14 February 2012

Mountain biking at the Air Disaster Memorial.

| Jclarke
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For these people who trolls, this is not the story for you; –

This may interest you as it has been discussed after what happened. Myself, my girlfriend and my friend (who is another riotACT’er) were moutain biking at the Air Disaster Memorial, early last sunday evening becuase myself and my girlfriend earlier have purchased new mountain bikes. As the three of us have a high interest of the location where the ADM, and we all have previously explored the place countless times.

However….let’s just put it this way; the Air Disater Memorial has its dark history, not just because of the 1940 plane crash but has its dark history of the murder in 1971….When we went there, I parked my car outside the front gate entry of the Fairbarn Pine Plantation – and we all three rode our bikes up there for a while and we checked out places around…and then after a couple of hours around and the day became darker — and things got interesting but yet creepy.

When we returned, to my car and I hooked the bikes on the racks, and I discovered that the battery of my NEW car (2011 Honda CRV – only two weeks old) was completely, drained – I even asked the others and myself, did one of us left the lights on, and apparently, we all didn’t. The lights were off, but what caused the battery go flat mysteriously? There was few shadows we caught in the bushes of the ADM and no, it wasn’t one of these norm animals hanging out at these known haunted places.

We were stuck there for at least an hour, waiting for roadside assistance to come, even an nice guy stopped by to help and jump start the car – but no luck, despite of a brand new battery. It was creepy in the dead of the night, come to waiting, the roadside assist finally came and mentioned that the charge was pretty much charged but however the next second it suddenly dropped the levels for some mysterious reason.

Spirit interaction? Likely. We believe we have read somewhere here and there, that this has happened before.

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On that whole stretch of road, I reckon there’s always more dead roos in that area. And they changed the access road a few years back, blocking off the main one.

Gershwin said :

“I can’t explain it, therefore spirits.”

Massive, massive fail.

Definitely spirits, mixture of rum, gin and tequila ๐Ÿ™‚

Must hold a fatal attraction for some, there was a carbon monoxide poisoning there in the summer of 1975. The body was found a few days after the event. No one wanted the car.

Some believe it is haunted by the ghosts of the airman and politicians killed in the 1940 Hudson bomber crash.

Others believe that the ghost of Keren Rowland haunts the site

Having said that, some of the haunting stories are quite ridiculous such as the cars rolling up hill, a ghostly nurse who runs up to cars and the girl under the cattle grid story.

Having said that I’ve heard of stories where torches and other electronic equipment has failed, even though they had new batteries in them. Co-incidence? Maybe.

Whatever the case, it’s a spooky and atmospheric place therefore one is more likely to .be open to the suggestion that ghosts haunt the site.

Which reminds me, where’s that book you’ve been working on?

I bet Jeff Manny would know the answer to this!

You never know … and sometimes coincidences are incredible (but not yours). I think you were just feeling creeped out by the location, and put, well, nothing & not much together. A friend of mine lives in a house in the inner north where someone was murdered once … hasn’t mentioned any battery problems!

This story puts the anode back into anodyne.

Consider the bigger picture. There is a paintball field right near the carpark, and there don’t seem to be any complaints from visitors and unusually flat batteries. Also, if a ghost _was_ out there, what is the purpose of going around flattening car batteries?

Maybe join one of these groups?

Deref said :

Gantz said :

“Now I’m not saying it was aliens but if was aliens!”


Did any of you experience pain or discomfort in the rectal area?

A’la Eric Cartman?

Deref said :

Gantz said :

“Now I’m not saying it was aliens but if was aliens!”


Did any of you experience pain or discomfort in the rectal area?

Oh man, how unlucky, a flat battery and they forgot their bike seats.

Clearly the work of reptoids, as evidenced by the classic reptoid shadows you saw in the bushes.

Gantz said :

“Now I’m not saying it was aliens but if was aliens!”


Did any of you experience pain or discomfort in the rectal area?

Your honda has a loose battrery lead…

I left my full bin on the curb yesterday and when I came home from work it was empty.

You can’t explain that.

We report. You decide.

colourful sydney racing identity4:49 pm 14 Feb 12

I had an equally frightening thing happen to me this morning.

When I left work yesterday I had around half a litre of milk in the fridge, this morning it was almost all gone! My colleagues have all said that they didn’t use it.

Spirit interaction? Likely. I believe I have read somewhere here and there, that this has happened before

Had the same thing happen to me when I was out there on a Friday 13th with mates. Got back to the car, it’d turn over but it wouldn’t start.

Turns out my mate was being a douche and had unplugged the fuel pump under the car when we weren’t looking.

Acid stratification? Some cars get left in holding yards for a year or so after coming off the ship, and while their batteries do get charged during this time, It is often a low charge and the engine isn’t run. Can also happen in a dealer’s yard.


I have heard others say that the memorial is a creepy place to be though….

“Now I’m not saying it was aliens but if was aliens!”

“I can’t explain it, therefore spirits.”

Massive, massive fail.

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