This summer I’m most looking forward to … every single moment! It’s holiday time!
I’m least looking forward to … absolutely nothing in this category. It’s summer baby!
The best swimming pool in Canberra is … in my backyard. At a cost of around $50 we have an inflatable square oasis covered with a gazebo. Cocktails are served in oversized sippy cups so they can float in the water. Dubbed “Moore BoHo” the pool is located by our veggie patch, just within reach of juicy and divine strawberries. Also corn. But it would be super weird to have cocktails and corn.
My favourite freshwater swimming hole is … about one and half hours from Canberra. This secluded swimming hole has a beautiful waterfall and I have been swimming here since I was fifteen. No, I am not sharing the location, sorry!
The best beach on the NSW coast is … any and all beaches? Mimosa Rocks National Park is stunning and in my top three. A beach and national park together is just pure bliss.
Aside from swimming and lounging on the sand/by the pool, when I’m on summer holidays I like to … road trip! There is nothing better than jumping in the car and driving. No destination, no accommodation booked, no GPS. Just me and my Hubby in our little Lexi Lancer with a terabyte of music playing on random. This kind of traveling can stress some people out. Those people don’t often get invited along on our road trips. We do always pack a tent for emergencies in case we can’t find accommodation, but that is rare. We also have plenty of food in a cooler. There is two rules on our road trips – always stop for fresh local roadside food that is for sale and have a rad time!
My favourite summer drink is … any delightful type of berry mixed with soda water, ice, mint and ginger!
My ice-cream of choice is … sorbet, any flavour and Zooper Doopers.
The salads I like to eat in summer are … fresh, mostly from our garden. Also the addition of slowly roasted pine nuts or walnuts with feta make any salad delicious!
The al fresco dining spots I’ll be hanging out in this summer are … Outside on our deck with all previously mentioned delightful garden treats or at our friend’s places.
The sports I’m looking forward to playing this summer are … totem tennis and powerlifting.
The sport I’m looking forward to watching this summer is … cricket.
When it’s too hot to be outside I’ll be … probably still outside, sitting in my BoHo backyard pool or binge watching great TV shows like Please Like Me, Black Mirror or Westworld.
The must-attend summer events this year are … as many local music gigs as I can get to. Also I have a few days blocked out this summer to hit some day spas. Pretty stoked about that whole situation!
The best outings for children this summer are … no idea, I don’t have kids. I reckon the Big Splash Waterpark in Jamison is where it at for kids!
The summer flicks I’m planning to see are … I am making it a summer of all those films I wanted to watch but never did. Avatar. I seriously have never seen Avatar, got to tick that off. The Hunger Games films. I was fortunate / unfortunate to see The Dressmaker last night, what a brilliantly sad / funny film. Suicide Squad was on the list, but I hear I didn’t miss much!
On my holiday reading pile this year are … trashy mags, the non-celebrity type like That’s Life. I also have a pile of UK trash mags from my sister-in-law who lives in London. So excited. Book wise, as always I will read some Minette Walters. I often try and read winners and shortlisted books from the Ned Kelly Awards. Candice Fox has fast become a real favourite of mine but this summer I am keen to check out the 2016 winners including Emma Viskic, Gideon Haigh and Dave Warner.
If you’d like to share your responses to our My Summer cues, please log on and upload your own version for publication in coming weeks.