Yesterday I was unkind about the Live in Canberra campaign winning a spin doctors award for the best Government campaign in the ACT.
With thanks to DT for the heads up, the Chief Minister is now celebrating the national win of the expensive campaign.
He mentions the achievements of this expensive and award winning campaign:
A website already accessed by more than 12,000 people; Nearly 600 calls to a dedicated call centre; Information packs sent to more than 800 people; An intensive marketing campaign (print, radio, cinema and letterbox drop into Sydney’s south-west); A successful series of information seminars in Sydney’s south-west; Participation in Country Week; An eight page feature in The Weekend Australian; Development of a 20-page Live in Canberra promotional booklet; and The creation and distribution of Canberra’s first-ever Welcome Pack for new residents.
That’s odd, no mention of an increase in people coming to live in Canberra!