand lane on divided roads.I’ll take the p-platers over the retards anytime.

Then you’d be particularly impressed with last nights crossbreed that nearly caused an accident on the northbound Gungahlin Drive on ramp from Ginninderra Drive. White Commodore check, NSW Green P Plates check, driving 50kmph below the speed limit congratulations you’ve won the Trifecta at the front of a line of traffic trying to merge onto Gungahlin Drive, nearly sideswiping someone who assumed he was slowing down to allow them to pass before joining the lane.

Improved on my the White Magna behind me who crossed directly to the right lane before engaging his warp drives, cutting across two lanes of utterly bewildered traffic.

And then this morning a little blue hatchback on Haydon Drive honking and gesturing wildly over his steering wheel at the bus that had just dropped me at a stop. Sir, that bus had right of way. You’re a tool. EOM.

Oh yeah i’m very familiar with the antics of the clueless.Only one solution i’m afraid clone the ‘bundah’ and problem solved 🙂

PBO said :

bundah said :

PBO said :

Saw a pair of overalls wearing cops in a white “QLD plated” 4wd, complete with spotlights and a siren doing 70 in a 90 zone during rush hour not letting anyone pass them. One guy in a silver 4wd tried to pass and they put the siren on. Couldnt understand why they were doing 70kph and if it is legal for them to put on the siren in the ACT.

Where exactly did this happen?

It was on William Hovell drive after that shocker of an interchange.

Very odd behaviour seeing how it’s mostly dual lane except for the section from Holt to Coppins Crossing.

bundah said :

Of course there is the other end of the spectrum ie. the blinkered retards that are entirely oblivious and or inconsiderate of anything around them and drive well below the speed limit in the right hand lane on divided roads.I’ll take the p-platers over the retards anytime.

Then you’d be particularly impressed with last nights crossbreed that nearly caused an accident on the northbound Gungahlin Drive on ramp from Ginninderra Drive. White Commodore check, NSW Green P Plates check, driving 50kmph below the speed limit congratulations you’ve won the Trifecta at the front of a line of traffic trying to merge onto Gungahlin Drive, nearly sideswiping someone who assumed he was slowing down to allow them to pass before joining the lane.

Improved on my the White Magna behind me who crossed directly to the right lane before engaging his warp drives, cutting across two lanes of utterly bewildered traffic.

And then this morning a little blue hatchback on Haydon Drive honking and gesturing wildly over his steering wheel at the bus that had just dropped me at a stop. Sir, that bus had right of way. You’re a tool. EOM.

bundah said :

PBO said :

Saw a pair of overalls wearing cops in a white “QLD plated” 4wd, complete with spotlights and a siren doing 70 in a 90 zone during rush hour not letting anyone pass them. One guy in a silver 4wd tried to pass and they put the siren on. Couldnt understand why they were doing 70kph and if it is legal for them to put on the siren in the ACT.

Where exactly did this happen?

It was on William Hovell drive after that shocker of an interchange.

Reminds me of almost everyday that I get tailgated and I just keep on slowing down until they stop doing it. Slowest I have got to is 30 in a 80 zone(hindmarsh stretch up the hill). Peeps soon learn not to tail gate this way.

And again you prove your an a grade dick

Pork Hunt said :

PBO said :

Saw a pair of overalls wearing cops in a white “QLD plated” 4wd, complete with spotlights and a siren doing 70 in a 90 zone during rush hour not letting anyone pass them. One guy in a silver 4wd tried to pass and they put the siren on. Couldnt understand why they were doing 70kph and if it is legal for them to put on the siren in the ACT.

One must assume they were AFP and not Queenslands finest here on holiday. One would also assume that the AFP would have a fleet of vehicles which are registered in the states they were first accepted for use.
Where is it written that a police car must be registered in the state/territory of its use?

I hope so, as I was stopped at an RBT on a rural road in the ACT by an unmarked (except for flashers) police car, 4WD, dark in colour also with QLD plates.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd9:47 pm 01 Nov 12

bundah said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

bundah said :

Of course there is the other end of the spectrum ie. the blinkered retards that are entirely oblivious and or inconsiderate of anything around them and drive well below the speed limit in the right hand lane on divided roads.I’ll take the p-platers over the retards anytime.

Tailgater are we?

Don’t be silly i’m a professional driver,i overtake them in the left lane 🙂

This reminds me of the time i drove Fred Daly home who told me a story of being harrassed from behind whilst he was driving on the Hume Hwy in the right hand lane not attempting to overtake the vehicle in the left lane next to him.Fred said i don’t know why they were driving up my arse and flashing me,to which i responded that the road rules were that one must keep left unless overtaking or one runs the risk of being subjected to road rage.He thanked me for clearing that up for him for he had believed that he had done nothing illegal.

Reminds me of almost everyday that I get tailgated and I just keep on slowing down until they stop doing it. Slowest I have got to is 30 in a 80 zone(hindmarsh stretch up the hill). Peeps soon learn not to tail gate this way.

PBO said :

Saw a pair of overalls wearing cops in a white “QLD plated” 4wd, complete with spotlights and a siren doing 70 in a 90 zone during rush hour not letting anyone pass them. One guy in a silver 4wd tried to pass and they put the siren on. Couldnt understand why they were doing 70kph and if it is legal for them to put on the siren in the ACT.

Where exactly did this happen?

PBO said :

Saw a pair of overalls wearing cops in a white “QLD plated” 4wd, complete with spotlights and a siren doing 70 in a 90 zone during rush hour not letting anyone pass them. One guy in a silver 4wd tried to pass and they put the siren on. Couldnt understand why they were doing 70kph and if it is legal for them to put on the siren in the ACT.

That’s really bizarre! I would have gone around them anyway. You’re not doing anything wrong! It’s so annoying being stuck with cars all crawling along under the speed limit because there’s a cop up ahead.

grunge_hippy said :

my biggest bug bear at the moment is idiots texting while driving. I see them EVERYWHERE!!!! How dumb do you want to be????!!!!!????

My plan is to land on the horn whenever I see them to scare the crap out of them…. my worry being though they will swerve and hit me or other innocent people.


I do like the bit about landing on the horn however comma it may be illegal to sound the said horn except for emergency purposes.
I have entertained the idea of buying one of those aerosol type air horns and pointing that out the window at texting tools.

PBO said :

Saw a pair of overalls wearing cops in a white “QLD plated” 4wd, complete with spotlights and a siren doing 70 in a 90 zone during rush hour not letting anyone pass them. One guy in a silver 4wd tried to pass and they put the siren on. Couldnt understand why they were doing 70kph and if it is legal for them to put on the siren in the ACT.

One must assume they were AFP and not Queenslands finest here on holiday. One would also assume that the AFP would have a fleet of vehicles which are registered in the states they were first accepted for use.
Where is it written that a police car must be registered in the state/territory of its use?

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

bundah said :

Of course there is the other end of the spectrum ie. the blinkered retards that are entirely oblivious and or inconsiderate of anything around them and drive well below the speed limit in the right hand lane on divided roads.I’ll take the p-platers over the retards anytime.

Tailgater are we?

Don’t be silly i’m a professional driver,i overtake them in the left lane 🙂

This reminds me of the time i drove Fred Daly home who told me a story of being harrassed from behind whilst he was driving on the Hume Hwy in the right hand lane not attempting to overtake the vehicle in the left lane next to him.Fred said i don’t know why they were driving up my arse and flashing me,to which i responded that the road rules were that one must keep left unless overtaking or one runs the risk of being subjected to road rage.He thanked me for clearing that up for him for he had believed that he had done nothing illegal.

p996911turbo said :

I put it down to confirmation bias. It seems like there are a lot more idiots this week simply because you’re looking for them. It’s just like buying a new car. As soon as you pick it up you suddenly start seeing that model everywhere. The numbers haven’t actually increased, you’re just looking for it.

The reality is there will always be unbelievably bad drivers on the road. Are they getting worse or better? Maybe, but not on a week-to-week basis.

Oh, and all ACT provisional licence holders are red P-plates. The green ones are out of state.

Ah yes … I was used to NSW which had both green and red ones.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd5:08 pm 01 Nov 12

bundah said :

Of course there is the other end of the spectrum ie. the blinkered retards that are entirely oblivious and or inconsiderate of anything around them and drive well below the speed limit in the right hand lane on divided roads.I’ll take the p-platers over the retards anytime.

Tailgater are we?

Mehhhhhhh I live in Canberra and everyone is terrible at driving besides me. Rabble, Rabble, Rabble, Rabble.

carnardly said :

I saw a good selfish one the other day.

Young load of folk roar up to the Kambah Village shopping centre and the young blond driver of the blue falcon with number plate BIG RED parks in the very first disabled spot right outside Woolies supermarket. Her young lads all leap out and head off into woolies. None of them looked to be very mobility impaired. Miss BIG RED pulls out her phone and starts texting away madly.

I hope BIG RED isn’t so selfish in future. You never know when a genuinely needy disabled person requires one.

BIG RED and co were obviously mentally retarded.

grunge_hippy4:41 pm 01 Nov 12

my biggest bug bear at the moment is idiots texting while driving. I see them EVERYWHERE!!!! How dumb do you want to be????!!!!!????

My plan is to land on the horn whenever I see them to scare the crap out of them…. my worry being though they will swerve and hit me or other innocent people.


Some of the best drivers I’ve encountered have been wearing P plates. Just saying.
I never had one. If I had, I wouldn’t have been one of the good ones. Better now.

I saw a good selfish one the other day.

Young load of folk roar up to the Kambah Village shopping centre and the young blond driver of the blue falcon with number plate BIG RED parks in the very first disabled spot right outside Woolies supermarket. Her young lads all leap out and head off into woolies. None of them looked to be very mobility impaired. Miss BIG RED pulls out her phone and starts texting away madly.

An older lady in full scottish clobber (probably a hanger onner from the Burns club) wanders past and pointed to where a disabled sticker was likely to be put on BIG RED’s window and said something to the driver. One of the young lads wanders backs and hops in. Ms Driver obviously realises that she perhaps shouldn’t be parked there and so backs out. I mean, maybe she didn’t see the big wheelchair painted on the ground she drove onto… But she backs out and parks in the taxi rank there instead. That’s when I noticed that the BIG RED car didn’t have a disabled sticker on it.

I was still waiting for my friend to come out of their shop and couldn’t help but notice probably at least a whole 60 or 70 other empty spots that Ms Big Red could’ve parked in. But they were one whole row back…

Within 30 seconds of her pulling out of the disabled spot, two other cars arrived and had drivers searching for disabled spots. one was driven by a man who got out with 2 crutches and very bad wonky looking legs (I’m sure that’s not the PC word to use but you probably get the point 🙂 ), and another was an older person then pulled up and hobbled out on a stick.

There are only 4 disabled spots there. I hope BIG RED isn’t so selfish in future. You never know when a genuinely needy disabled person requires one.

This week I have driven 3 out of the 4 days for various reasons & I have managed to have two idiot free days on the last two. Both have been relaxed commutes into the city.

Hopefully this afternoon will be the same.

I do have this to say though, all you people who are heading north through the left lane of the roundabout at the Lanyon shops, please give way like you are supposed to. I do not strike a road on my commute like it, everybody is in such a hurry at this point for some reason.

“Is there some sort of driving Idiots convention going on in Canberra at the moment?”

Yes, all day, everyday. I think it’s some kind of gang because all of their license plates start with Y.

Is it just me, or is it a Canberra tradition to have both stop lights out and rely solely on the centre mounted one?

I told a lady from work once that I almost tail-ended her on Commonwealth Avenue several times because she had no stop lights, and she said “yes, the traffic was really heavy this morning!” …Sigh.

Saw a pair of overalls wearing cops in a white “QLD plated” 4wd, complete with spotlights and a siren doing 70 in a 90 zone during rush hour not letting anyone pass them. One guy in a silver 4wd tried to pass and they put the siren on. Couldnt understand why they were doing 70kph and if it is legal for them to put on the siren in the ACT.

Of course there is the other end of the spectrum ie. the blinkered retards that are entirely oblivious and or inconsiderate of anything around them and drive well below the speed limit in the right hand lane on divided roads.I’ll take the p-platers over the retards anytime.

p996911turbo3:07 pm 01 Nov 12

I put it down to confirmation bias. It seems like there are a lot more idiots this week simply because you’re looking for them. It’s just like buying a new car. As soon as you pick it up you suddenly start seeing that model everywhere. The numbers haven’t actually increased, you’re just looking for it.

The reality is there will always be unbelievably bad drivers on the road. Are they getting worse or better? Maybe, but not on a week-to-week basis.

Oh, and all ACT provisional licence holders are red P-plates. The green ones are out of state.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd2:59 pm 01 Nov 12

Everyday is idiot week on the roads of this town.

It was lol just before seeing a ute with a vote motorist party 2012 go speeding past me on hindmarsh drive.

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