As part of the upgrades, these banana bars will be removed. Photo: Supplied by Pedal Power.
The National Capital Authority has started upgrades to a cycling path network around Lake Burley Griffin, with six locations around the lake to receive improvements.
Four separate locations at Yarramundi Reach, one location at Acacia Inlet, and one location on Dunrossil Drive, Yarralumla will be upgraded to improve cyclist safety around the lake.
The National Capital Authority (NCA) worked with Canberra’s biggest bike-riding community, Pedal Power and officials from Government House throughout the design process, with their feedback and input informing the final design.
The works across the sites at Yarramundi Reach and Acacia Inlet include the removal of existing ‘banana bars’, widening of the pathway to separate left and right lanes and the installation of safety bollards.
Works at Acacia Inlet also include remediating the bitumen roadway from the intersection of the cycle path crossing all the way to Black Mountain Drive.
Works at Dunrossil Drive include the installation of signage and line marking to slow vehicle speed, the installation of signage, re-routing the cycle path alignment to slow cyclist speed and the creation of significant landscape areas to prevent the creation of shortcuts through grassland areas.
Pedal Power ACT CEO Ian Ross welcomed the NCA’s investment in improvements to the lake paths and in particular the replacement of dangerous banana bars with high quality ‘island’ design bollards.
“These Islands will provide an attractive and highly visible lane separation that will make our paths safer for people walking and riding bikes around the lake, while also serving as a functional barrier to prevent people from driving their cars onto these paths and using those paths to access the lake,” Mr Ross said.
“Pedal Power has been really pleased by the interest taken by the NCA in engaging with the Canberra cycling community to develop solutions that would work for all path users. We think Canberrans will be really pleased with the outcome.
“While the work is being carried out, bike riders will need to be patient, slow down, give priority to pedestrians and exercise some caution using the temporary paths,” Mr Ross said.
Temporary path diversions will be constructed to allow cyclists to negotiate the areas of work without impediment, with the paths being removed once the works are completed, which is expected by 30 June 2019.