19 February 2024

Potentially asbestos-contaminated mulch sold in Canberra

| Ian Bushnell
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asbestos warning sign

The suspect mulch has potentially been used at hundreds of locations across Sydney and regional NSW, and now Canberra. Photo: File.

The potentially asbestos-contaminated mulch rattling people across Sydney has been sold in Canberra.

The ACT Government said the NSW Environmental Protection Authority had advised the ACT EPA on Saturday (17 February) that the potentially contaminated mulch was sold to ACT landscaping supply company Stonehenge Beltana in Pialligo.

The mulch suspected of containing bonded asbestos was marketed locally as ‘cottage mulch’ and sold to 24 companies and 27 addresses in and around Canberra.

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The government said it had acted quickly to prevent any further sale of the possibly contaminated mulch.

“Records are held for many of the purchases, so most customers have already been contacted and informed by the retailer. Others will be contacted in the coming days as they are identified,” it said in a statement.

The ACT EPA was talking with the NSW Government Asbestos Taskforce, which has been established to manage the issue.

The mulch may have been used at hundreds of locations across Sydney and regional NSW.

The ACT had also established a local task force, led by the ACT EPA and bringing together key areas of the government, including WorkSafe ACT.

“The ACT has strong regulatory controls in place around the processing of locally produced mulch,” the government said. “However, mulch can be purchased from interstate and sold and used in the ACT, and this is a key area of current enquiry to protect the community.”

The initial source of the mulch is the southwest Sydney business Greenlife Resource Recovery Facility, and the dates for potentially affected mulch coming to the ACT are between March and November 2023.

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“The ACT EPA would like to thank Stonehenge Beltana for their cooperation and proactive approach in working to support the management of this issue and will also seek to contact known customers,” the government said.

It said the public health risk of bonded asbestos was low.

Updates will be provided on the Access Canberra website at www.accesscanberra.act.gov.au.

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Robert Holmes3:17 pm 20 Feb 24

Here are move details on the ACT
The ACT Environmental Protection Authority (ACT EPA) says the mulch, marketed locally as “cottage mulch”, was sold on to 24 companies and 27 addresses around Canberra.

The NSW EPA advised the ACT EPA on Saturday that potentially contaminated mulch was sold to ACT landscaping supply company Stonehenge Beltana in Pialligo.

Records are held for many of the purchases, so most customers have already been contacted and informed by the retailer. Others will be contacted in the coming days as they are identified.

Capital Retro9:37 pm 19 Feb 24

The only reliable supplier of quality much in Canberra/Queanbeyan is Sapphire Coast Firewood at Queanbeyan. They source their materiel from their own sawmills on the south coast.

A large mulch supplier in Canberra claims their products are checked for quality by an independent assessor but he must have been on leave the last time I got some.

Heaps of rubbish in it and they refused to take it back.

Henry Warner4:02 pm 19 Feb 24

So much of that crushed red brick mulch on nature strips and gardens around town. Often with chunks of very suspicious looking fibreboard fragments. Cars parking on it and people walking through it all crushing it up and making dust! How many properties have been unknowingly contaminated across Canberra?

Robert Holmes2:39 pm 20 Feb 24

Thanks Henry. I had some red brick put on my verge last year. It was all red but have now noticed a lot of the so called red brick has turned white? I have picked a lot of pieces and put them in a plastic bag to have them checked. Dont know who I can use to do that but sure ACT Gov will have someone to have a look at them. Its a worry because cost a couple of thousand to have them put on the verge. If it is asbestos will have to look at my options if they take it away.

Robert Holmes3:22 pm 20 Feb 24

Henry have contacted ACT Access who have a dedicated service on the issue.
Number is 132281 and follow the prompts.
I am happy with the response I received no problem with my red brick.

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