11 July 2023

PODCAST: The Hoot on Liberal policies, a Scyne of the times at PwC and Taylor Swift

| Genevieve Jacobs
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calvary hospital with the hoot logo

The old signage on Calvary Hospital was removed on Sunday. Photo: Claire Fenwicke.

It’s time for this week’s podcast and the Hoot is on topic with the news of the week from Ngunnawal country. Ross Solly and Genevieve Jacobs argue the toss on opposition politics, corporate failures (and fatherhood failures).

As the Calvary Hospital acquisition saga rolls on, the next stage is a consideration of possible compensation and just terms for the takeover. But how energetic – and well-founded – has the political opposition been?

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READ ALSO Lack of Liberal voice on Calvary exposes an echoing policy void in the Opposition

We’re talking this week about where well-developed Liberal health policies are, particularly on an issue that would seem to suit them well. To be an effective Opposition, you need more than adjectives at your disposal when major issues arise.

READ ALSO Scyne rises from the ashes of PwC’s government work

And it might take more than a miracle to save one of the country’s biggest consultancy firms. PwC has sold off its government work for $1, although the contracts are worth $255 million.

But can a leopard really change its spots? You’ll be intrigued to learn what the organisation’s new name, Scyne, means according to the dictionary.

It seems most of Australia has succumbed to Swifty mania and Ross was no different. But after an over-confident promise and the equivalent of a full working day spent hanging online to score tickets, will Ross be singing along in the front row? And if not, how can he ‘Shake it Off’?

READ ALSO Taylor Swift fans have no idea how good they’ve got it

The Hoot appears every week on Riotact and wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple and Spotify. Have a listen, tell us what you think and rate us.

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