Simon Corbell has proudly announced the arrival of new garbage bins in Civic.
A trial of thirty-seven recycling bins in Civic will start from today, Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Simon Corbell, announced today.
“The ACT Government has committed $165,000 to install the new recycling bins and bin shrouds as part of the new public place recycling trial which will run until the end of June 2012,” Mr Corbell said.
“The stainless steel bins will be installed next to existing waste bins around City Walk, Garema Place and the City Bus Station. These bins will increase opportunities for the public to recycle and divert an estimated 12 tonnes of waste from landfill.
“We know that Canberra has the best household recycling rates in the country with around 78 per cent of domestic recycling recovered. New bins in the city will help people continue these good habits when out and about.
Which is all very noble, but there’s not a lot to indicate to the punter which one is going where.
Simon offers this guidance:
“The bins are designed for ease of use with side-by-side shrouds which clearly identify general waste on the left side and recycling on the right and will be located at sites where recycling has been identified as being most effective.
I’m not sure the identification is that clear on the basis of my own inspection this morning.

UPDATE: The Greens are taking credit for this initiative.
Further Update: The TAMS Media Room have been in touch to promise educational stickers:
#6 TAMSMediaRoom
12:17 pm, 15 Nov 11Both the waste and recycling bins will be clearly sign-posted with large A3 signs tomorrow (Wednesday 16 November). The recycling bin signs will have a yellow background, while the waste bin signs will have a green background. Both will show cartoon images of the sort of material that can be deposited in them. The bins will be installed over the remainder of the week. The bins with the smaller access points are for recycling.
However with Simon’s advise to use the bin on the right I’ve been admiring the pair in the bus interchange.
So which is on the left again?
ANOTHER UPDATE: The Greens have been in touch to show they too want more visibly different bins.