Jordan Matthew Henry Massey has been sentenced to a drug and alcohol treatment order. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
The son of a notorious Canberra killer has escaped spending extra time in jail after he was sentenced over driving dangerously and stealing thousands of dollars of Armani clothing.
The judgment for 21-year-old Jordan Matthew Henry Massey, who was sentenced in the ACT Supreme Court in June, was released last month.
He is the son of Rebecca Anne Massey. In 2011, a jury found Rebecca Massey guilty of murdering Elizabeth Booshand with a knife outside a takeaway shop in Charnwood in 2008.
Rebecca Massey was paroled in May 2020, but the 48-year-old was taken back into custody in late July after police raided her house in Gowrie and allegedly found drugs.
Jordan’s judgment shows he went to the Westfield Shopping Centre in Woden on 8 February 2021 with two other people.
He entered the David Jones store and took six Armani jumpers, three Armani shirts and four Armani short-sleeve shirts, valued at almost $2400, before leaving without paying.
When he was arrested later over another matter, he was wearing an Armani shirt, shorts and jumper.
Then on 10 February, a diplomat told police their BMW X3 had been stolen.
Police spotted the car and deployed tyre deflation devices in Greenway to try to stop it, but Jordan went over the top of the devices and continued driving with two punctured tyres.
He crashed into another car at the intersection of Athllon Drive and Drakeford Drive in Kambah but kept driving, narrowly avoiding crashing into oncoming traffic on Summerland Circuit.
Jordan hit a kerb, which deflated a third tyre, and eventually came to a complete stop. Police arrested him after a short chase on foot.
He later admitted he had taken methamphetamine, or ‘ice’.
Jordan pleaded guilty to charges that included theft and aggravated dangerous driving as a repeat offender and spent 118 days in custody before early June.
Acting Justice Richard Refshauge said Jordan had “an unstable and disadvantaged childhood”, especially after his mother was sentenced to a significant period of imprisonment when he was just eight years old.
He said by December 2008 his mother had come before the courts for offending on 14 occasions.
“He has had little contact with his father who was also, for much of his childhood, in prison,” he said.
Justice Refshauge said Jordan started drinking alcohol and using drugs when he was 13 years old and regularly used cannabis and methylamphetamine.
“He explained the reason for his offending as having been because, ‘I was on drugs’, confirmed by the drug testing…” he said.
He also noted Jordan was already on a good behaviour order in February 2021.
Justice Refshauge sentenced him to three years and eight months’ jail, partially suspended for a two-year drug and alcohol treatment order, which will end in June 2023, to be followed by a good behaviour order until October 2024.
He was also disqualified from driving for two years.