Hi guys,
I’m after some advice in regards to our gas meter readings if anyone can help!???!!
So my partner and I have just recently moved in to a newly built house in the new area of west Macgregor, we are the first people to occupy the house and seeing as we are due to have our meter read shortly I thought I would take a look at the reading so far, anyhow although admittedly Its been quite some time since I have had a gas account of my own to worry about ( I’ve mainly subleased etc over the last few yrs) so there’s the possibility I am reading the meter wrong?
Are any of the digits a fraction? I.e there would normally be a decimal placed between any of the end numbers?
If not my reading seems somewhat very high to me and ticking over at a significant rate if I’m not mistaken!!?!
Yesterday evening at around 6pm I had a look at it and it read 43846, the ’43’ being in the white section followed by ‘846’ in the red, then later on in the evening I decided to check it again to write it down as it seemed high considering we are the first occupants and it read 47312 !?!!? An increase of 3466 !! I understand this reading is in cubic meters which doesn’t make it any better though if anything it makes it worse!!
So can anyone tell me please if I’m reading it incorrectly??
Admittedly also I didn’t think to check the meter when we first moved in, rookie mistake big time on my behalf though I do recall glancing at it and I do remember that it certainly wasn’t anywhere near 0,
So if I’m not reading this wrong my only version is a gas leak??
We are yet to even use the ducted gas heating so its never been turned on by us, we only use it for cooking with if gas cooktop of an evening and our gas hot water is one of the new Rinnai’s & it only heats the water as it is used, being sometimes two short showers a day, hot water when washing dishes , I only use cold wash on if washing machine unless its a cycle for our socks/underwear.
So I would think we use very little gas right??!!
Please any advice would be fantastic!!