Back on 9 May we broke the news that Euro style number plates were coming to Canberra which is a big deal if your car only has a space for a plate with that profile.
Today Simon Corbell has made the official announcement:
“The decision to roll-out these plates in the ACT follows several representations from members of the community who were concerned by the fact that conventional plates did not properly fit their chosen vehicle,” Mr Corbell said.
“This is an issue that the government was happy to consider and is now, pleasingly, in a position to provide these European styled plates to the community, that will match the European styled vehicles which are becoming more and more common on the road.
As reported here earlier they’ll be available in early July (our mail is 1 July) and because they gubbmint is sick of all your fussing they’ll come without holes in them so it will be a drill-you-own affair to suit your funny European car.