I’m a long time Canberra local in my early 20’s and having lived here for a long time I am aware of some of the safer/not so safe etc places. I still look quite young and have had the odd bad experience with strangers over the years but nothing that I couldn’t handle.
I have recently moved from that “university with lots of friends” phase to the “work and not so many friends” stage. My question that I’d like to through out there is how safe is Canberra for a young woman to go out and do things by herself at night? Sure I feel fine going somewhere like the theatre or a movie where there are plenty of crowds moving into the parking lot at the same time but seeing a band that is only on during the week and does not attract so many crowds makes me a bit more uneasy.
Aside from the potential unwanted attention that a female is likely to get at the sort of places that bands might play I also worry that if the wrong person notices I am by myself they might follow me to my car later.
I used to only go out at night with friends but now many have moved away I don’t want to miss seeing a favourite band or something just because I don’t know anyone who also likes them. Am I being silly feeling that this is a little unsafe or is it just that people (male or female) in a city of any size should not wander around by themselves at night?
Where is the line between feeling safe and actually being safe and knowing when your judgement is right? Alternatively should I just worry less about strangers and be happy to go along and chat to people with the same tastes as me?