6 May 2005

Music managers forum

| Kerces
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This turned up in my inbox this morning seeking to go on NowUC only we probably won’t be able to do anything with it before the event.

How are you?
I was hoping that you could post something on your site about the Music
Managers Forum.
I think there would be quite a few musos at UC who would be interested.
Please contact me if you need more info.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Tuesday 3rd May 2005
The ACT Music Managers Forum proudly brings you:

‘So you want to be a star ?
Marketing and promotion in the new millennium’

Covering such topics and questions as Guerrilla Marketing, Publicity within
Radio and TV, running a Dom Perignon campaign on a VB budget and
How can I get my band on the radio?


Scotty Masters FM 104.7 Assistant Program Director

Scotty has been involved in the music scene since his early teens playing
writing and recording music. It was his involvement in music that saw him
take a “part time” gig in radio when 17, and that 6 month part time gig has
turned in a lifelong career. Scott’s responsible for launching the Made in
Canberra feature and Homegrown on Canberra’s 104.7, that has seen dozens of
Canberra bands receive run of station airplay and a higher recognition with
the Canberra public. He is also lead guitarist for Canberra locals Night
Train, a position that has seen him appear on National TV and support the
likes of The Screaming Jets, Spiderbait, Killing Heidi and many more, as
well as gracing the ARIA charts with Night Train’s last single Black Sally

Jane Intini Total Music Business Services (T.M.B.S.)

Jane has been active in the national music industry for a mind-boggling 20+
years. As a freelance publicist and veteran of many areas of music business,
she has a wealth of knowledge & experience she is happy to share with the
ACT industry. She recently got rid of her blue hair extensions because
they hurt and her Mum said at her age they looked ridiculous. To find out
more about Jane and T.M.B.S., go to HYPERLINK “http://www.tmbs.org” \o
“http://www.tmbs.org/” www.tmbs.org

Cole Bennetts BMA Advertising & Marketing Manager

Cole has been hanging around the plastic hallways of the music biz for
sometime now… Working for BMA as the Advertising and Marketing Manager and
staff writer, he’s come face to face with many facets of the beast-thing
called the Music Industry. In between wiping drool of his chin rocking back
and forth Cole may be able to shed some light on the enigmatic machine that
is the music print media

Moderated by Bruce Ryan

When: Tuesday 17th May
Times: 6.30pm for MMF members and from 7.30 pm doors for General public.
Where: King O’Malleys, Civic
Price: Members – FREE. General Admission – $5
For membership applications, manual order forms etc go to HYPERLINK
“http://www.immf.net/au” www.immf.net/au.
For further information, please contact Andi Kippling on
0411 984 019 or HYPERLINK “mailto:andikippling@bigpond.com”
Better Music
Sheet Music
29-31 Colbee Court
ACT 2606
(02) 6282 3199

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