NXTBUS, the new bus system that could easily have been called NEXTBUS thus saving it from sounding stupid, will commence trails next week.
For those of you who have not paid attention to NXTBUS news thus far, possibly because of its stupid name, the idea is that this new system tracks Canberra buses in real time, allowing commuters to receive accurate and up to date info on exactly how late their buses are running. You will be able to access this info online, over the phone, or on one of the digital displays pictured above.
It’s actually a pretty great idea.
“We are entering an exciting phase in the roll-out of the NXTBUS system with 20 NXTBUS-fitted ACTION buses operating on the Red and Blue Rapid routes (200 and 300 series) for the purposes oftesting the equipment,” Mr Roncon said.
“System testing to take place over the next three weeks will allow drivers and operational staff to ensure the system is running smoothly. The next phase of testing will involve a selected public trial.
“Bus passengers travelling on NXTBUS-fitted buses on the Red and Blue Rapid routes will notice that bus stops will be announced and they will be able to track the progress of their bus from the display screen installed at the front of the bus.”
Mr Roncon said that the NXTBUS display screens at the City bus station are being installed today and will be used during the testing process. Work will continue on installing the screens at other bus stations and major bus stops across Canberra over the coming months.
The displays will show the route, destination, platform number, and if the bus is equipped with a bike rack and/or is wheelchair accessible. During the testing phase a combination of both live arrival times and timetable schedules will also be displayed (‘live’ times will be shown in minutes until the bus arrives, for example ‘5 min’, while scheduled arrivals will be listed in 24 hour time, for example ‘17:05’).
Work has also commenced on the installation of updated signage across Canberra’s 3100 bus stops.
Signs have been installed in over 12 suburbs across Canberra to date. The signs will provide bus riders with the details of how they can access service information once NXTBUS is operational.