As advised in a story about the Airport Master Plan being rejected (post #20), Air Services Australia was to launch a new service Webtrak.
This service has now gone live at
WebTrak allows you (after a delay of 20-40 minutes) see the exact flightpath a plane took in or out of the airport, designate your home (or other location) and see the distance and altitude from you, see the noise readings at the Jerra and new Hackett noise monitoring stations as the flight passes, and more.
No military or VIP flights will show, but everything else will be in there for your planespotting pleasure.
The noise monitoring stations are greyed out for me, and I’ve sent a query to the Airport about why this might be.
As a media release from Mike Kelly mentioned, the information on the website is sourced from the air traffic control radars displaying movements within 55 kilometres of the airport and up to a height of 3,000 metres.
And to reiterate my previous link, if you are interested in aggregate flightpaths of arrivals and departures, see the quarterly ASA report and particularly pages 16and 22.
[ED – interestingly the system will also let them pinpoint troublemakers and route around them…]