31 July 2009

One for the "Hang them high" files

| johnboy
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The ABC has a blood boiling story.

    A Canberra man accused of having sex with his 12-year-old babysitter has pleaded guilty to the charge.

    The incident occurred in December 2008.

    A statement of facts tendered to the court, says the 43-year-old Sudanese born man, from the suburb of Florey, threatened to kill the girl if she did not have sex with him.

Congratulations to the girl’s parents for having raised her strong enough to make a complaint and prosecute it.

Now to see what the sentence is…

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FC said :

Pesty said :

Woody Mann-Caruso said :

There are places in the world where this isn’t considered so bad.

F.cked-up, backwards places that could do with some thermonuclear lovin’.

That’s rediculous. What is needed is to stop supporting them. If they didn’t have so much foreign aid, maybe they would have to spend more time producing food instead of shooting each other with 1st world weapons, then there would be less “refugees” to deal with. I see so many of these peopler around, but not many seem to be working?

Oh My God.
Really sounds like you’ve got the solution there.. :/
I would suggest perhaps the first world stop profiting from their wars and providing them with weapons might assist more than cancelling aid to third world countries (Aid that is usually for people who are victims of war, not soldiers)

well….it would help if the aid actually found it’s way to the people that would most benefit from it……the majority of it does not……the solution here is not to get rid of all sudanese just all sudanese men who rape 12 year old girls…..in fact all men who rape 12 year old girls…..actually all men who rape anyone……

Pesty said :

Woody Mann-Caruso said :

There are places in the world where this isn’t considered so bad.

F.cked-up, backwards places that could do with some thermonuclear lovin’.

That’s rediculous. What is needed is to stop supporting them. If they didn’t have so much foreign aid, maybe they would have to spend more time producing food instead of shooting each other with 1st world weapons, then there would be less “refugees” to deal with. I see so many of these peopler around, but not many seem to be working?

Oh My God.
Really sounds like you’ve got the solution there.. :/
I would suggest perhaps the first world stop profiting from their wars and providing them with weapons might assist more than cancelling aid to third world countries (Aid that is usually for people who are victims of war, not soldiers)

Woody Mann-Caruso said :

There are places in the world where this isn’t considered so bad.

F.cked-up, backwards places that could do with some thermonuclear lovin’.

That’s rediculous. What is needed is to stop supporting them. If they didn’t have so much foreign aid, maybe they would have to spend more time producing food instead of shooting each other with 1st world weapons, then there would be less “refugees” to deal with. I see so many of these peopler around, but not many seem to be working?

kill the third world and who will make our clothes and buy our iron ore?

Woody don’t be so clinical. Infect the country with ebola or, better still, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and crank up the Michael Jackson when they get the jitters.

I hope he doesn’t get bail. There wouldn’t be too many 43 years old black men in Florey. If there are, hide, now.

I won’t judge others cultural beliefs but in my culture this suck royally. Let this monster be the first to rot inside the AMC then, when he is a frail shell of his foremer self, he can get straight on a plane back from whence he came. The sexual abuse of kids has to stop!

Woody Mann-Caruso said :

There are places in the world where this isn’t considered so bad.

F.cked-up, backwards places that could do with some thermonuclear lovin’.

sadly, a lot of the world falls into this category. It is easy to forget just how hard so many people have it compared to our comfortable, insulated lives in one of the safest cities in one of the safest countries in the world.

Woody Mann-Caruso3:31 pm 01 Aug 09

There are places in the world where this isn’t considered so bad.

F.cked-up, backwards places that could do with some thermonuclear lovin’.

pepmeup said :

Stories like this truely make me hope that jail is as bad as it is made out to be in some movies. I feel so sorry for the poor girl and her family. A few people have mentioned that the judicial systme in Canberra is a bit soft, this to me is also worrying as eventually mob anger will rise in the face of soft punishment.

Canberra sentences have been the way they have been for at least the last 30 years or so. Haven’t seen the mob violence and vigilante behaviour yet.

A lengthy sentence is warranted here, but lets leave the ‘hang em high’ to redneck Americans

zig said :

vg said :

That’s a well informed opinion Zig. Even more so considering that an offence of this nature would never have attracted a death penalty.

Dunce cap for you

Righteo your “almightiness”. It depends how far back you go in history. lol

I’d rather see convicted child rapists erased from society rather than given leniant sentencing, only to be released and then reoffend.

Tell me exactly how far back in Australian history I’d have to go to find the capital offence of rape. That’s right…..never.

This offence is abhorrent, but don’t believe the Hollywood stereotype that every offender can’t help themselves but re-offend.

Its also spelt ‘lenient’, the spell check on this board would have told you that

I don’t think the “it’s ok to rape girls where he coes from” defence will wash. Otherwise, he and his cohorts would step off the boat and go about raping everything in a dress, and clearly, they don’t. They know it’s wrong. Which is why he cornered a child in his own home, threatened her into it, and also threatened her if she told. He knows exactly how wrong it is, but chose to do it anyway.


Stories like this truely make me hope that jail is as bad as it is made out to be in some movies. I feel so sorry for the poor girl and her family. A few people have mentioned that the judicial systme in Canberra is a bit soft, this to me is also worrying as eventually mob anger will rise in the face of soft punishment.

V twin venom7:14 am 01 Aug 09

Wisdom from the Deadman

“Bottom line: Somebody committed a crime. Only he should be judged, not everyone who shares his background.

People like you and your racist buddy Venom are ruining this country for everyone else. I think it would be best if you just left.”

Don’t confuse my comment as racism. I actually work in a very multicultural organisation and my direct boss is from a region not far from Sudan. All my collegues are terrific and recieve nothing but my respect.

Yes, one man committed a crime and I do not judge anyone else from his background by his actions.

I stated the obvious. A black man has plead guilty to a nasty crime against a child. Prison is a nasty place for a man who commits such a crime. End of story.

I know. You just have to look at the scale on which women have been suffering rape in the DR Congo. I guess when rape is normalised in a society a person could think it was fine, but they would never be in any doubt as to how their victims felt. I find it hard to get past that. To know you are causing somebody great suffering and to get pleasure from doing it anyway.

I agree Granny, which is what makes is sadder. all I’m saying is that not everyone arond the world shares Australia’s views as to the acceptable treatment of their fellow humans, and sometimes this can manifest itself in evil such as the example in this story.

Addison said :

There are places in the world where this isn’t considered so bad.

… except by the women it happens to.

Pommy bastard said :

What on earth about a persons background could be mitigating in this circusmstance?

Oh, they’ll say he’s a victim of torture, from a warzone, had a terrible childhood etc etc. Therefore it was OK to destroy a 12 year old kid’s life. And if they don’t imprison him, presumably every other kid he gets at.

a terrible story, but don’t forget that not everyone shares the same societal standards as us. There are places in the world where this isn’t considered so bad.

vg said :

That’s a well informed opinion Zig. Even more so considering that an offence of this nature would never have attracted a death penalty.

Dunce cap for you

Righteo your “almightiness”. It depends how far back you go in history. lol

I’d rather see convicted child rapists erased from society rather than given leniant sentencing, only to be released and then reoffend.

Aw shucks 😉

Deadmandrinking6:49 pm 31 Jul 09

vg said :

That’s a well informed opinion Zig. Even more so considering that an offence of this nature would never have attracted a death penalty.

Dunce cap for you

Don’t make me agree with you, you bastard. Here’s your +1

Chopper said :

cant wait until he goes to jail. . .

Yeah, cos THAT happens so often in the ACT. You can, quite literally, get away with murder in this town.

V twin venom said :

from Chopper:
“cant wait until he goes to jail. .” .

from the inmates:
“mmmm, dark meat!

Don’t be confused about the myth that prison is non-stop male rape. The most dangerous thing to deal with in any Australian prison is boredom

That’s a well informed opinion Zig. Even more so considering that an offence of this nature would never have attracted a death penalty.

Dunce cap for you

the 43-year-old Sudanese born man, from the suburb of Florey, threatened to kill the girl if she did not have sex with him.

Bring back capital punishment.

Deadmandrinking6:05 pm 31 Jul 09

Roadrage77 said :

I think I speak for everyone when I declare the Sudanese mass-immigration a huge success.

Of course…1 person, that must mean everyone from Sudan is bad.

Bottom line: Somebody committed a crime. Only he should be judged, not everyone who shares his background.

People like you and your racist buddy Venom are ruining this country for everyone else. I think it would be best if you just left.

I think I speak for everyone when I declare the Sudanese mass-immigration a huge success.

eyeLikeCarrots4:50 pm 31 Jul 09

Preparing myself for the ‘state sanctioned violence’ comments that all the hippies will throw around…

But here goes….

Shoot him…. no 2 ways about it, tap tap in the head….

Deal done… ruin a life by intent, lose your own.

send him back on the boat he arrived on.

disgraceful – poor little girl, my heart goes out to her

People, the sandilands business is in no way relevant. Let’s stay on topic.

>And Astrojax, don’t get me started on that idiot Sandilands and his moronic sidekick

Slightly off topic, if you listened to the full lie detector test, the “moronic sidekick” immediately apologized, and said to kill the interview, then offered counselling. Sandilands is an idiot, and apologized about 30 seconds too late.

The blame lies with her mother, who, rather than protect her child, shamed her on national radio.
Hats off to the parents and child in this story. Two extreme examples of parenting.

Not excusing the really bad behaviour, but if he is a sudanese refuges he probably is well aware of what it’s like for someone else to have a power trip at his expense. That’s what makes this crime so much worse.

perhaps after he serves his sentence here – a one way deportation back to sudan

JB said:
“Congratulations to the girl’s parents for having raised her strong enough to make a complaint and prosecute it.”

While I generally read most stories you post JB, rarely do these include a statement as powerful as the one you’ve made above.

Dealing with people that have been sexually abused, as I do, I am constantly humbled by the strength of character of those victims of sexual abuse that do come forward to make a complaint. Some victims, however, are so badly damaged that they may never be able to come forward (others simply can’t even live with their abuse)and for this also, there is no shame. The shame for sexual abuse, or abuse in general is never with the victim… not then, not now and not in the future. The shame should, and must be placed where it belongs, squarely with the abuser.

And Astrojax, don’t get me started on that idiot Sandilands and his moronic sidekick.

V twin venom said :

from Chopper:
“cant wait until he goes to jail. .” .

from the inmates:
“mmmm, dark meat!

Too true, he’ll learn all about power then, what it is like to have it taken away from him……

As long as Higgins isn’t the magistrate.

V twin venom2:10 pm 31 Jul 09

from Chopper:
“cant wait until he goes to jail. .” .

from the inmates:
“mmmm, dark meat!

cant wait until he goes to jail. . .

I thought it was mostly a bad thing to identify the sex offender when they had a personal connection of some sort to the victim?
ie: Now that Mr [NAME NOT INCLUDED] has been identified in the media, someone can work backward and identfy a few potenital babysitters in the given timeframe, and narrow it down further? The CT have been getting really lax about that kind of thing recently…

Also, if he’s like that with the strangers that take care of his children, has anyone checked on his wife?

Pommy bastard1:25 pm 31 Jul 09

What on earth about a persons background could be mitigating in this circusmstance?

Peewee Slasher1:20 pm 31 Jul 09

Taking the article at face value: Threatening to kill her speaks volumes about the crime of rape being about power. The man is a monster.

Poor little kid.

I’m sure that all things are taken into account (including background) when sentencing comes around.

A (little bit) more information has appeared on the CT, including the man in question’s name – http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/local/news/general/man-pleads-guilty-to-sex-with-babysitter/1583298.aspx

What a terrible thing to have happen.

Hopefully they don’t bring this man’s background into it when sentencing time comes aroung.

kindergarten destroyers, dog poisoners, rapists of 12 yr olds- the act is just one big riot today!

let’s hope this one gets some real justice, unlike the radio guy who aired the rape allegations from another 12 yr old… sick.

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