12 December 2023

PODCAST: The Hoot on Lee's leadership, Schmidt's farewell and climate change cynicism

| Genevieve Jacobs
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Elizabeth Lee and Leanne Castley

Canberra Liberals leader Elizabeth Lee and new deputy leader Leanne Castley said there needed to be a ‘united front’ in leadership before the 2024 election. Photo: Claire Fenwicke.

The Hoot podcast is here with another barnstorming week of commentary on Canberra news and ideas.

David Murtagh and Genevieve Jacobs begin with the considerable changes inside the ACT Liberals and what they mean for the 2024 election campaign.

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The body count on the right is mounting and it’s clear Ms Lee means action. But will it be enough to win back government?

ANU Vice-Chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt is also on the move as his tenure at the top of the country’s leading research university comes to an end.

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His last major speech, at the National Press Club, threw down the gauntlet on trust in government and institutions. But Mr Murtagh has a problem with this “trust the experts” business.

And if you care about climate change, are you actually doing anything about it?

READ ALSO Have we really changed our behaviour enough in response to climate change?

Zoya Patel says almost everyone wants action but fewer people are willing to do anything about the challenges posed by a major global problem – especially if it means we, the consumers, are the ones who have to pay the cost. It feels too easy still to do nothing and leave the heavy lifting to others.

The Hoot appears every week on Riotact and wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple and Spotify. Have a listen, tell us what you think and rate us.

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Sharon Foster12:04 pm 10 Dec 23

Is Mr Murtagh seriously suggesting that government responses to the GFC, Covid etc would have been better if they had listened to NON-experts? Surely most of the problems that did arise were due to expert advice being ignored! He seems to be confusing self-appointed elites (eg politicians), who may think they are expert but are usually not, with actual experts (eg academics, health professionals).

Brendan Vernon5:22 pm 09 Dec 23

Its not me – its them!!

It’s our turn!

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