Astonishing service from our friends at Territory and Municipal Services. I posted the following request via the excellent CanberraConnect website on Monday last, 6 May:
Subject: Potentially fatal pigeons under Drakeford Drive
Dear TAMS,
I was wondering whether you could install anti-pigeon-roosting spikes above the bike path in the Drakeford underpass (near Athllon Drive intersection – see map). Dozens of pigeons roost there, and cyclists often approach at speed, since it is the bottom of a hill. The bastards get startled and flap around in a panic at about cyclist-head height. I have had several near misses and would greatly appreciate the birds being moved on.
Please reply by email. Kind regards,
On Wednesday morning, less than 48 hours later, I rode through that underpass and, would you believe it, a worker was up on a ladder erecting anti-pigeon fortifications!
I had to stop and express my gratitude and amazement at the prompt response. I enjoyed a brief but informative discussion about the sixty (60!) pigeon-borne diseases that I could have had a faceful of, had not swift action been taken.
I guess that’s why I pay my taxes.