![jorian and giulia](http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-PSZSQGh2Uh8/UdJ3IKqS3vI/AAAAAAABIlc/2WqC5ywGkfE/s600/Downloads29.jpg)
Well this didn’t take long.
Last Friday we noted the Fringe was going back to its dad Jorian Gardner.
Yesterday the interim producers were grumbling that there wasn’t much process.
And today we have the Liberals’ arch conservative Giulia Jones having a fit of the vapous at the idea of Jorian Gardner’s continued existence:
ACT Shadow Minister for Women Mrs Giulia Jones, is concerned that the Minister for the Arts, who is also the Minister for Women, has shown questionable judgement in directly appointing Jorian Gardner as the director of the upcoming Fringe Festival.
“Last year Mr Gardner was suspended from radio for suggesting that someone should upskirt the then Prime Minister Julia Gillard,” Mrs Jones said today.
“I am surprised to say the least, that someone who has displayed such poor judgement would be given privileged and preferential treatment by this government.
“Why has this been allowed on Katy Gallagher’s watch when she decries sexism? Has Joy Burch been leaned on by members of the ACT Labor Party? Is she making her decisions based on lobbying rather than due process? Is this some sort of dodgy deal?
“Something is not right here. If he is the best man for the job he should have been put through a rigorous process in competition with others, and not just handed the job.
“As it is, you have to question Joy Burch’s judgement in appointing someone who made appallingly sexist comments about Julia Gillard,” Mrs Jones concluded.
UPDATE: Meanwhile the Fringe twitter account is getting bitter:
Still no real satisfactory answers from Minister Joy Burch as to Fringe decision. Want festival money? Forget artsACT. Go knock on her door.
— Multifringe 9.2.13 (@MultiFringe2013) July 2, 2013