I’m not sure if many people here have done much interstate driving, but over the past few months, I’ve done a bit. Nearly every times I’ve gone to the coast or to Cooma or to Yass, I’ve been stuck behind a few learner drivers.
Now, I understand they need to learn, but on roads that the limit is 110 and they can’t drive more than 80, I’ve noticed it’s caused a lot of people to get angry and overtake the learner where they shouldn’t.
Back in the days when I got my license, I wasn’t allow to have more than the licensed driver with me when I was on my L’s, has the law changed now because the 3 learners I overtook today had a full car of passengers with them (and they were going 60km/hr on the Federal Highway).
I personally think learner drivers shouldn’t be allowed to drive on roads where the limit is over 100km/hr.