The burn will proceed subject to weather conditions. Image: ACT Government.
Subject to weather and fuel moisture, ACT Parks and Conservation Service will be conducting two prescribed burns starting today (26 November) at the Jerrabomberra Wetlands and Tidbinbilla.
The wood pile burn across a 3.75ha area at Jerrabomberra Wetlands is being conducted to reduce the fire hazard in the nature reserve.
The burn at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve is one pile of eucalypt and wattle debris and will help reduce the fire hazard over summer.
Experienced ACT Parks and Conservation fire managers will conduct and oversee the burning operation and every effort is made to conduct burns in weather conditions that will minimise the impact of smoke; however, ACT Parks and Conservation has advised that temporary smoke cover may be visible across parts of Canberra.
As part of managing the prescribed burn to its conclusion, a buffer zone of up to 20 metres is also created around the complete perimeter of each prescribed burn.
People with asthma, other chronic respiratory and/or chronic cardiac diseases, should not perform vigorous exercise and should stay inside if affected by the smoke. People with asthma in particular should continue their medication and consult their general practitioner if they have any difficulties.
Information and health advice for dealing with outdoor smoke is available at ACT Health and the Asthma Foundation website. If visible smoke in the area causes any emotional distress, visit ACT Health’s Mental Health website to help manage the impacts.