Readers have already expressed a variety of opinions over the Calvary Public Hospital takeover. Photo: Claire Fenwicke.
Are you still working from home? Are you planning to stay that way?
Several recent surveys have suggested that public servants want to work at home and most think they can do so without losing any productivity. In fact, there may even be a boost.
In last week’s poll, we asked Do you work better at home?
619 readers responded. Your choices to vote were No, I can’t focus when Netflix awaits me. This received 33 per cent of the total, or 203 votes. Alternatively, you could vote Yes, fewer distractions and I get heaps more done. This attracted 67 per cent of the total, or 416 votes.
This week, we’re wondering how you feel about one of the most surprising stories of the year so far, the government’s decision to compulsorily acquire Calvary Public Hospital in Bruce in order to provide healthcare on the North side.
Health Minister Rachel Stephen Smith said that negotiations between the ACT Government and Calvary had broken down irretrievably when the government took the decision to take over the hospital because there were no other feasible alternatives.
That suggestion was emphatically refuted by Calvary Health Care’s national CEO Martin Bowles, who told Region that the hospital had heard nothing before being told less than two days before the public announcement.
Mr Bowles said it was now clear that while Calvary and CHS staff had been working together for the past six months, a secret government team was working on the takeover at the same time. There was strong opposition from the Liberals, who described the decision as “a dictatorial stitch-up”.
Reader opinions also differed strongly.
ChrisinTurner wrote “Public Hospitals should be run by governments not organisations reporting to the Vatican”, but another reader said “Imagine pretending that a new building will fix systemic issues. Imagine taking over a functioning contracted service and pretending you can do better”.
And Angie Carey wrote “A second large public hospital is needed in Canberra. So is the requirement that private hospitals be responsible for emergency post-operative care on procedures they undertake instead of pushing their patients onto the public system. Canberra should have at least one private hospital emergency department (requiring payment)”.
Our question this week is: