I’ll be the first to admit that most post-tolkien fantasy has been unmitigated crap.
There are however some notable exceptions for mine best embodied in Richard Morgan, George RR Martin, Patrick Rothfuss, and Joe Abercrombie. (yes, yes Robert Jordan would have made the list but he never finished the damn story. OK already, I’m aware of Jack Vance, Michael Moorcock, and Hugh Cook, but compare inches on the bookshelf of crap to the good stuff and you’ll take my point)
It’s not like George R.R. Martin needs any promotion (although if you haven’t started reading A Song of Ice and Fire it’s past time you got with the program).
But with no HBO series (yet) Joe Abercrombie is perhaps not as well known as he should be.
Joe Canberran has pointed me at details of Mr Abercrombie’s Australian Tour which includes a slightly incongruous visit to the Belconnen Mall.
13th November, 6pm – Dymocks Belconnen, Canberra, meet and greet (with wine and nibbles, though nibbling the author is frowned upon).
I’m reading Red Country right now. Do you think he signs kindles? It’s bad form to take a kindle into a bookstore isn’t it?
We are mercenaries. Better motives we leave to better men.
— Red Country