There’s been much derring-ado about revamping Civic (ie. turning it into a better, fresher bloodsucker) due to it’s current state of inherent craptacularity.
I decided that a shanks pony review of the Civic haters perspective was neccessary. Far be it for any human to adopt hate out of hand. So armed with determination I took some mental notes during an extended stroll along the unbeautiful worn red pavers of Civic. I’m sure I noticed more than the following, but if I didn’t remember it then it probably wasn’t worth worrying about.
- The area outside Landspeed has some big filthy holes in the pavement. I don’t know what happened here. Maybe part of paving is getting slowly replaced, some general ditch digging or mayhap some burying of the radio logs from Bushfirapalooza 2003, but filling the holes with roadbase is just too damn ugly. Stick some pavers back in ye shirkers!
- The Sydney Building. Dude, get on to the mother of all scrub downs and a lick of paint, I mean, come ON! Decay makes for a poor visual feature.
- If the paving is broken or plain missing, just slot a new one in. I do this in the back yard all the time, it isn’t rocket science.
- The landscaping all up and down the spot in front of Antigo cafe is ugly as a hatful of assholes. Raze that shit with all due haste. Not to mention the poor water absorbancy over the sloping design of said garden beds, a real piece of nuclear physics that one.
- The lawn outside the Birkenstock store is always going to die away. Always. The tree cover is just to dense for grass to thrive. Though the scent of freshly turned soil reminds me of the old property this also needs to be done with something resembling forethought. Curved paths between knee high garden box beds is the solution for that sucker.
In all, not much that one could reasonably sniff at while making comparisons to the third world. The usual traipse of Civic will avoid much of this. Back alleys don’t count because they are back alleys. By definition they are supposed to be ugly and avoided, frankly I’d miss it if they weren’t. The less people catching me in the hopper bins with my trousers round my ankles the better I say.
… I hope I didn’t say that out loud just now.
Hell, chuck in a suite of tyre swings for all the trees in Garema place and Davey may move in permanenetly. If that doesn’t boost people coming in Civic, then NOTHING will.