4 March 2025

'Just use the app': Elderly abandoned in rush to digitise everything

| Oliver Jacques
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woman with mobile phone

It’s unfair to expect the elderly to do everything online. Photo: Pexels.

“Just use the app,” a mobile phone carrier employee told my 80-year-old father when he asked to cancel his plan in the store.

Downloading, operating and updating an app may seem simple to most, but not for elderly people with declining cognitive capacity unfamiliar with modern technology.

Our rush to digitise the world and push everything online has left a generation of senior citizens confused and frustrated, often depriving them of the opportunity to relax and enjoy a well-deserved retirement.

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Consider how difficult we’ve made basic life tasks for those who spent half a century raising us, paying taxes and, in some cases, risking their lives on battlefields to defend our freedom.

When they go to the supermarket, they’ll often find all the human registers closed and are forced to navigate the self-serve checkout, clumsily scrolling their way through lists of fruits and vegetables to figure out what they’ve bought.

Their local bank branch may have closed, so to change their account they’re forced to phone up an automated service, told to press the number “1” then “4” then “2” before being put on hold for an hour and eventually getting connected to an overseas call centre.

If they need assistance from a government department, they sometimes don’t even have the option of phoning a human and instead must figure out how to use complex, user-unfriendly online forms.

Paying a bill also means going to a website and then having to get codes sent to their mobile phone, sending them back and forth between two devices they’re not comfortable using.

On the weekend, if they want to watch the footy or cricket, it’s no longer a matter of just turning on the TV – they now have to go on an expedition of various streaming services, then login and search through confusing menus to find the game they want to see.

There are even cafes that are phasing out the old-fashioned method of asking waitstaff to bring you an order – they force customers to scan a QR code and type in their email address just to get a coffee.

A week full of stressful interactions with technology is hardly a worthy retirement.

Most older people rely on their children and grandkids to help them get through these daily tasks, but not everyone has that support.

It’s no wonder an increasing number of elderly who are pushed online and forced to learn new ways of doing everything are falling victim to financial scams, in some cases losing their life savings.

READ ALSO Bank tells 80-year-old woman to ‘call Lifeline’ after she lost $34,000 in alleged scam

It’s true that, in many ways, technological advancement has made our lives easier and more convenient. But the pace and the extent of change are not always in our interest – particularly for those who have lived most of their lives without ever having to use electronic devices.

American comedian Bill Maher has argued that our tech overlords in Silicon Valley often upgrade and innovate to amuse themselves, inventing new ways of doing things that don’t benefit the wider public.

“Nobody ever looked at a car and said, ‘If only the doors didn’t have handles’,” he joked.

“What an improvement now that they pop out as you approach the car.”

There comes a point where phasing out the familiar and face-to-face service in favour of total digitisation becomes counter-productive.

A world of apps, QR codes and logins is leaving our most vulnerable residents behind when they need and want human support after a lifetime of working and paying taxes.

It’s time to put the brakes on the nerd revolution and give our parents and grandparents time to catch up.

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Helen Marshall4:37 pm 04 Mar 25

Very thoughtful and timely piece. Interestingly, in China people 70 years and over are exempt from having to use digitally technology when they travel. At least that was the case in 2023. But then there are many more of them than here.

Too much of technology is designed by those who are completely lacking knowledge in user experience and effective design for human beings. Being tech savvy is not enough. Logical, clear, effective design is important and too often is missing from what’s provided. MyWay+ is a perfect example of that. And then there’s Robodebt, Services Australia and a whole range of ‘services’ that are inaccessible to many.

Capital Retro8:36 am 28 Feb 25

At TCH now, if you are lucky enough to have a toilet in the room you are in, you can only get the toilet cleaned if you use the QR code on the wall.
This means that we are condemned to use our devices even on the end of life journey.
I think that says it all.

It’s not just the elderly. There is also no consideration for people who find change difficult (such neuro-diverse people). Many do try to keep up and, after a struggle, manage to learn how to deal with an app or website; only to discover the next time they try to use it, the layout has changed because some corporate PR dude decides the site needs to be refreshed and users need to re-learn how to navigate it. When every app/site does this on regular basis, it becomes overwhelming and this cohort of users just give up.

In the process, humanity, the art of communication and human interaction is being lost, leaving people without the ability to understand, learn from or relate well to other human beings.

Capital Retro8:32 am 28 Feb 25

You are right on that point, psycho.
I concerns me that many people now venture outside with devices all over them which indicates that they want to stay in a virtual world.
Many people must have fly-blown brains because they have huge white maggots coming out of their ears.
No more “hellos” as they pass.

Carolynn Murtagh9:17 am 28 Feb 25

It is not just being “old”, people with low vision also have problems.

@Carolynn – Agree and as Megsy points out also those who are neurodivergent. Too much tech is designed with no understanding of the person who will need to use the technology, much like town planning.

HiddenDragon9:04 pm 27 Feb 25

As others have noted, it helps if the apps actually work.

I recently had the experience of dealing with a major ISP which glibly told me that everything I wanted to do could be done through the app. In truth, the app only works for prepaid services and my problem was with a postpaid service.

When I tried to deal with the problem through messaging in my online account with the ISP (which is very similar to the app) I was told that I could not do that and the only option was wasting time on phone calls – and this from a business which, like most these days, otherwise goes to great lengths to avoid phone contact from customers.

Aside from idiocies of this sort, there is a common assumption by businesses and government agencies that customers/clients will have multiple means of communication at their disposal (and not just for the purposes of multi-factor verification) and will have no problem accessing them simultaneously if that suits the convenience of the business/agency. For obvious reasons, this can be a problem for people of all ages.

This rings very true – in effect, it’s a variation on the old racket of planned obsolescence, but perhaps with inspiration from Bolivian marching powder –

“American comedian Bill Maher has argued that our tech overlords in Silicon Valley often upgrade and innovate to amuse themselves, inventing new ways of doing things that don’t benefit the wider public.”

GrumpyGrandpa8:32 pm 27 Feb 25

I have a lot of empathy for the elderly, and those who find technology difficult.
Mrs Grumpy has no idea; and is not prepared to learn. She just gets me to do the tech stiff which is a really bad idea; if I croak it she’ll have no idea, and no, she can’t be told otherwise.
I’m pretty good with Internet things; Apps, Password Management, 2FA, Inc Passkeys etc, but I can’t work out our Smart TV.

“but I can’t work out our Smart TV.”

I’d much prefer a display panel, with the free-to-air channels only; all the rest I can get from my laptop.

I’m sure the app came with a 800 page EULA. Was he forced to accept that to cancel the plan? How is that not extorsion.

Its the same as when companies change the terms of service after you buy. Sorry that no longer works pay for the upgrade.

Most apps suck. There’s something much better, it’s called a website. Instead of needing another app when interacting with a new entity, you just need one – a browser. Mobile phones are a terrible data input device but tin eared corporations and government departments keep forcing people to install yet another shitty app to get things done.

We used to have people focussed on customer service, instead of just sales. Organisations are more greedy and less willing to support their customers, instead wanting them to do all the work whilst the organisations get paid for doing little.

Adding to the issues mentioned is the assumption that everybody understands the jargon, and the changed meaning of familiar words. For an example of the latter, having an account once meant that money was involved. Now it means registration and collection of often unneeded detail. Many older people have great caution about ‘opening’ an ‘account’.

I’m a boomer. All I use are apps

Capital Retro3:26 pm 28 Feb 25

As long as you are ‘appy that’s OK.

Virtually no way around it. It’s adapt, improvise, overcome

I am not a fan of apps. I am not saying that I don’t have any apps on my mobile, but I tend to refuse downloading additional ones.

I have used computers at work for most of my working life and purchased the first computer – an Amstrad 128, way back in 1985. It was fun staying up until 2 am keying computer games onto Amstrad’s own version of floppy discs for the kids and then spending an equal amount of time looking for errors when the game wouldn’t play properly.

After a few years of working with computers using MS-DOS (using floppies to run the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet) followed by ‘dumb terminals’ that ran on Windows, during my stint at the ATO. If you wanted to download, print or upload something, you had to approach the IT team to ensure that what you wanted to do did not breach security.

So, it’s not as if I didn’t have a huge amount of experience with computers and mobiles (I hve had mobiles since 1994).

I find my mobile very useful for calls, emails, texts, weather forecasts, internet, news, maps, photos, shopping lists, other lists, time, news, Kindle, calculator, controlling smart lights in my home, etc. I have apps for European trains, travel accommodation, and Flightradar.

I have an app for my bank account on my mobile and have used it to transfer money to children and grandchildren, and I check the balances occasionally to make sure that transactions that were supposed to go through, did. However, I will NOT use the app for payments in shops, restaurants or supermarkets! It’s quicker and easier to use my credit card than fiddling around with the mobile! I hate being behind a person fiddling around with their mobile to find the app to pay the bill!

As for ordering any meals from a restaurant table, if that is the sole method the restaurant takes orders, I get up and leave!

My mother’s 86 and finds no trouble navigating apps, email or Facebook. She was in her 50’s when technology hit and just kept up. I find it annoying when it is assumed all elderly people are technologically illiterate.

The digital world relies upon internet. Many low income people do not have computers and mobiles. Many struggle to afford internet plans simply to engage with government etc

Sadly many working people miss this fundamental issue

BERYL JEEVES2:20 pm 27 Feb 25

I recently needed to set up an Online Service for Business. It involved using PC plus mobile phone and required two forms of identity. First form of identity was verified with Passport details and taking a photo. Next I tried Drivers Licence but it was not accepted. Next I tried my Medicare Card but once again there was an issue. Next attempt was Birth Certificate but because I am married needed Marriage Certificate to verify change of name. My Marriage Certificate did not have a registration number so this was not acceptable.
Drove to Access Canberra at Phillip and had my address details changed slightly to the same as that on the Business register. Went to Centrelink and checked Medicare card. Assured it was correct. Came home Medicare card was still rejected but fortunately Drivers Licence was accepted.
Just as well I am retired and have a day to sort this out.

As an 80 year old, I couldn’t agree more

Laurence De B. Anderson2:06 pm 27 Feb 25

Not just the elderly but everyone. This forcing onto apps is by vested digital merchants wanting our info so they can sell it and market stuff. It also allows employers to ditch staff and use bots and online tools instead. It should be legislated against. As a GP, I can no longer write referrals to Canberra Hospital or certain specialists without signing up to some sort of app/site/portal which is clumsy and inefficient and gets in the way of patient care.

This is a good critique of society.

For all the democracy proponents’ unquestioned loyalty to democracy, hardly anyone stops to think how it’s largely big tech calling the shots in a very top/down and undemocratic way. Left unchecked, the technocrats will have a very big if not exclusive say on how we live every moment of our lives, and no-one in the electorate will have asked for it

Laurence De B. Anderson3:54 pm 27 Feb 25

excellent point.

Actually, it is those running the organisations that hire techos to do the work that cuts costs and work for the organisation to boost profits. The customer is lost in the process.

I’m a young person (mid 30s) and i hate all the appification of everything.
Physical menues and ordering in person is just so much smoother at cafes. I absolutely hate the maccas touch screens to order. It’s slow, you get so many requests for “upgrades” that ypu have to tap through.
Self check outs are ok when you have a handful of items, but they are very frustrating for a weekly shop. And there is only one attendent watching all of them.
Customer call lines become increasingly more frustrating. Gone are the “leave your number and we’ll call you back” days, and instead you are waiting for a long time listening to music and “Tips” on how you can do everything online.
Even the ato’s chat support from a few years back is replaced by a useless ai assistant. And calling them is no use… After spending multiple minutes going through menues you get told “queue is full, try again later” and the connection is terminated.
So yes. Bring the humans back into service and assist jobs!
Rant over

Tom Worthington8:26 am 27 Feb 25

Using an app can be a lot easier than lining up to get service. Keep in mind that computers are not new, they have been available at home for half a century. This is not young person’s technology, it comes from the baby boomers. It is time to give grandparents some credit. They are not ignorant dinosaurs. They invented the Internet. It is possible to build easier to use apps, with accessibility features for those with a disability & to still offer an option for human service. This has nothing to do with being old, paying taxes, or serving in uniform, we all deserve easy to use services.

Capital Retro9:00 am 27 Feb 25

Do some more research Tom and you will find that people with peripheral neuropathy can’t use the touch screen type pad – they need a desk top type key board where they can see the key depress because they can’t feel it.
At least one bank is aware of the problem because when they recently withdrew their touch pad login device to be replaced by an app a lot of people complained and they were quick to re-introduce the touch pad as an option.
It can be a problem too at those Wilson parking machines which were designed to only suit vertically challenged people.

Yes, some of the baby boomers invented the internet, but many others remained completely at loss with computers. Concepts of computing were never part of their education growing up. Have some mercy.

You mean they avoided moving with the times!

Elf, no-one can keep up with everything! My daughter who’s always been extremely tech savvy and into the latest innovations, is now too busy with neurodivergent kids and her own career to keep up with the tech that is not essential to her life today. Capacity & bandwidth is relevant to this discussion, not blame for not keeping up.

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