ACT Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith has said it more important than ever for ACT residents to get the flu shot this year. Photo: Dominic Giannini.
The ACT has recorded no new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours, keeping the Territory’s total at 103.
There has only been one new positive case of COVID-19 confirmed in the last week; however, the Territory recorded its third death from the virus yesterday – a woman in her 60s who contracted the disease on the Ruby Princess cruise ship.
Two cases remain in Canberra hospitals while 79 people have recovered in the ACT.
Just over 20 per cent of the ACT’s cases are active. Two cases are still under investigation for possible community transmission, but this has not happened in the ACT to date, according to ACT Health.
ACT Health is continuing to take appropriate public health action in line with national guidelines, a spokesperson said.
“It is important for Canberrans to remain calm and keep informed, and to keep focussed on the practical things we can all do to protect ourselves, our families and the most vulnerable in our community.”
There have been 6,516 negative tests to date.
The ACT Government also launched its flu shot campaign today, urging Canberrans to get the jab to help protect against flooding emergency departments in the coming months or having the flu and COVID-19 simultaneously.
The ACT Government has established a dedicated COVID-19 website and helpline for all information about the health and economic response to the pandemic in the ACT. For further information visit www.covid19.act.gov.au or call the helpline on 02 6207 7244 between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm daily.
People who are concerned and want further information on the virus can also call the Australian Government’s 24-hour Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.
For more information about flu immunisation visit ACT Health.
More to come.