The GetUp Climate Torch Relay reached its finale yesterday with a great event on the lawns in front of Parliament House.
While Messrs Rudd and Turnbull were otherwise occupied with the melting global financial system (as opposed to melting polar ice caps), Greens leader, Senator Bob Brown was on hand and spoke passionately, vehemently and inspirationally.
Can’t tell you too much about what he said as I was running around taking pics and helping people off-stage etc.
It was a brilliant day. It was short on political rhetoric and big on tips and traps for reducing, recycling and reusing. The GetUp theme was: Be a super hero for climate change, so there were orange capes for to don to signify their will to reduce their use of precious natural resources.
(On topic, I just realised the living room light that’s been burning usefully since 5.30am is now surplus to requirements. Back with you in a few seconds. Flick!)
(Slideshow and more below)
The day was a chance for green-related groups to get some exposure. For example, the latest ‘No Dam’ issue of the Mary River in Queensland was news to me. I’ll certainly be visiting EarthBasics in Fyshwick soon to pick up some earth-friendly cleaning products and thereby stop washing bucket loads of ammonia and other chemicals into the environment. And unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to go chat with ‘Australian Ethical Investments’ about their work.
The day cheered my little community-minded heart no end, as people were encouraged (with a little/lot of jibing from the MC) to have a chat to strangers about what they do to reduce their consumption. My personal tips were the wind-up torch I bought recently that powers one of my mobile phones as well. Or the simple practice of dropping a washing-up tub into the kitchen sink so the grey water can go on the lawn instead of down the sink.
Rhys Muldoon took the microphone-shaped baton during the main part of proceedings, showing what an eminent professional he is, geeing up old and young alike as the torch made its way to the stage, and the elected ones got their 15 minutes of stage time. (As reported elsewhere, I was given some excellent advice from Len of Len’s Hairdressers in Puckle Stree, Moonee Ponds on how to get the suits off stage if needed, but ultimately, with Rudd and Turnbull nowhere to be seen, I didn’t need his hair-sweeping broom to clear the politicians out. Katy Gallagher was slightly in awe of the hard act she had to follow in Bob Brown and MC of the time, Rhys was actually having a chat to me and unaware Katy had finished her shorter than short speech, having to make a mad gallop up the steps to back-announce her.)
Mostly, it was a great day for entertainment. Unfortunately Dubba Rukki weren’t available but there was some great music from Equinox, Chorus of Women, Sarah Daphne Foo, Cyrenes, Fizz, Locki Gillis and Chris Kunze, and the wonderful Simone Penkethman.
Go Google their ar$es!
The impetus from the day will be only carried through if everyone present (and everyone not present) can find the motivation to switch off the V8s and the cricket and 90210 or whatever dross they’re watching, and GetUp (off the couch), StandUp and put some political pressure on our elected brethren and sisteren to do something about climate change.
Oh, and you can probably do something too. Are you actually watching that TV or can it go off now?! That wrapper that just went in the bin: does it have a recycling sign on it?
Disclaimer: ‘Overheard’ is not a member of GetUp (yet) nor is he aligned with any political party or any movement that isn’t somehow related to music.